Question NW3397 to the Minister of Transport

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22 November 2018 - NW3397

Profile picture: Macpherson, Mr DW

Macpherson, Mr DW to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)(a) What is the reason for the non-completion of the road widening project on the N2 North bound between Ballito and Stanger and (b) by what date (i) was the project supposed to be completed and (ii) will the project be completed; (2) (a) What amount (i) has been spent to date on the construction of the specified road, (ii) has been spent to date on safety measures for motorists including onsite personnel and (iii) is required to complete the project and (b) have any charges been laid against the contractor(s) who did not complete the road construction; (3) Has each company that was involved in the project been blacklisted; if not, why not; if so, what are the details of the previous contractor(s), including the (a) name and (b) identity number of each director?


  1. (a) Nyoni Projects was appointed through open tender process on 23 February 2016 to complete the roadworks at both the Mhlali and Mvoti River crossings, with an estimated completion date of 22 February 2017. The Contractor had experienced significant cashflow problems and went into business rescue on 3rd October 2017. After various meetings between Nyoni Projects, the Business Rescue Practitioner and SANRAL, SANRAL terminated the Nyoni Projects contract on 14th February 2018 after their liquidation. SANRAL had requested National Treasury to approve a deviation to appoint the second lowest tenderer. National Treasury did not approve this, but instead approved that all previous tenderers be invited to submit a price to complete the outstanding works. This process has since started to source the service providers to complete the project.

(b) (i) 22 February 2017

(ii) A date has not been set since the new contractor has not yet been appointed due to unresolved matters with National Treasury. A total of ten months is required to complete the works.

(2) (a) (i) R15 678 620.13 (Excl. VAT)

(ii) For nine months from February 2018 until October 2018, a total of R 562,962.00 (Excl. VAT)

(iii) Latest estimate R65 764 304.37 (Excl. VAT)

(b) As the construction company has been liquidated, the Performance Guarantee to value of R5.7 million was paid by the guarantor to SANRAL for the non-performance by the contractor in fulfilling his obligations to complete the contract.

3. As indicated the company Nyoni Projects (Pty) Ltd has been liquidated and are no longer in existence.

(a) The directors of Nyoni Projects (Pty) Ltd were Macloud Nyoni (Managing), Sibongile Nyoni (Financial), Gugulethu Samantha Nyoni

(b) Identity Numbers:

Macloud Nyoni (Managing) - 660313 5567 084

Sibongile Nyoni (Financial) - 670928 0895 082

Gugulethu Samantha Nyoni - 920601 0812 083

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