Question NW1700 to the Minister of Public Enterprises

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07 January 2020 - NW1700

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

What is the nature of the agreement between Transnet and Dr Beyers Naudé Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape pertaining to the borehole that services Wolwefontein in respect of (a) maintenance, (b) fuel supply for the pump, (c) water provision to the community and (d) future transfer of the borehole to the auspices of the specified municipality?


This response is according to information received from Transnet:

In response to the above questions, there is no agreement between Transnet and Dr Beyers Naudé Local Municipality pertaining to the borehole that supplies water to the community of Wolwefontein in the Eastern Cape.

(a)&(b) The borehole is the property of Transnet and is operated and maintained by service providers appointed by Transnet. Part of the maintenance includes the supply of fuel for the pump. The borehole has been out of service from August 2019 and a service provider was appointed to effect repairs, however, the service provider has been experiencing challenges to restore the water supply for the community of Wolwefontein.

(c) Currently, water is being supplied to the community with a tanker service to provide immediate relief.

(d) A new borehole will be drilled, preferably in front of the police station. The exact location will depend on the water table survey. Water can be restored within six (6) weeks after completion of the drilling of the borehole, considering that quality of water needs to be treated, together with other works that may be required. Until such time that the new borehole is functional, the tanker service will continue to supply water to the community of Wolwefontein.

Lastly, Transnet has no objection to the borehole being transferred to the Dr Beyers Naudé Local Municipality. It must be noted that high level meetings were held in 2013 and 2014, between Transnet and the Dr Beyers Naudé Local Municipality to transfer the ownership of the borehole to the municipality, but no agreement was reached.


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