Question NW2796 to the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology

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03 December 2020 - NW2796

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology

(1)With reference to the Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Sector Education and Training Authority and the online management system, (a) what are the reasons that a new system has not gone live to date and (b) on what date will registration commence; (2) what (a) information and data protection processes and mechanisms are in place that meets the Promotion of Access to Information Act, Act 2 of 2000, and (b) are the reasons that these are not operable; (3) (a) what are the reasons that some legacy learner registrations reflect as new registrations and vice versa and (b) on what date will this be fixed; (4) what (a) is the turn-around time for learner approvals and (b) are the reasons that (i) a high number of approvals is pending and (ii) learners need to be approved in the first instance; (5) what are the reasons that an applicant’s identity number is not used to ascertain their age?


The following responses were received from the Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Sector Education and Training Authority (CATHSSETA).

(1) (a)    The system was implemented in the following phases:

- Human Resource Management modules commenced on 1 August 2019

- Finance module commenced on 1 September 2019

- Skills Development modules commenced on 1 August 2020

- Supply Chain Management module commenced on 1 November 2020

(b)  CATHSSETA has successfully been registering learners on the system since the first quarter of 2020/21 as reported to the Department in its quarterly performance information report.

(2) (a)  CATHSSETA has a Records Management and ICT Security Policy that regulates how both physical and electronic information should be accessed and handled. These policies are in line with the POPI Act. Furthermore, CATHSSETA has a records management procedure and a user account management process, which guide on how access to information, records and systems should be conducted. CATHSSETA uses a unique password for each user who accesses CATHSSETA systems and uses an encryption mechanism to secure access to electronic information and systems.

(b) CATHSSETA’s current policies, processes and mechanisms are operational.

(3) (a) CATHSSETA migrated the legacy data from the old information management system, as well as information that was reported through spreadsheets when the system was under development into the new system.  One of the processes required to ensure that information transferred to the new system is credible was for providers and employers to confirm through an activation process the accuracy of the data.  The date of activation is the only aspect that reflects as a new activation and not a new registration.

Employers/providers who had conducted training during the system development phase were not expected to register their learners as new. They were given an opportunity to submit a spreadsheet of historic data, which was uploaded on the system. Their responsibility in this aspect was to then activate the records as a means of confirming the credibility of the data.

When CATHSSETA was conducting training on the new system, there was confusion amongst providers on processes to be followed. This has been addressed through a memorandum that went out to stakeholders advising them of the two separate processes, i.e. one for registering new learners and another for activating legacy learners.

(b)  Nothing needs to be fixed on the system; however, based on the need, training sessions are undertaken to capacitate stakeholders on the various system functionalities. Furthermore, inputs to enhance system functionality are being deployed based on the feedback received from stakeholders.

(4) (a)  In terms of the Workplace Based Learning Programmes Regulations (Regulation 10(i)), CATHSSETA has 30 days to register a learner on a learning programme provided all requirements for the registration have been met.

(b)  (i)  From the information at the SETA’s disposal, there is no high number of approvals pending.  Approvals are done in line with the provisions of the Regulations.

(ii)  Learners need to be approved/registered in terms of the Workplace-Based Learning Programmes Regulations (Regulation 10) which requires SETAs to make a decision on whether or not to register (approve) learners.

(5)  One of CATHSSETA’s requirements for learners’ registration are copies of a recently certified identity document. The SETA is therefore able to verify the authenticity of learners. Currently, the SETA is working with service providers to ensure that the system automatically calculates the learner’s age. It is one of the ongoing system enhancements that CATHSSETA and the service provider are engaged in. CATHSSETA remains committed to ensuring that it delivers an effective, efficient and user-friendly system.

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