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That week in Parliament

10 June 2019

Turnover, Youth and Gender: The Sixth Parliament

Becoming an MP can be a complex and difficult journey. In many respects, the job is viewed as one which requires experience and therefore suited to older people. Meanwhile, women face all sorts of hurdles when running for elected office. This includes...
22 May 2019

Why Parliament Matters

 All over the world, parliaments exist to represent the people to ensure government by the people– this is said it to be the most profoundly important role parliament plays as an institution. Parliament represents the people by articulating the views...
22 May 2019

The first day of Parliament: A guide to proceedings

Today Members of the National Assembly will be sworn-in. These Members represent 14 political parties. Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng will take the Speaker’s seat at 10h30 and in groups of ten, he will preside over their swearing in. Each Member will...
13 May 2019

Election Results and Allocation of Seats in Parliament and Provincial Legislatures

  With the final results announced officially by the IEC on Saturday, 11 May 2019, the ANC has won the sixth general election. The ANC received a little over 10 million votes. This was followed by the DA and EF. The ANC also retained its majority in...
10 May 2019


  The Constitution spells out, in section 52, that after an election, the first sitting of the National Assembly must take place at a time and date determined by the Chief Justice but not more than 14 days after the election result has been declared ...
06 May 2019

SA Election 2019

The hour is almost upon us – the day when South Africans go to the polling stations to exercise arguably the most fundamental democratic right, that of voting. There are however many who are not entirely knowledgeable of the electoral system employed...
09 April 2019

Fifth Parliament: Looking Back

With the Fifth Parliament done and dusted, we look back at all our reviews of the legislature’s activities, highlights and controversies from this period.   2018 – Review of Parliament 2018 2017 – Review of Parliament 2017 2016 – Review of Parliament...
08 April 2019

Rules for first sitting of: NA, NCOP and Provincial Legislatures

After an election, the first sitting of the National Assembly must take place at a time and on a date determined by the Chief Justice, but not more than 14 days after the election result has been declared. At its first sitting after its election, the...
03 April 2019

Parliament not told about 47% drop in registered 18 & 19 yr olds for elections

The Parliamentary Monitoring Group notes with concern the 47% drop in registered 18 and 19-year-olds for the 2019 elections compared to the 2014 elections. The IEC Xsê campaign and other marketing strategies went all out to encourage young voters to...
02 April 2019

Bills Activity Fifth Parliament

  Creating, amending and passing legislation is one of Parliament's salient functions. We provide a snapshot of the key numbers, statistics and activity relating to legislation in the Fifth Parliament  Bills Activity Fifth Parliament