Question NW1026 to the Minister of Police

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09 October 2019 - NW1026

Profile picture: Clarke, Ms M

Clarke, Ms M to ask the Minister of Police

(1) Whether the patrol vehicles of the Elsburg Police Station have been branded and fitted with blue lights; if not, (a) why not and (b) by what date will this be done; (2) (a) what was the total cost of the recent reno\lation of the specified police station and (b) how long did the renovation project take?


(1) Yes, all the patrol vehicles of the Elsburg Police Station have been branded and fitted with blue lights.

(1)(a)(b) Not applicable.

(2)(a)(b) The old police station building was vacated, on 18 March 2019, due to a Prohibition Notice, by the Department of Labour and a new location for premises was identified, in Wadeville. There are currently no renovations at the new premises, which is situated at 100 to 102 Nagington Road, Wadeville.


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