Question NW1912 to the Minister of Tourism

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07 September 2020 - NW1912

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Tourism

(1)Whether, with reference to her reply to question 1233 on 28 October 2019, any Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) has been signed with the relevant authorities in each province in the past three financial years; if so, (2) what are the details of (a) all the persons with whom each specified MOU and MOA was signed respectively and (b) the date on which each MOU and MOA was signed; (3) what are the details of the (a) procedures that have been put in place to ensure that the terms of the memoranda are adhered to and (b) timelines and deadlines that have been set for each memorandum?


1. The Department of Tourism has signed Memoranda of Understanding and Agreements (MOU and MOA) with the relevantManagement Authorities of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in each province, to unlock the potential and competitiveness of tourism in these World Heritage Sites (WHSs). Between 2017/18to 2019/20 financial years the Department has signed MOUs and Agreements with Management Authorities of the following state institutions:Robben Island Museum (WC), Cradle of Humankind (GP), iSimangaliso Wetland Park (KZN), Maloti Drakensberg Transfrontier Park (KZN), Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape (LP), Khomani Cultural Landscape (Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park - NC), Barberton Makhonjwa Mountains(MP), Richtersveld Cultural Landscape (NC), Cape Floral Region (WC & EC) and Vredefort Dome (FS).

(2) The signed MOUs and Agreements clearly outline delegation of authority and powers, roles and responsibilities of each party, governance and institutional arrangements, to support and guide project implementation. The MOUs are signed by the delegated authority in the respective institutions.

(3) (a) and (b) In line with the above response, the signed MOUs and Agreements delineate roles and responsibilities of each party including setting up Project Steering Committees (PSC) to oversee the management of the projects and adherence to contractual obligations including project duration and timeframes for delivery. Most importantly the the PSC provides consistent support and monitor progress throughout the implementation phases of the project/s.


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