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Showing posts from: September 2020

28 September 2020

COVID-19 State of Disaster & Other Developments: Update (28 September 2020)

COVID-19 STATE OF DISASTER AND OTHER DEVELOPMENTS: Update (28 September 2020) LOCKDOWN LEVEL 1 Gatherings A ministerial directive gazetted on 23 September: restricts to 250 and 500 respectively the number of attendees at any indoor or outdoor function...
27 September 2020

Third Term Review (2020)

It was a short and disjointed third term with both Houses starting and ending at different times. Notwithstanding this, there were plenty of highlights during this period: Plenary sessions and Executive oversight The role of Parliament remains...
21 September 2020

COVID-19 State of Disaster & Other Developments: Update (21 September 2020)

LOCKDOWN LEVEL 1 Disaster management regulations   Gazetted on 18 September, the new regulations: came into force at 00:01 on 21 September. They limit the number of people allowed to gather: at large indoor venues (to 250) at open-air venues (to 500)...
14 September 2020

COVID-19 State of Disaster & Other Developments: Update (14 September 2020)

LOCKDOWN LEVEL 2 Temporary employer/employee relief scheme (Ters)   A ministerial directive gazetted on 7 September confirmed that qualifying criteria announced in August will apply until the State of Disaster ends. These are that: for an employee to...
14 September 2020

The Week Ahead: International Democracy Day & Heritage Day Debates

The NCOP will wrap up its third term. Delegates will join their NA colleagues from next week to embark on constituency work. While the National Assembly has been in recess since 7 September, both Houses will resume the final term on 5 October. A major...
07 September 2020

COVID-19 State of Disaster and Other Developments: Update (7 September 2020)

LOCKDOWN LEVEL 2 Transport A ministerial directive gazetted on 2 September: clarified that privately owned vehicles are permitted to carry ‘their maximum licensed passenger capacity’ (amending a directive issued on 25 August), and extended the...
07 September 2020

The Week Ahead: Local Government Week

There will be a brief lull in Parliament this week, with the National Assembly in recess from today until 5 October. During this period NA lawmakers will be performing constituency work. They have a duty to: be available to the public, help solve...