Question NW2616 to the Minister of Tourism

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08 December 2020 - NW2616

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Tourism

(1) With reference to the training provided to the Department of International Relations and Cooperation for the missions abroad, (a) what training is provided, (b) how often is the specified training provided and (c) how is the (i) efficiency and (ii) impact of the training measured; (2) what (a)(i) training has been provided and (ii) to which missions has training been provided in the past three financial years to date, (b) are the outcomes of each such training and (c) what impact has the training had in each case?


(1) (a) What training is provided.

Training to South African Missions abroad falls within the ambit of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO)- The DIRCO training Academy. The key training programmesfacilitated by DIRCO is the Heads of Mission-Designate Programme (HOMD), the Mission Preparation Programme(MPP), Spousal Programmeand where applicable the Continuous Professional Development Programme (CPD - One day courses).

Training modules provided to the Missions is as per request from the DIRCOTraining Academysince 2018. Tourism training covers the following:-

  • Head of Mission Designate: Tourism Overview.
  • Mission Readiness: Destination Marketing / Learn SA.
  • Tourism Masterclass including case studies (Full Day).
  • Spousal Destination Marketing Training.
  • Providing tourism performance information, consumer insights and research for tourism planning purposes.
  • Market Insight Sharing.
  • In-country branding and destination marketing support and toolkits for Missions.
  • Trade training and trade engagements and hosting.
  • Media and media engagements, including media interviews and roundtable discussions opportunities for the Mission.
  • Trade and consumer fairs/shows, exhibitions, activations and SAT roadshows participation.
  • Speaking opportunities at SAT marketing activations and platforms.
  • Destination Marketing/Learn SA.

b) How often is the specified training provided?

Tourism Training to DIRCO employees is conducted at DIRCO Head Office and through virtual platforms. Training is provided if and when requested by the Diplomatic Academy & International School of DIRCO. These Programmes as per above (1)(a) are facilitated Bi- annually and/or annually by DIRCO.

(c )How is the :

(i) Efficiency measured

DIRCO is best placed to advise on the how efficiency is measured for their in-house training programmes for which SAT is a service provider.

Efficiency of the programmes is measured by SAT through conducting feedback evaluations at the end of each training programme. This assists in determining whether the learning objectives and outcomes of each programme have been met.

(ii) Impact of the training measured

The training provided to the missions has ensured a consistent brand positioning of South Africa as a leisure and business events destination in the different markets.

(2) What :(a) (i)Training has been provided.

The Department of Tourism is invited to present on the Tourism Sector as a key pillar of economic diplomacy which includes an overview of the Department’s programmes and projects for the financial year in order for missions to assist in:

  • Enhancing the promotion of SA as a preferred tourism destination through SA’s missions abroad;
  • Facilitate the promotion of tourism as a trade and investment opportunity; and
  • to obtain market insights through the missions abroad relevant to the tourism sector growth and development.

South African Tourism is also invited during this session to present on their prioritised markets, tourism trends and what support could be provided to Missions to market South Africa as a key leisure and business tourism destination.(Refer also to (1) (a))

(a)(ii) To which missions has training been provided in the past three financial years to date.

Training is available to all missions as per agreed business plans and per DIRCO Schedule.The Diplomatic Academy & International School has not requested any specific training to any specific Mission during the past three years. Training focused on the programs highlighted above.( 1) (a) and (2(a)(i)

(b) What are the outcomes of each such training and (c) What impact has the training had in each case.

Our strategy is to partner with the Missions and to empower them with insights, content, brochures and promotional materials so they are able to support marketing and promotion of the destination.Furthermore, to enhance their understandingof thecontribution of tourism to the South African economy and how missions abroad can assist in tourism promotion and facilitation through DIRCO’s global footprint. Through these training programmes DIRCO has been able to support the efforts of the Department of Tourism and South African Tourism in promoting South Africa as a key leisure and business tourism destination by leveraging from their network of Diplomatic Missions abroad.

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