
in Hansards

123 matches
  • 18 Oct 2017

    NA: Unrevised Hansard


    ... arrest, granted in terms of the Domestic Violence Act are not served so women continue to suffer violence ... illegitimate chairman violates section 1B of the amended Act which states in the generic term that African people ...

  • 14 Sep 2017

    NCOP: Unrevised Hansard


    ... the prescripts of the Public Finance Management Act. Therefore, if there are any allegations to whoever ... I have indicated, the Public Finance Management Act, is set to be set aside, if it is found not to have ...

  • 07 Nov 2017

    NA: Unrevised Hansard


    ... Traditional Leaders Act, which was replaced by the National House of Traditional Leaders Act, Act 22 of 2009. ... and replace the Framework Act and the National House of Traditional Leaders Act. This will have a number ...