Question NW1536 to the Minister of Social Development

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06 July 2021 - NW1536

Profile picture: van der Merwe, Ms LL

van der Merwe, Ms LL to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)By what date (a) will her department submit the report to Cabinet, which was funded by the European Union and commissioned by the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation relating to identifying and costing of core gender-based violence (GBV) services and (b) does her department intend to use the costing model to inform as to how they will fund GBV services, from shelters to post-rape care; (2) by what date does she envisage the new inter-sectoral policy on shelters will likely be finalised and made operational?


1. (a) The Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation is the lead department in the research on identifying and costing of core gender-based violence (GBV) that was commissioned and funded by the European Union. The DSD is an important stakeholder in this process and support the outcome of the research. Once approval has been granted by all relevant forums, the implementation of the recommendations will resume. The planned activities are:

(i) First quarter (April – June 2021): the DG Social Development approved the report;

(ii) Second quarter (July – September): the report will be presented to the DG DPME and Social Cluster for endorsement and approval;

(iii) Third and Fourth quarter (October – December): report will be presented to Cabinet for approval.

(b) Yes, the department intends to use the costing model to inform as to how to fund GBV services, from shelters to aftercare services including post-rape care.

2. The new Intersectoral policy on sheltering services has been presented in the Departmental management structures. The plan is to finalise the policy approval by various stakeholders in the current financial year in order for its operation to resume in the financial year 2022/23.

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