Question NW1000 to the Minister of Health

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19 June 2020 - NW1000

Profile picture: Groenewald, Dr PJ

Groenewald, Dr PJ to ask the Minister of Health

(1)(a) Until what date will the Cuban health care workers who travelled to the Republic to render assistance with the Covid-19 pandemic, be needed, (b) by what date will all the Cuban health care workers return to Cuba, (c) to whom will the remuneration for the services of the health care workers be paid and (d) which country will pay for the return of the health care workers; (2) whether he will make a statement on the matter?


1. (a) South Africa appreciates the help from the Cuban Government. The Cuban health care workers will stay as long as needed and the current arrangement is for a period of 12 months, and reviewed quarterly;

(b) It is expected that if all goes as planned the Cuban brigade will travel back to Cuba on the month of May 2021;

(c) The salaries for the Cuban health care workers will be paid to the health care workers individual bank accounts, like any other employee employed in the South African Public Health Sector;

(d) In accordance with the signed Government-to-Government Agreement between the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Cuba, the air transport at the end of the contract will be at the expense of the receiving Country.

2. As the statement was made when the Cuban brigade arrived in South Africa, it will be necessary for the government of the Republic of South Africa to make a statement when they leave, to thank them for their selfless service in assisting the Republic in its fight against COVID-19.


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