Question NW913 to the Minister of Social Development

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07 January 2020 - NW913

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Social Development

Whether she retained any of her predecessor’s Ministerial staff; if so, (a) what are the names and/or relevant details of staff members who were retained, (b) where have they been redeployed to and (c) what is their current (i) job description and (ii) remuneration package in each case?


1. Yes, the Minister retained some of the officials who served the previous / former Minister, but also released some of the officials in accordance with the Ministerial Handbook.

2. It is key to indicate that prior the introduction of Ministerial Handbook there were officials across Ministerial portfolios which were appointed permanently within Offices of different Ministers hence the below categories of staff compliments within Minister’s Office:

2.1 Permanent Contract:

The Accounting Officer is bound to accommodate officials with permanent contractual agreement. Furthermore they can be approached by considering the skills, competencies and qualifications they possess for correct placement in the vacant posts within the department by following due processes. The department has then placed the six (6) officials within the available vacancies in line with their expertise, competencies and skills.

The Minister retained an official whose contract was linked to the former Minister’s term of office. Minister needed the official’s skills and competencies to continue performing the work within her office;

The Minister did not have a vacancy for the Chief of Staff and the department found a placement in the department for the official. Transitionally the official is being managed by the Deputy Director-General: Corporate Support Services whilst finding a permanent placement. Furthermore the final placement will be addressed through the processes of organisational reconfiguration. Below is the list of officials redeployed within the department:-

a) Initials and surname

b) Redeployment

(c)(i)Current job description

(c)(ii) Current remuneration package

Ms SP Baninzi

Chief Directorate: Auxiliary Services

Administrative Assistant

R316,791.00 p.a.

Mr MM Koma

Office of the Director-General

Director: Stakeholder Management, Donor Funding and Coordination

R1,105,641.00 p.a.

Ms V Mangcu

Chief Directorate: Legal Services

Director: Legal Services

R1,245,495.00 p.a.

Ms M Nkone

Office of the Director-General (Cape Town Office)

Food Aid Service

R145,281.00 p.a.

Mr HLH Xaba

Office of the Director-General

Senior Administrative Officer.

R376,596.00 p.a.

Ms S Gola

Chief Directorate: Information Management Systems Technology

Administrative/secretarial Support

R470,040.00 p.a.

Ms TM Zabo

Branch Corporate Support Services

Providing support to the Deputy Director-General: Corporate Support services

R1,495,956.00 p.a.

Mr D Sambamba

Chief Directorate: Legal Services

Director: Legal Services



Approved by the Minister of Social Development


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