Question NW2596 to the Minister of Transport

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01 November 2018 - NW2596

Profile picture: Nolutshungu, Ms N

Nolutshungu, Ms N to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)Is the SA National Roads Agency Ltd (Sanral) receiving funding from the National Treasury for the N2 Wild Coast toll road; if so, what amount; (2) is Sanral borrowing funds for the N2 Wild Coast toll road; if so, (a) from whom, (b) what amount will be borrowed and (c) what will be the toll charged on the specified toll road?


1. Yes, since 2011 the upgrading of the existing sections of the N2 Wild Coast project between East London and Port St Johns via Mthatha has been funded through SANRAL MTEF budget allocation. In the current SANRAL MTEF allocation an amount of R2.055 billion has been specifically earmarked for N2 Wild Coast project.

2. No, all the funding for the upgrading of existing portions of the route as well as the initial construction costs of the greenfield section are being funded from SANRAL MTEF budget allocation. As per the Hybrid funding model toll funding will only be utilised for future maintenance, operations and upgrading.

(a) No funds have been borrowed at present,

(b) The amount to be borrowed will be finalised as part of the public Intent to Toll process to be initiated within next 6 months,

(c) Toll charged will be determined as part of public Intent to Toll process to be initiated within next 6 months.

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