Question NW516 to the Minister of Public Service and Administration

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25 March 2019 - NW516

Profile picture: Mente-Nkuna, Ms NV

Mente-Nkuna, Ms NV to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(a) What number of (i) buildings, (ii) properties and (iii) facilities does her department currently (aa) own and (bb) rent, (b) what is the value and purpose of each (i) owned and (ii) rented property and (c)(i) for how long has each property been rented, (ii) from whom is each property rented and (iii) what is the monthly rental fee for each property?


(a) The number of:

(i) buildings: 2

(aa) own: 0

(bb) rent: 2

(ii) properties: 0

(iii) facilities: 0

(b) The value and purpose of each:

(i) owned: n/a

(ii) rented property:

  • Maponya Mall: Office Accomodation
  • Batho Pele House Office Accomodation

(iii) Value of the properties unknown

(c) (i) for how long has each property been rented,

  • Maponya Mall: February 2010
  • Batho Pele House December 2015

(ii) from whom is each property rented:

  • Maponya Mall: Department of Public Works
  • Batho Pele House Department of Public Works

(iii) what is the monthly rental fee for each property?

  • Maponya Mall: R510 889.88
  • Batho Pele House R3 227 378.00

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