Question NW3405 to the Minister of Basic Education

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15 September 2015 - NW3405

Profile picture: Boshoff, Ms SH

Boshoff, Ms SH to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)In respect of each province and each district, how many schools (a) have Disaster Management Procedures and Emergency Plans in place and (b) conduct regular evacuation trial runs; (2) in respect of each province and each district, how many schools (a) have access control measures in place for (i) learners, (ii) educators and (iii) visitors and (b) conduct random searches on students in conjunction with the SA Police Service?


(1) Disaster Management Procedures and Emergency Plans are basic requirements to ensure the safety of learners and teachers and should be drafted and implemented by all schools. (a and b) The Department does not have specific data as requested on how regular evacuation trials are practiced by schools;

(2) As mentioned above, Access Control Measures is also a basic requirement for school safety and should be implemented:

(a) By all schools for (i) learners (ii) educators and (iii) visitors;

(b) Searches and seizures are conducted on reasonable suspicion by the South African Police Services (SAPS), in conjunction with principals and senior management teams. Specific data regarding the number of schools implementing this requirement is not available to the Department and resides with the provinces.

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