Question NW1188 to the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

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02 July 2020 - NW1188

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

(a) How will the Government assist to create opportunities for illegal miners in Namaqualand to mine legally and (b) what proposals are being put in place in this regard?


(a) The Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act 28 of 2002) as amended, allows any person (legal/natural) to apply for either mining rights, prospecting rights or mining permits. The department has a Small Scale Mining Section which is responsible to assisting those who are struggling financially to apply for permits or rights. Applications can be accepted and processed only where there is no existing applications or rights issued for the same mineral and land. Illegal activities that are taking place in Namaqualand are in respect of areas that are part of rights already issued to other entities. It is unfortunate that others resort to conducting illegal mining instead of approaching the Department for assistance.

(b) There was a process initiated by the department to engage the legal right holders before national lockdown to work on a plan to accommodate the illegal miners in the area. The department also advised the illegal miners to form Cooperatives so that they can be collectively assisted (where possible), and only on areas where no entity holds a right or permit. NW1493E



Recommended / Not Recommended

Advocate TS Mokoena

Director General: Department of Mineral Resources and Energy


Approved/Not Approved

Mr SG Mantashe

Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

Date Submitted:-……………/………………/2020

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