Question NW1834 to the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

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16 September 2020 - NW1834

Profile picture: Sindane, Mr P

Sindane, Mr P to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

(a) What total number of (i)(aa) prison officials and (bb) inmates have been affected by COVID-19 to date and (ii) the specified persons have since died in each case and (b) how is his department dealing with overcrowding in correctional centres during the lockdown to curb the spread of COVID-19?


(a)(i) (aa) A total of 4 136 officials have been infected with COVID-19 as at 23 August 2020.

(bb) A total of 2 336 inmates have been affected by COVID-19 as at 23 August 2020.

(ii) A total of 60 officials and 43 inmates have died due to COVID-19 related illnesses as at 23 August 2020.

(b) The President of South Africa in terms of section 84(2)(j) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, read with section 82(1)(a) of the Correctional Services Act, 1998 (Act No. 111 of 1998) and for the purpose of addressing, managing and combatting the spread of the COVID-19 virus in all Correctional Centres in the Republic, authorised the consideration and placement on parole of certain category of sentenced offenders, who are or would have been incarcerated on 27 April 2020 subject to such conditions as may be approved by the Correctional Supervision and Parole Board under whose jurisdiction such sentenced offenders may fall.

The Special Parole Dispensation was announced by the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services on 08 May 2020. Approximately 19 000 sentenced offenders who committed non-violent crime and were left with 60 months or less before the minimum detention period (MDP) will be released on parole.

  • As at 20 August 2020, a total 10 153 offenders have been released on Special Parole Dispensation.
  • The inmate population on 20 May 2020, (releases started on this date) was 155 069 which translated into an occupancy level of 130.78% and an overcrowding level of 30.78%.
  • The inmate population as on 20 August 2020, was 138 070, which translates into an occupancy level of 114.52% and an overcrowding level of 14.52%.
  • Since the commencement of the implementation of the 2020 Covid-19 Special Parole Dispensation the department down managed overcrowding in correctional centres with an overall of 16.26% (from 155 069 to 138 070)
  • The above are examples of how the Department of Correctional Services is successfully dealing with overcrowding in correctional centres to curb the spread of COVID-19.
  • The Department also recommend that the Courts should consider alternative sentencing as this will also assist with the management of the COVID-19 in correctional services.


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