Question NW2389 to the Minister of Health

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29 October 2020 - NW2389

Profile picture: Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN

Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN to ask the Minister of Health

What (a) total number of complaints have been lodged with the Health ProfessionsCouncil of South Africa against a certain doctor (name and details furnished), (b) are the details of each complaint, (c) number of the specified complaints resulted in an investigation that included, but was not limited to, site visits to his practice to verify that he maintains proper patient records that are in line with his medical fees and treatments he claims to provide, (d) number of the complaints resulted in him being charged and (e) were the outcomes of each complaint?


a) Four (4) complaints were lodged against Dr Pretorius;

b) The details of each complaint are as follows:

    1. Complications following cancer treatment;
    2. Incompetence;
    3. Use of off-label insulin to treat cancer; and
    4. Negligence related to cancer treatment: allegations of misrepresentation as a cancer treatment doctor and further investigation related to whether the amount of R400,000.00 charged over a period of 7 months was in line with the treatment provided.

c) All the complaints were investigated but the investigations did not include a site visit to his practice;

d) Below is the list of cases and (e) the outcomes of each complaintare as follows:



(i) Complications following cancer treatment

The complaint was withdrawn in Feb 2020 at Inquiry by the complainant. File closed

(ii) Incompetence

At Inquiry awaiting an expert opinion and the matter will be set down for a hearing

(iii) Use of off-label insulin to treat cancer

Inquiry matter. Hearing set down for February 2021

(iv) Negligence

Matter under investigation. Lodged in Oct 2020


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