Question NW2661 to the Minister of Health

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10 December 2021 - NW2661

Profile picture: Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN

Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN to ask the Minister of Health

With reference to his reply to question 1753 on 18 June 2021, wherein he stated that consequent management processes are still underway and his department still awaits the Special Investigating Unit report to supplement its processes, what (a) are the names of the individuals involved and (b) has his department done to date to make them account for their deeds?


Following receipt of the SIU Report (the Report) on 29 September 2021 the investigators appointed to assist the National Department of Health reviewed the Report and supplemented their legal opinion on proposed charges against implicated officials.  Charges were subsequently issued to all affected officials who are identified in the SIU and Ngubane Report’s and based on the advice from the investigators.  The Disciplinary Hearing for the affected officials has commenced and is currently underway. 



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