Question NW2209 to the Minister of Public Service and Administration

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08 December 2020 - NW2209

Profile picture: Schreiber, Dr LA

Schreiber, Dr LA to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(a) What is the total number of (i) fulltime shop stewards and (ii) national office bearers elected by labour unions that are employed and paid by the State in the public service and (b) will he furnish Dr L A Schreiber with a breakdown of the number of (i) full-time shop stewards and (ii) national office bearers elected by labour unions employed and paid by the State in the public service in each (aa) national government department, (bb) provincial government department and (cc) public sector labour union?



(i) The total number of fulltime shop stewards elected by labour unions and paid by the state in the Public Service is 395.

(ii) The total number of elected National office bearers electedby labour unions that are employed and paid by the State in the public service is 32.

b) Breakdown of the number of (i) full-time shop stewards and (ii) national office bearers elected by labour unions employed and paid by the State in the public service in each (aa) national government department, (bb) provincial government department and (cc) public sector labour union is attached hereto as TagA1.
