Question NW902 to the Minister of Health

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08 June 2020 - NW902

Profile picture: Wilson, Ms ER

Wilson, Ms ER to ask the Minister of Health

In light of the budget constraints in the public health sector, particularly at provincial level, (a) what has it cost his department to accommodate repatriated South Africans at the quarantine sites to date and (b) from which budget(s) were or will the costs be paid?


(a) The State’s position has always been to first utilise state-owned facilities before utilising private facilities, the cost would differ based on facility availability, type of facility and ownership thereof.

For private-owned facilities the operational costs are included in the rate negotiated with the facilities and excludes all clinical services. The rate is negotiated by the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) for each site and as such the National Department of Health does not get involved in this other than to provide the clinical and support services.

The costs therefore would be a combination of costs associated with the clinical services, support services and operationalisation of these sites as carried by the Department of Health and the procurement of private facilities as currently carried by the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure.

(b) The Department of Public Works and Infrastructure will be responsible for the infrastructure costs relating to quarantine facilities and the Department of Health will be responsible for the operationalization costs of the quarantine facilities.


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