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That week in Parliament

18 November 2019

The Week Ahead: 2019 Parliament is winding down…

Question Time and Legislation are the main parliamentary business this week. Legislators in the National Assembly chamber will probe the Deputy President and selected Ministers in the Social Services Cluster during their scheduled oral reply question...
11 November 2019

The Week Ahead: Executive Scrutiny, Debates and Legislation

There are four weeks left until Parliament rises for the year. In the remaining days, lawmakers are scheduled to vote on several Bills, approve government spending, scrutinise government performance, consider statutory appointments and instruments and...
04 November 2019

The Week Ahead: Deputy President in the NCOP, debates and question time

The endgame of the parliamentary year is fast approaching. There are only five weeks left before the legislature rises and loose ends are gradually being knitted together. Following last week’s presentation of the Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement...
01 November 2019

2019 MTBPS: Processing of the mini-budget by Parliament

With the much-awaited presentation of the Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) having come and gone, our weekly blog gleans into the role of Parliament in the processing and approval of the mini-budget.  A budget is the most important economic...
31 October 2019

Bills Revived by the Sixth Parliament

There were 39 unfinished Bills when the Fifth Parliament ended. According to National Assembly rule 333 (2), these Bills lapsed automatically when Parliament was dissolved on 7 May 2019. To date, 30 of these have been revived by the Sixth Parliament....
28 October 2019

NHI Bill: Interview with the Health Chair

In August 2019, the NHI Bill was introduced to Parliament and is currently under consideration by the National Assembly’s Portfolio Committee on Health. The Bill is currently going through the stipulated parliamentary processes, including a public...
28 October 2019

The Week Ahead: Mini-Budget & Oversight

There's a full and mixed flavour to the coming week's parliamentary business. The highlights include the mini-Budget, Question Time Sessions, legislative business and high-profile Committee hearings. All eyes will be on the Minister of Finance when he...
25 October 2019

Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) Explainer

The 2019 Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) is set to be delivered by the Minister of Finance, Mr Tito Mboweni, on Wednesday (30 October 2019). Expectations are high and there’s a motley of issues to look out for. This week’s blog provides an...
21 October 2019

The Week Ahead: Legislation, Appointments & Question Time

The major point of interest will come from Tuesday’s debate on the Special Appropriation Bill in the National Assembly Chamber. The Bill allocates an additional R59bn to Eskom over the next two years. In recommending the Bill, the Standing Committee...
17 October 2019

Infographic: 2018/19 National Departmental audit outcomes

National departments, provincial departments and public entities are subject to annual auditing by the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA). AGSA’s annual audits examine three areas: fair presentation and absence of significant misstatements in...