Question NW1574 to the Minister of Public Service and Administration

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05 November 2021 - NW1574

Profile picture: Gondwe, Dr M

Gondwe, Dr M to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1) With reference to his reply to question 490 on 21 April 2021, what (a) are the reasons that the positions have not been filled permanently and (b) steps has his department taken to ensure that the positions are filled with permanent appointments; (2) whether his department has taken any steps to determine the impact of the vacancies on the performance of the respective departments; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether he will make a statement in this regard; if not, why not; if so, on what date?


(1)(a) Directors-General and Heads of Department are appointed on fixed term contracts. Positions become vacant when a Head of Department vacates her or his position. Reasons for vacancies are due to the previous National Macro-Organisation of Government and contracts ending. Departments are at different points of the recruitment process to finalise the process of the filling of the post in the respective departments.

(b) It is the responsibility of the relevant Minister of every department in the case of a National Head of Department to advise the President of the vacancy of a National Head of Department in order to manage the process of the filling of the post. The MPSA provides support and guidance to departments on the policy matter pertaining to same and has a guide in place for the filling of such posts. In addition the MPSA has issued various circulars as well as provided reports to the President on the matter.

(2) Departments are consistently provided with support from the MPSA and DPSA on the matter of vacancies. The relevant Executive Authority of a department in terms of Section 3(7) of the Public Service Act, 1994 is responsible for recruitment and appointment and the filling of vacancies in terms of the Public Service Act, 1994 and Public Service Regulations, 2016. Vacant HoD posts are occupied in an acting capacity for business continuity of a department, as such an acting HoD is responsible for the deliverables of the department and reporting such through the required structures. Performance is reported through the Annual Performance Plan and Annual Operational Plan by each department through their relevant Executive Authority. MPSA is responsible for the development of norms and standards and will continue to support departments.


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