
2241 matches
  • 28 Mar 2018

    National Department of Tourism 2018/19 Annual Performance Plan; with Minister

    Committee Meeting | Tourism | National Assembly

    ... a successful roll-out, but the master plan would act as a catalyst. Of the areas of greatest potential ...

  • 29 Mar 2018

    High profile cases & Marikana progress report: IPID briefing; DPCI 2016/17 Annual report

    Committee Meeting | Police | National Assembly

    ... was a statutory requirement in terms of the SAPS Act. How many investigators did the Office have? Had ... ends of justice. Among those involved were former acting police commissioner, Lt Gen Khomotso Phahlane, ...

  • 31 Jan 2018

    Cooperative Bank Development Agency: Treasury progress report; Department reviewed funding models & Market Access Unit

    Committee Meeting | Small Business Development | National Assembly

    ... sector. The Department could amend the Cooperatives Act, because it excludes particularly cooperatives of ...

  • 07 Feb 2018

    Committee Reports

    Committee Meeting | Standing Committee on Auditor General | National Assembly

    ... pursue legislation of the Public Audit Amendment Act which is the Committee’s priority for the current ... finalisation of the Amendment to the Public Audit Act as the legislation would become the legacy of the ...

  • 07 Feb 2018

    Western and Eastern Cape drought crisis

    Committee Meeting | Water and Sanitation | National Assembly

    ... Disaster Management Centre in October 2017. The Acting Chairperson called on the Minister to assert national ... Sanitation made a more technical presentation. The Acting Director-General indicated that a multi-pronged ...

  • 16 May 2018

    Protection, Promotion, Development and Management of Indigenous Knowledge Bill [B6B-2016]: consideration of written submissions

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Public Enterprises and Communication | National Council of Provinces

    ... looked at. There was no potential threat of one Act pushing out another, so the rights and privilege ... health practitioner would not be taken away by this Act. The intention was to merely protect what was owned ...

  • 16 May 2018

    Municipal Debt owed to Eskom: inputs by Eskom, COGTA, SALGA, National Treasury

    Committee Meeting | Public Accounts (SCOPA) | National Assembly

    ... parties and breach of Municipal Financial Management Act (MFMA) and fiduciary responsibilities. The institutional ... and everyone agreed. The Electricity Regulation Act makes provision in s4(a) for the allocation of licences; ...

  • 24 Jan 2018

    Eskom inquiry: Matshela Koko

    Committee Meeting | Public Enterprises | National Assembly

    ... stay via the Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) so that the emails could be forensically audited ... Group Executive: Generation at Eskom and former Acting CEO, has worked for Eskom for 23 years although ...

  • 20 Mar 2018

    National Treasury Quarter 2 & 3 performance

    Committee Meeting | Standing Committee on Appropriations | National Assembly

    ... a clear violation the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). The PFMA said that payments should be made ... case of human settlements, the Division of Revenue Act required the national Department to pay provinces ...

  • 28 Jun 2018

    NCOP: Unrevised Hansard


    ... Information Act only, or with this Act and another legislation or Promotion of Access to Information Act and ... Labour Relations Act, the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, the Employment Equity Act and the Unemployment ...

  • 14 Mar 2018

    SASSA progress report on Constitutional Court judgment and provincial state of readiness

    Committee Meeting | Social Development | National Assembly

    ... April 2018. A report was requested on the multiple acting and seconded officials in SASSA and the Department ...

  • 20 Mar 2018

    Capitec and VBS Mutual Bank briefing

    Committee Meeting | Finance Standing Committee | National Assembly

    ... necessarily in contravention of the National Credit Act, but concerns raised were about potential risks to ... been any contravention of the Financial Markets Act. The investigations were still underway and FSB would ...

  • 18 Apr 2018

    Copyright Amendment Bill: subcommittee deliberations

    Committee Meeting | Trade, Industry and Competition | National Assembly

    ... the Act did not change and Regulations gave sufficient powers to address most things. The Acting Chairperson ... like what was contained in the Labour Relations Act. Mr Mahlobo reminded the DG to deal with the faceless ...

  • 16 May 2018

    Minister Progress Reports: Social Development; Small Business Development

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings | National Council of Provinces

    ... must not act as if Parliament is his house. The Chairperson said Ms Mokwele must also not act as if Parliament ...

  • 25 Apr 2018

    Special Investigating Unit Annual Performance Plan

    Committee Meeting | Justice and Constitutional Development | National Assembly

    ... for investigation services, as per the relevant Act, brought in approximately 40% of the income, which ...

  • 04 Jul 2018

    Grant Payments; Rape & Kidnapping of Children: SAHRC, CGE, DSD & MECs interventions

    Committee Meeting | Social Development | National Assembly

    ... One province expressed concern that the Children’s Act was not being fully implemented although all the ... dealing with the problems were contained in the Act, although the Children’s Courts were under-resourced ...

  • 05 Jun 2018

    Health facilities inspection findings: Office of Health Standards Compliance 2016/17 report

    Committee Meeting | Health | National Assembly

    ... inspection process followed a logical Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle. Inspection data were validated according ... dispensing of medicines according to the Pharmacy Act, including after-hours access to medication, and ...

  • 05 Jun 2018

    Minister on vacancies in DoT Boards; DoT Quarter 4 Performance

    Committee Meeting | Transport | National Assembly

    ... resignation of the previous board members meant he had to act and make interim measures. The challenges at PRASA ... investigations were ongoing; on what grounds was the new Acting PRASA CEO appointed as his financial standing was ...

  • 19 Jun 2018

    NCOP: Unrevised Hansard


    ... years ago, the Natives Land Act of 1913 was passed; further notes that this Act limited Africans, in particular ... initial Health Act is only in Health; it’s not in any other department. The Mental Heath Act is not in Health; ...

  • 27 Feb 2018

    Public Works White Papers Review: progress report; with Deputy Minister

    Committee Meeting | Public Works and Infrastructure | National Assembly

    ... promulgation of a single comprehensive Public Works Act designed, amongst other objectives, to define and ...