Hansard: NA: Unrevised Hansard

House: National Assembly

Date of Meeting: 18 Oct 2017


No summary available.




The House met at 15:05.

The Speaker took the Chair and requested members to observe a moment of silence for prayer or meditation.



members and distinguished guests, this year we are celebrating the 61st anniversary of the 1956 Women's March to the Union Buildings. We remember the
20 000 brave women who marched fearlessly against apartheid laws and injustices.

2017 is declared the year of O R Tambo, who is turning

100 years on the 27th of this month. He was an exemplary

champion for the emancipation of women during the dark days of our struggle for liberation and his wisdom continues to inspire us in our efforts for women emancipation.

His thinking about gender relations was so developed that he never saw women in gender roles. Those who worked closely with O R attest to his insistence on relating to men and women as equals and as comrades. To him, it was not enough to speak about equality without action. He did not see gender in his lenses and true to his conviction he appointed women in key positions and often delegated them to various multilateral platforms when opportunities arose. Amongst others, former Speaker Frene Ginwala, Gertrude Shope, Lindiwe Mabuza and Sanki Mahanyele were part of his collective leadership in different areas of the struggle, based on their strengths. These are women who worked, led and contributed to our struggle for liberation. We pay tribute to O R Tambo's role in advancing the interest of women.

What we take from O R Tambo is the call to unite across gender in order to transform society. It is in following

his leadership that we continue to partner with men formations to end gender discrimination. Through these partnerships, men are challenging themselves and others on inherited, deep-seated patriarchal attitudes. We call on all men to rise and take a stand against violence on women.

The 2017 commemoration of Women's Day and month took place under the theme, Women united in moving South Africa forward. We continue the call to unite all sectors towards our goal to address gendered imbalances.

Beyond continuing violence against women, we are witnessing injustices done to girl-children by those entrusted to protect them in our schooling system. This calls into question the values of some of those entrusted with socialising and educating our future generations. In order to effectively challenge and transform these social ills, collaboration between parents and communities is urgently needed. We therefore welcome the proactive response of the member of the executive council, MEC, for Education, MEC Lesufi, in Gauteng, to the revelations of abused girls. We acknowledge the partnerships we have

with various religious leaders and our justice system to help us respond to injustices.

The role of local communities, even during the years of struggle against apartheid, was crucial in mobilising society against social ills. Therefore, as we fight against violence on school children and other injustices on women, including femicide and domestic abuse, families and local communities become important role-players.

This year we also joined the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation and other civil society organisations to launch their study on the impact and extent of gender-based violence in our society. This has led to us agreeing to look at various research studies which deal with violence against women in order to come up with mechanisms to collectively fight violence in our society.

In partnership with the South African council of religious leaders, the hon Deputy President addressed the Rhema Bible Church during a special sermon that was in

line with the launch of their campaign to fight against gender-based violence.

The Justice and Security Cluster, through the Minister of Police, also launched its six-point plan on addressing violence against women. This plan will assist us in addressing the role of the police in ensuring that perpetrators of gender-based violence are brought to account before the law.

Women's month continues to present an opportunity to all South Africans to celebrate the struggles of the women of 1956 who have contributed to shaping our democracy. South Africa has internalised August as women's month in their annual calendar of activities. The purposeful nature of women's month events across the country and internationally demonstrates that August does not only belong to government but it belongs to all South Africans, including the international community.

This year, the 9th of August was celebrated in Kimberly. Over 18 O00 people attended the successful celebration. Looking back at the road travelled in the past 23 years,

His Excellency, President Zuma in his keynote address, said:

The Justice and Security Cluster ...


Hhayi wena uyabona ukuthi uyangibhedisa manje.


While we celebrate the progress of women in the public sector, there is a continued exclusion of the majority of the population, both women and Africans, from decision-making positions in the private sector.

Our diplomatic partners, such as the embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, brought together women from diverse backgrounds to celebrate women's month and share ideas on matters advancing the interests of women.

Furthermore, women in different industries like engineering, mining, transport, telecommunications,

technology and science hosted multiple events in their fields of work to take stock of their strides and to identify further challenges in the advancement of women.

On the eve of Women's Day, women chief executive officers, CEOs, and other executives came together under the banner of SheEo on a cold Johannesburg evening to camp outdoors in order to raise funds for Door of Hope, which provides a home for abandoned babies born of mothers who cannot take care of them.

The SA Chapter of the International Association of Women Judges, led by one of our own, Judge Shane Kgoele, held its 13th annual conference under the theme, Let's wrap the wide arms of the law around those who need it, to recognise women's month but also their role as women judges in ensuring that the justice system responds to those who need it.

In addition, government continues to prioritise women's access to economic opportunities and, in particular, access to business financing and credit. We welcome the decision of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange to make it

mandatory for all listed entities to have a policy of promoting gender diversity at board level and to disclose how they are performing against this policy.

Government's continuing improvements in regulating business through the Department of Trade and Industry, DTI, codes whose requirements are black executive management as a percentage of all executive directors and black female executive managers as a percentage of all executive directors ...

It is refreshing to learn that large corporates have now created a culture of competitiveness amongst themselves on the adoption and implementation of gender mainstreaming policies. Research conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers shows that South Africa continues to lead its global counterparts when it comes to senior leadership roles and female representation at board levels.

It is well established that the domination of women by men is highly linked to economic empowerment and control.

Therefore, a meaningful end to gender inequality begins with combined efforts by all sectors.

Despite our legislative and policy interventions, as well as our united efforts across sectors to build meaningful participation of women in decision-making and executive structures of our economy, our biggest challenge remains the psychological barriers that have historically distinguished men from women. Thus, poverty alleviation becomes a process and project that compels government, the private sector and civil society to work together in changing the social status of our communities and building confidence models.

Women can no longer be left out of the mainstream. They must be involved in the value chain of the global economy. Thank you Speaker. [Applause.]

Mrs D ROBINSON: Hon Speaker and members, looking at the newspaper headlines and listening to the news which all contain horrific examples of gender-based violence, murder, bullying and sexual abuse of the vulnerable from innocent toddlers to the elderly who should be respected

and revered, one might be excused for thinking that we are living in the midst of a war zone and not in a democratic state that has been emancipated from the bonds of the past.

In her recent book, Khwezi, Redi Tlhabi writes about the tragic story of Fezekile Kuzwayo that we are caught up in a war over the bodies of women. What has South Africa learnt from that rape trial about the barriers to justice for women who approach the law? Have we fully confronted the entitlement of men in positions of power and demanded action?

The answer is no, hon members. Think of the number of women who are not assisted when laying charges of assault or trying to obtain protection orders. In addition, 99% of warrants of arrest, granted in terms of the Domestic Violence Act are not served so women continue to suffer violence. SA Police Service, SAPS, clearly does not care about the rights of women. Government needs to empower women. The development of job opportunities and economic prospects is key in order to bring about an improvement in the status and quality of life of women and children.

Through financial independence and development, the patriarchal attitudes of men that demean women can gradually be eroded so that women and girls can have a brighter more prosperous future with equal opportunities and equal pay. Finally, in the words of Fezekile, from this brilliant book which should be required reading for every school girl and woman, she said:

My mother and I are nobodies, my father died fighting for the freedom and the movement does not really care about widows and orphans, It doesn’t.

Colleagues ...


... Koomama noosisi...


... the time has come for us all us to say...


... kwanele, kwanele...


...genoeg is genoeg.


Let us all as women stand together and demand gender justice, equality and economic opportunities for all. Let us demand a justice system that works for all, rich and poor, for human rights, for bodily integrity. Let us bring up our sons to respect their mothers, sisters and all females. Let us call on fathers, uncles and all parliamentarians to set the example and not to be abusers whether in word or deed. Let us put an end to gender violence and demand our rights to an excellent efficient justice system and to a government and SAPS that cares to protect the rights of all. Sufficient funding needs to be provided. Justice must be seen to be done. Let us not be victims any longer but victors and together we can make our society worthy of our Constitution. Let me just read you the front page, “Betrayed in childhood, Vilified by her country, her name reclaimed in death” Colleagues, ladies, women, those who descendant from the brilliant women of 1956 who marched, all colours, all creeds, all races, to say, “Enough is enough.” The inequity must

stop. Let us stand together now and do exactly that. This is a remarkable book. We must not forget these circumstances and how women themselves turned on a fellow woman. We must stand up for one another’s rights and make sure that justice is done.


Enkosi kakhulu, ndiyabulela. Malibongwe igama lamakhosikazi, malibongwe!


Ja [Yes] Thank you. [Applause.]


Nk M S KHAWULA: Somlomo, uyabona lomnyango uhluleke wancama wukusebenzela abantu besifazane. Yena uNgqongqoshe [Minister] uqobo uwufakazi. Ayikho into eyenziwe laphaya esikhundleni salokho [instead of that] lapho izimali ekufanele ngabe ziya kubantu aziyi.
Ngokomnotho labantu ayikho neyodwa into abakhululeke ngayo. Buka nje leNdlu, umama waseMawoti kusigceme samashumi amahlanu natathu [Ward 53] wathenjiswa ngo 2010 kwathiwa usokwakhelwa indlu, kuze kube yimanje akanayo,

uhlala endlini engathi eyezinkomo udlulwa nayimfuyo kababa kaDuduzane umbona nje.

Mhla zingu-15 kwephezulu umhlaba wonke ububungaza usuku lwabesifazane ikakhulukazi abasemaphandleni. Lombungazo waqala ngomhla zingu-15 Okthoba yiNhlangano yaMazwe oMhlaba wonke (United Nations) ngenhlso, yokuphakamisa igama lamakhosikazi ayizinsika zemindeni emakhaya ikakhulukazi emaphandleni ngenhloso yokuthi bathole uxhaso ukuze bathuthukiswe kwezolimo nakwezomnotho. Kodwa kuyimanje akukho nokukodwa okubonakalayo abantu besifazane bethuthukiswa esikhundleni salokho bayahlupheka. Ngisho [even] nezingane zabo abakwazi nokuziyisa ezikoleni ukuthi zikwazi ukuthola imfundo ephakeme njengoba ningafuni ukuyixhasa imfundo nje.
Njenge-EFF siyakholelwa kakhulu ekutheni inkululeko yesizwe iyoqala mhla kwakhululeka imbokodo kucwaso kwezomnotho nakweminye imikhakha. Kuphinde kube yilenkinga yokuhlukunyezwa kwethu njengembokodo.
Abasefazane bayizisulu zokuhlukunyezwa nokuphathwa njengezilwane. Ukucwaswa kwefasifazane kwehlukene ngezigaba.

Okokuqala sicwaswa ngokwebala kanye nabo bonke abebala elimpisholo, bese siphinde siphathiswa okwezigqila emakhaya sincishwe amathuba nasezindaweni zokusebenza. Kungekudala nje, sifundile ezindabeni ngonogada odlwengule ephindelela abafundi abangaphezu kwabangamashumi ayisishagalombili. Kwesinye sezikole zamazinga aphansi. Labadlwenguli badinga ukuthi ingalo yomthetho ibaphathe ngesandla sensimbi. Sithi kwanele, lenkinga yokuhlukunyezwa kwabesifazane masiqondane nayo ngqo siyikhiphe iphele nya emiphakathini yakithi.
Ukufukulwa kwabesifazane makuqale la kwezemfundo. Imfundo mayibe mahala, futhi ibe sezingeni. Uhulumeni makabe nohlelo oluzoqinisekisa ukuthi izingane zamantombazane ezisemaphandleni yizo ezihlomulayo kuqala kwimfundo yamahala. Okubuhlungu-ke ukuthi siyazi ukuthi lokhu akusoze kwenzeka kuloHulumeni we-ANC sekuyolamula yona i- EFF, laba-ke abayithina, yona i-EFF mhla yathatha izintambo zombuso ngo-2019. Qaphelani [Watch out] nina.
Mabaphathwe kahle abesifazane ezindaweni zokusebenza. Nemigomo elawula ezabasebenzi ibabhekelele njengabantu abayimigogodla yasemakhaya, bengabi yizigqila begcine bengatholi nethuba lokunakekela imindeni. Izikhalo ziningi eziqhamuka emakhaya ... [Ubuwelewele.]

The SPEAKER: Order hon member! Your time has expired.

Nk M S KHAWULA: ... [Kwaphela isikhathi.] kuyimanje emakhaya abantu babulawa beyokukha amanzi babulaya yizilwane ngenxa yokuthi abanakekelwa. Badlwengulwa mihla yonke asikaze siyibone ... [Ubuwelewele.]

USOMLOMO: Hlala phansi mama, isikhathi sesiphelile.

Nk M S KHAWULA: ... i-Women’s League ishaya itoyitoyi. Ngqongqoshe, lomnyango lo ukuhlulile nkosazana, zama enye indlela. Kungcono okungenani vele uwuvale kuze kufike thina i-EFF ... [Ubuwelewele.]

USOMLOMO: Isikhathi siphelile ma.

Nk M S KHAWULA: ... uzobona ukuthi ... [Akuzwakali.] kanjani. Angikuzwa noma uthi angiqhubeke ... angikuzwa.

Mr M HLENGWA: Hon Speaker, the mortar mix that built our democracy and freedom was not mixed with water, but with the blood, sweat and tears of women who through their selfless sacrifice sustained the struggle, particularly

at the darkest and toughest of times. We owe our freedom to the thousands of the great sung and unsung heroines of our struggle. Women delivered us our democracy, and on behalf of the IFP I pay tribute to those giants of our struggle, on whose shoulders we stand on today.

Twenty-three years into our freedom and democracy, the biggest question before us is: Have we done enough to push back the frontiers of poverty, patriarchy, struggle, abuse, unemployment and inequality which have become defining features of the daily life of the girl child and women across our country? Sadly, we have not! For every government failure and for every prevailing social ill, it is women who bear the brutal brunt double fold of these shortcomings.

When health care collapses women must become medical practitioners and caregivers. When policing collapses women become security personnel in the street and at home. When education collapses it is women who must become teachers. The list is endless — as even pay disparities in the workplace continue to undermine women in favour of men who at times are underqualified. The

continued rape and abuse of women which has characterised our social discourse stands as the greatest indictment, alongside poverty and inequality, of our democratic dispensation.

Hon Speaker, what message do we send to society when advertising continues to objectify women in a sexual manner? We must begin a process of reviewing advertising standards, norms and content wherein we move away from the sexual objectification of women and rightly celebrate the success of women and encourage the optimisation of their potential. Women are not commercial entities. Let us now, with a new and genuine commitment move beyond the rhetoric and tokenism and in real terms empower women and push back the frontiers of patriarchy.

Let us get the girl child into school and boldly raise young women of our nation who are not marriage fodder, but equal citizens capable and able to make a meaningful contribution to our economy and democracy. A new commitment where job interviews are respectful and fair, conducted in a boardroom and not a bedroom. A new commitment of men who stand up against women abuse and

with the conviction which they deserve and declare “#Not In My Name”. A new commitment to say, we are not free until women are liberated. #Women Freedom In Our Lifetime, through quality, education, equality, security and economic emancipation.


Somlomo, ngifuna ngokugcina ngokuthi asiqalekise lo mkhuba wama-blesser - amadoda amadala acathamela amantombazane. Sizwe sini lesi sokuthi abantu bangasaboni izingane zabo? Asigcizelele impela ukuthi akufundwe ukuze umuntu angahaleli imali yendoda kodwa abe nemali yakhe ngoba lo mkhuba yiwona ongcolisa amanyuvesi. Ngakho-ke bonke abathandazayo abangene esiguqweni ukuthi ...


... blessers must fall! It cannot be that we subject young women to the dangers of violence which is characterised by blessers, the exposure to risks in terms of health care and disease. The time has come for us to walk the talk and to ensure that we protect young girls, young children from the vultures who come in the form of blessers.

Finally hon Speaker, ...


Ngiyafuna nje ukukhala ngokuthi ngempela-ngempela ...


... if the department receives a budget of less than R200 million but you are able to build households for R246 million speaks to a case of mistaken ... priorities in terms of our own budgeting system. I thank you. [Applause.]

Mr S C MNCWABE: Hon Speaker, hon members, the icon of South Africa’s democracy, the late President Nelson Mandela once said and I quote, “Freedom cannot be achieved unless the women have been emancipated from all forms of oppression.” The question we have to ask ourselves today is: Are we free or does democracy equate to freedom? If the answer is yes, then there is nothing to debate, for the very essence of women’s emancipation is freedom.

There can be no doubt that women, and black women in particular, has historically been the most disadvantaged and marginalised of all our people. Colonialism codified gender inequality amongst black people, and apartheid systematically stripped away the dignity of our mothers, our sisters and our daughters.

Despite generations of suppression, the women formed a solid anchor in events that led up to 1994 and their names grace the books of our glorious struggle against inhumane injustice. Living legends like Mama Winnie Madikizela- Mandela and past heroines like Mama Charlotte Maxeke, Ruth First, Lilian Ngoye and Helen Joseph are amongst the giants in our collective history who not only championed the cause for freedom, but also dedicated their lives and efforts to ensure that women take their rightful place as equals in society. The NFP pays tribute today to all the women in our history who have contributed to the democracy, and its benefits, which we enjoy today.

Yet, Speaker, we have a long way to go to the full emancipation of women in our society. Our women have

claimed their right to equality and have achieved much. One such example is the NFP which proudly led by the president, hon Mrs V Z kaMagwaza-Msibi. She is proof of what women are capable of, and has through her efforts achieved much to improve the lives of many South Africans living in poverty and the rural women in particular. We will always salute you, Njinji kaYengwayo. There are many other women like our leader who are not only rising to the challenges they face in a society where women still are not yet fully emancipated, but who are setting benchmarks and shattering the so-called glass ceiling in boardrooms across the country. In addition, our legislation is progressive on paper; women have full equality which is highly commendable.

Despite these and other success stories, there is much more that needs to be done. We should not procrastinate in our quest to ensure full emancipation of our women in particular the financial or economic emancipation. I thank you. [Applause.]

Ms C N MAJEKE: Hon Chairperson, South African women face much more gruelling challenges in eradicating

institutionalised gender inequality, despite its removal from the statute book, and in spite of the grand policies and plans developed by the Department of Women.

South Africa must go 63 years back and evaluate the progress made with the eight aims of the Women’s Charter adopted on 17 April 1954, which laid the groundwork for later visions of freedom, nonracialism, equality and human dignity.

In paying tribute and to be true to the many women coming from all population groups, representing 230 000 women, we must do everything that has to be done, and do it correctly.

Although we have the Constitution, the National Development Plan, and the multitude of policies and programmes designed and submitted to this House, it is however a grave concern that many women, especially in the rural areas and informal settlements are still oblivious to the department’s existence, let alone its programmes.

The Department of Women must reposition itself so that it has a better impact on the daily lives of the people.
South Africa must revisit the l954 Women’s Charter, so that it help to guide the work that still has to be done to put the women of South Africa on a better socioeconomic and political pedestal. A women’s development charter must be clear and its salient features must integrate young women and children.

Empowering and educating women is a critical driver of the social and economic development for the country. We must remember that when women do not earn up to their potential, development suffers and that hamstrings the GDP. That in turn hinders social development. When women do not reach their full economic potential, the economies of their countries suffer.

The department must give practical priority to the development of young female entrepreneurs through tailor- made education, and access to finance and markets. Young women entrepreneurs must be helped with board advisors or business industry mentors in order to participate in the business.

There is a need to strengthen women’s access to both the formal and informal justice system, and ensure that these are responsive to advancing all women’s equal rights, opportunity, and participation.

Finally, if we want to grow our economy, the promotion of women’s economic rights must serve as a cornerstone. I thank you.

Dr P W A MULDER: Speaker, the song, Now you have touched the women, you have struck a rock will always be part of the ANC Women’s March to the Union Buildings in 1956.
When they arrived at the Union Building, the Prime Minister was not willing to meet them. But there had been more women marches to the Union Buildings. In 1915, 6 000 Afrikaner women delivered a petition for the release of General Christiaan de Wet, one of the heroes of the
Anglo-Boer or South African War. The then Prime Minister, General Jan Smuts, was not willing to meet them. Again in 1940, 10 000 Afrikaner women marched to the Union Building for peace. They were also ignored by the government.

It is sad that we still debate the issue of the empowerment of women in the year 2017. These issues should have been solved long ago. My wife is a teacher and she summarises these issues with a quote on her classroom wall that says:

Whatever women do, they must do twice as well as men to be thought of half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult.


Ek wil vandag ook hulde aan Afrikaner vroue bring, hul innerlike krag en sterkte en hulle rol in die geskiedenis. Te maklik word hulle deur sommige geskiedskrywers as slegs onderdanig en swak voorgestel.


In any struggle, women and children are usually the ones suffering the most. By the end of the Anglo-Boer War or the South African War in 1902, there were 160 000 Afrikaner women and children and 130 000 black people in British concentration camps. In total, 32 000 of these Afrikaner people and approximately, 20 000 black people

died in those British concentration camps. That is 10 times more Afrikaner women and children than the number of men that had died on the battle field.

My grandmother was one of those in the British camps and she always referred to it as the English War because she said that the British had caused the war as part of British colonialism.


Toe die Voortrekker mans in 1843 besluit om nie meer weerstand te bied teen Britse kolonialisme in Natal nie het die vroue, onder leiding van Susanna Smith ontplof en gesê dat hulle liewer kaalvoet in die Drakensberge sal loop as om weer hulle vryheid prys te gee en weer onder Britse bewind te wees.

Interessant, die verengelsde Kapenaar, Henry Cloete, wat namens die Britse regering met die Voortrekkers onderhandel het, was geskok dat die Afrikaner vroue soveel vryheid toegelaat is. Hy skryf in sy dagboek: “These women are a disgrace to their husbands.” [Hierdie

vroue doen hul mans ’n oneer aan.] Vandag is ons trots op hul dapperheid.

Watter standbeeld is die sentrale beeld by die Voortrekker Monument? Wat het die argitek gekies om daar te plaas? Die argitek het besluit om ’n vrou die sentrale figuur te maak, as gevolg van die belangrike rol wat hulle in die geskiedenis gespeel het en ek nooi u om saam met my te kom, dat ek u kan wys hoe dit daar lyk. Dit was in die 1930s opgerig – ’n vrou met haar twee kinders.


Women’s Day should not only celebrate and commemorate the role and struggle of ANC women, but of all women in South Africa’s history. I thank you.

Ms M S MORUTOA: Hon Speaker, hon Deputy Speaker, hon Ministers and hon Deputy Ministers, hon members and members of the public, good day.

I dedicate this debate to the memory of the 1956 heroes who, without fear, marched to the Union Buildings to demand the abolition of pass laws. That was a march of

great magnitude and was organised by the then multi-party women’s caucus, the Federation of SA Women, Fedsaw.

Hon members, I am sure you still remember that the SA Parliament hosted an international women’s conference. We saw it fitting to host a conference of this magnitude during August, which is Women’s Month. Hosting that conference was of critical importance because a number of key issues directly affecting women were identified as needing urgent intervention by various countries, South Africa included.

The themes of that conference centred around the theme of the sixty-first session of the Commission on the Status of Women held at the United Nations headquarters in New York from 13 to 17 March 2017, which is “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50:50 by 2030.”

The following are some of the issues that emanated from our debates and engagements during the conference. We discussed the economic empowerment of women and the fact that women in South Africa and the rest of the African Continent are still living in abject poverty. The release

of the Poverty Trends in South Africa report by Statistics South Africa bears testimony to this fact. Women and girls are still burdened by unpaid care work which is exploitative and undervalued.

We discussed violence against women. Specifically put forward by the delegates is the dehumanising impact of violence against women, including violence in the workplace and its contribution to women economic disempowerment. It is estimated that 15% of all sexual offences take place at the workplace. The economic vulnerability of women makes women more dependent upon men and unable to leave violent and abusive relationships. The lack of sensitivity by police officials was also put forward as an issue that needs urgent attention.

We discussed the issue of income disparities. A need was identified to address current income inequalities and ensure equitable workplaces and environment. It is reported that women currently earn 23% less than men.
There is a need to address this and ensure equal pay for equal work.

We discussed the creation of gender sensitive places of work. The delegates emphasised the urgent need to transform workplaces and ensure that places of work are gender sensitive. It was also emphasised that all women in all workplaces should have access to and benefit from these transformed workplaces. This includes domestic workers employed in our homes.

We discussed the monitoring of the implementation of international and regional obligations. The delegates agreed that all parliaments need to monitor the implementation of various international and regional instruments that are critical to the promotion of gender equality. The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was specifically mentioned as being amongst the critical instruments that are in place to ensure gender equality by 2030.

We discussed technology as a tool to women’s empowerment. Women were encouraged to embrace innovation and technology as these are key to unlocking women’s economic potential. Technologically empowered and computer- literate women and girls are able to navigate their way

around the internet, and that is critical to growing their empowerment and emancipation.

We discussed the development of gender sensitive policies. Delegates emphasised the development of the right policies and measures to cater for the rapidly changing world of work to ensure that women are economically empowered by, for example, investing in the care economy.

We discussed the role of Parliaments. It was noted that most Southern African Development Community, SADC, countries have enacted good legal frameworks for women’s equality and empowerment, but that the problem is related to implementation. It was agreed that all parliaments must therefore strengthen their oversight and accountability mechanisms.

We discussed gender responsive budgeting. A critical issue that emerged over the course of the conference is the issue of the allocation of budgets. It was agreed that fiscal budget allocations should strike a balance and take into consideration the needs of both men and

women. It was also emphasised that fiscal allocations and public expenditure should consider investing in programmes and projects that are aimed at women’s economic empowerment and addressing violence against women.

We discussed the importance of establishing parliamentary women’s caucuses. Parliamentary women’s causes are an important platform for women parliamentarians to come together across the political divide and create a space to discuss issues that affect all women regardless of party affiliation.

We discussed the role of men as champions for gender equality. It was agreed that men have a responsibility and a role to play in ensuring an equal society. The adoption and implementation of programmes like the UN’s HeForShe campaign are aimed at advocating men as champions for gender equality.

We discussed women in marginalised sectors of employment. A strong emphasis was made that countries need to focus more on the plight of women in vulnerable sectors of

employment such as the informal economy, farm workers, domestic workers and sex workers.

Allow me to dwell more on the plight of women in vulnerable and marginalised sectors of employment. There are a number of women – and this includes domestic workers, farm workers and sex workers – who work in vulnerable sectors of the economy. According to the Commission for Employment Equity, it is mostly women who are employed in these vulnerable sectors of economy in specific gender-stereotyped roles with low salaries and job insecurities. The majority of these women are not aware of their rights and, as such, exploitation and gross violation of rights are rife within this sector.

We need to empower these women so as to prevent their exploitation. We as parliamentarians need to conduct effective oversight over the Department of Labour to ensure that it improves its monitoring within this sector.

In conclusion, we usually talk about the transformation of workplaces to ensure that women are able to thrive and

stay longer in the world of work, but most of the time we tend to forget about women in these vulnerable sectors.
The time is now to ensure that women in these vulnerable sectors of our economy are also empowered and able to enjoy the benefits of democracy.

We need to remember that we are on the brink of the fourth industrial revolution which comes with the advances in technology, so it is up to us to ensure that women at these levels are not made more vulnerable by being displaced as technology takes over.

Our country has enacted laws to ensure fair labour practises for all employees including stipulated minimum wages for domestic workers. Despite the presence of such laws, some domestic workers are still subjected to sexual harassment and other forms of unsafe working conditions in their places of work, which are our homes. We, as parliamentarians, passed these laws and we need to ensure that they are implemented; we must fight for the rights of all women.

Women in all sectors of the society were part of that very important march. Domestic workers and street vendors were there in their numbers. We must leave no woman behind in our quest for gender-sensitive workplaces.
Women in vulnerable sectors also need to enjoy the benefits of the changing world of the economy. Thank you.

Ms D CARTER: Speaker, paraphrasing Dr Jackson Katz, an American author and filmmaker and I quote:

We talk about how many women were raped last year, but not about how many men raped women. We talk about how many girls in the school district were harassed last, but not about how many boys harassed girls. We talk about how many teenage girls got pregnant last year, rather than how many men and boys impregnated teenage girls.

So, you can see how the use of the passive voice as a political effect. It shifts the focus off men and onto girls and women. Even the term “violence against women” is problematic. It’s a passive construction; there is no active agent in the sentence.

t’s a bad thing that happens to women, but when you look at the term “violence against women”, nobody is doing it to them. It just happens. Men aren’t even part of it.

As Dr Katz’s points out, there can be little doubt that much work still remains to be done if we are to ensure the full emancipation - the liberation of women in our society. Nonetheless, there is much to celebrate.

I look back at my own mother - one of the first lithographic printer operators in South Africa. I grew up in a box underneath her work station, doing what was then considered as being a man’s job but earning a women’s salary, having to go home to attend to what was then considered to be the wife’s responsibilities in the household.

There can be no doubt that the advent of our constitutional democracy underpinned by our Bill of Rights was a watershed moment in the process of progressive realisation - the emancipation of women in South Africa.

Much has changed in South Africa since the advent of constitutional order underpinned by our Bill of Rights. Whilst much has changed given our constitutional order, much work is still required. It calls upon the government to fulfil the Bill of Rights and thus, respect, protect, promote and fulfil the emancipation of women.

Now, this government has a will to ensure the liberation of a girl child and women. Is government doing enough?
What about our society? Are we as society playing our role?

On 27 October 1917, 100 years ago, a gentle giant, Oliver Tambo was born. He was raised by his mother to be sensitive at heart and with a fighting spirit to protect and nurture the rights and dignity of women. How are we raising the boy child? Are we inculcating the values of human dignity and equality?

In wanting to ensure the emancipation of women, we need to also ensure the emancipation of the boy child and our men to emancipate them, as Bob Marley said, from their own mental slavery. Thank you. [Applause.]

Mrs C DUDLEY: Madam Speaker, in South Africa huge efforts are made and initiatives undertaken both by the government and civil society to empower women, to put a stop to violence against women and co-opt men as allies in achieving these social imperatives. Unless, however, these efforts are co-ordinated and integrated, we will continue taking one step forward and two steps back.

The greatest social interventions in the world of educating and empowering women, men and children amounts to very little if we fail to remove the sexually exploitative messages of pornography from our media platforms.

The government policy on the distribution of pornography is found in the Films and Publications Amendment Bill, which is now before the Portfolio Committee on Communications.

Now, the policy position that children must be protected from exposure to pornography is strongly supported by the ACDP, however, we cannot support the notion that adults should view what they want when society continues to

suffer the consequences of pornography’s exploitative message, with most recently being the sexual assault and rape of pupils by staff and other adults in our schools.

Now, research makes it clear that sexually exploitative and devaluing messages result in sexual exploitation irrespective of the age of the viewer. Sexual crime is also as much about a need to sexually humiliate and degrade the victim as it is about control and sexual gratification and so too is pornography

Now, the ACDP rejects the policy proposal to only disallow the distribution of violent pornography, which would result in the mainstreaming of non-violent sexually explicit material that is degrading of human beings and disrespecting of human dignity. Neither being in the interest of justice nor in the public interest, the protection of human dignity being a cornerstone of our democracy.

With an unlimited supply of pornography on the Internet, harms have taken the world by storm; sexually addictions and disorders; damaged and broken relationships; sexting;

child-on–child sexual abuse, revenge porn; increased rape on college campuses and in the military; rampant sexual objectification of women in popular culture; anxiety and depression, and the list goes on.

In the USA, the land of Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine, who died last month, the reality of the harms of pornography is causing an ever-growing number of state legislatures to declare pornography to be a public health crisis.

In a recent article in the Washington Examiner, the American author asked: “How can our society accept, let alone applaud Hefner and the messages about the value of women he unleashed when we are simultaneously struggling with campus sexual assault, military sexual assault, and the culture of sexual harassment in Silicon Valley, and not to mention our schools?

What Hefner tried to sell as emancipating and empowering, history and research has shown to be utterly enslaving and profoundly disempowering.

Like the American author, we, and I especially include the Communications Portfolio Committee members here have to ask: Why would we support the production and distribution of material that exploits women through its message and promotes the sexual exploitation of women?
How can we, knowing the exposure to material that promotes sexual exploitation facilitates sexual violence on women and girls support the distribution of such material into our society without conducting a credible and thorough investigation into the effects of pornography in South Africa? I thank you for listening.

Mrs K JOOSTE: Hon Speaker, the crisis of the economy is being reflected on our plates and women are using their bodies to buffer this crisis. These are the words of Julie Smith; a senior researcher at Pietermaritzburg Agency for Community Social Action, PACSA, and her NGO does a research on the price of food and food inflation. One of the woman recently interviewed had the following to say:

If I also eat the good things in the house then they will not be enough for my children. I know my kids

will not have enough. So, I sacrifice my body for my kids to be as healthy as possible and even then, I still can’t get my kids through the end of the month, but I really try.

I really do think that the mother’s love for her children has no bounds and it should come as no surprise that poor women are eating less so that their children can eat more. My daughter Kara is actually turned one and I cannot think of anything worse in this life than having to see her go hungry or crying because she is struggling in school or because she is feeling sick while I know the reason for that is because I cannot give her the food that her body needs.

The reality is that every day four mothers have to sit at the death bed of their child due to malnutrition.

In fact, the R30 billion that we are using to bail out SA Airways, SAA, could have fed all 61 304 children under the age of five, who have been admitted to hospital due to severe acute malnutrition over the last four years.

This money would have been enough to provide them with basic nutritious meals until their 18th birthday.

You can have the best Constitution in the world, you can have lovely legislation, you can have marches and you can have debates but if women and children are going hungry, they are not empowered and they are not free.

Over the weekend, the DA convened to consider a new sets of policies that will grow their economy and create jobs but that will also address the immediate needs of the millions of South Africans, the majority in actual fact that are living on less than R1 000 a month.

It is estimated that 77% of children under the age of two do not receive a basic nutritious diet. The first 1 000 days is incredible important because if children don’t eat properly in that period, the developed mental damage and is permanent, 27% of South African children under the age of five years is stunted.

The DA knows that no mother wants this for her child. We recognise the incredible sacrifices that women are making

and the impossible choices they are faced with. Therefore, the DA will aim to align the child grant to an objective measure of what it actually costs to feed a child. At present, it will mean doubling the child grant. It is not a lot, but it will go a long way in alleviating some of the stress that women have to face on a daily basis.

So, next time the hon President of the Women’s League sleeps in a hotel for R11 000 a night, she might spare a thought for a mother whose child could have lived for another year and a half if she had that money to buy food. [Applause.]

Mr J J MAAKE: Madam Speaker, South Africa achieved democracy in 1994. Central to this democracy was a commitment to gender equality and the empowerment of women. Gender equality is a founding principle and core right of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996 and its founding principles elevate human rights, equality and freedom for everyone in South Africa.

However, violence against women and children did not disappear with the introduction of the Constitution and all the rights, which are enshrined in the Bill of Rights. We come from a past where violence was a norm including the previous state which was violent and justified violence. Within this context, women and children suffered violence and abuse in various forms; that is physically, sexually, emotionally, psychologically, economically, etc, children did not escape the same.

With the dawn of democracy, the ANC-led government introduced measures that promoted an integrated approach in the strategies to eliminate the above scourge. The National Crime Prevention Strategy of 1996 inculcated a victim-centred approach in the criminal justice system. The spin-off has been a plethora of legislation, either new or amended, that affirms victims’ rights and ranges from firearm control to domestic violence legislation.

Protocols, norms and standards have been developed, for example the Uniform Protocol for Services for Victims of

Crime, 2005, the Patients’ Rights Charter and the National Prosecuting Authority Service Charter.

Institutional mechanisms such as the Specialised Sexual Offences Courts, Thuthuzela Care Centres, Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit, Domestic Violence Courts, Correctional Supervision and Parole Boards and others were established in order to create space and provide institutional arrangement for recourse and to promote women’s human rights.

While it is the primary responsibility of government to provide strong leadership and a co-ordinated and integrated approach to tackling this scourge, reducing violence against women and children is a shared responsibility across the South African society as a whole and cannot be achieved by government alone.

Structural barriers in the economic, political, social and environmental levels reinforced racial and gender inequalities. Women continues to be marginalised and discriminated against in terms of economic opportunities,

the labour market as well as access to land, credit and finance which makes them prone to violence and abuse.

The ANC government appreciated the importance of understanding the causes of domestic violence as some of the perpetrators are themselves victims of domestic violence, which makes it important to include counselling in order to change the mindset of the perpetrators and emphasise resocialisation and reorientation of the perpetrators of violence against women and children to facilitate their understanding that women are their equals and part of the society, in promoting a nonracial and nonsexist, democratic society and equal society. The approach to this scourge has been multipronged in order to ensure that we address even the causes of gender-based violence.

Hon Speaker, this House is aware that our interventions in policing our people have not been in vain. We are making slow, but steady progress in the fight against abuse of women and children. We have to acknowledge that 100% which is 1 144 police stations render a victim-

friendly service for victims and survivors of rape, sexual offences, domestic violence and abuse.

In order for them to render a victim-friendly service, the SA Police Service, SAPS, must comply with the following conditions: Firstly, the police station must have had at least 50% of their operational members completed one or more of the following training courses such as the Victim Empowerment Learning Programme, Domestic Violence Learning Programme, Vulnerable Children Learning Programme and First Responders to Sexual Offences Learning Programme.

Secondly, the police station must have a victim-friendly room, where the woman or child can receive support and counselling survivor of violence that allows for privacy during statement taking in cases of gender-based or intimate violence.

Thirdly, is that a standing order has been issued to direct the management of victim services at the police station, including referral to other service providers, management of the victim-friendly room and or the

alternate arrangements referred to above and where applicable, management of volunteers.

The Ministry of Police has also shown its commitment to deal with violence against women and children by initiating a Gender-Based Violence Summit. We also know that the Ministry has developed a Six-Point Plan to deal with gender-based violence. These include: Firstly, all victims should be treated with respect, dignity and interviewed by trained police officers in a victim- sensitive manner.

Secondly, victims should be assisted at the victim- friendly room or an alternative room where the statement will be taken in private at the police station or other locations providing victim support services.

Thirdly, victims will be referred or taken for medical examination by the health care professional to obtain medical evidence and complete a medical report.

Fourthly, the investigation should be conducted by the Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Investigation Unit or a detective with relevant training.

The fifth one is that the families of victims of sexual offences and infanticide should be referred to the victim support services that are available within the precinct for legal, medical, social and psychological help.

Lastly, victims should be proactively provided with feedback on the progress of their cases on a continuous basis.

In conclusion, the government and the Department of Police in particular has identified and classified violence against women and children as a priority crime. This has been so all along in the police service. This is proved by the fact that every police station is obliged by law to have this. As I said earlier on, the Ministry has organised a summit for gender violence. Conviction of perpetrators is very low and that might be because of poor training. The approach by the law-enforcement structures, including the Portfolio Committee on Police

has been to work together and forget about grandstanding, as this sector deals with the safety and lives of our citizens.

These types of crimes stem from societal problems. The police can only be reactive as these problems happen within people’s houses away from the public. Solving these, crimes therefore need a multifaceted approach involving different departments, nongovernmental structures, faith-based organisations and all civil structures in our communities. I thank you. [Applause.]

Mr L M NTSHAYISA: Madam Speaker, we salute the women of 1956 who marched to Pretoria who paved the way for the women. The very essence and pretext of gender rights find expression in our collective agency to deal with the rights of women against the pass prejudice.

The scourge of women abuse should be substituted with the progressive policies that should empower them to become industry players and the economic participants. They should be treated as equals as man because their always equal to the task. The empowerment of women has the

direct contribution to the fiscus and the economy at large.

We are reminded of the sacrifices of Marian Bertha who helped to shape the discourse on women struggle. The empowerment of women entails educating women and affording them leadership roles precisely because they have the capacity to lead and manage. They must be free to engage in businesses. It follows that the country that does not care about the struggle of women is bound to be relegated into dustbin of history.

In this regard, the Department of Small Business Development should play a major role in promoting small and medium enterprises owned by women. The Department of Women in the Presidency, which is legislated to protect, promote and advance the rights of women, should be occupied with the real agenda of advancing women emancipation.

We also need radical transformation of the mind so as to see how important it is to empower and emancipate women in this country. We have already seen the contribution

that is being made by women in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector.

It is important therefore that we work together to emancipate and empower women of this country and fight all the social ills that are affecting the women of the country.

It is the cooperation that will make us to defeat this demon so that all women will be emancipated and empowered so that the country grows economically. I thank you.

Mr L R MBINDA: Madam Speaker, there is English say that goes like “Behind every great man there is a woman.” Such could possible be the case in the western and other places. May I categorically say that within the ideology and values of the PAC we do not subscribe to such? PAC maintains that besides every great man there is a great woman. It is clear to the PAC’s slogan that one man one vote has articulated during the struggle days was wrongly interpreted and applied by some parties. It did not and was never meant to sideline the woman. On the contrary, it finds its fullest expression as interpreted by the PAC

in the realisation that humanity is incomplete without women being able to be fully expressive of themselves and live life to their fullest potential.

This year PAC Azania, and indeed the global African nation, commemorate and celebrate the 90th birthday of one of the greatest women of this country. It is important to state clearly that as we celebrate the great mother of Azania, we do so not from an angel that suggests that the greatness was bestowed upon her by virtue of marriage but by the fact that she was great in her own right and brought greatness to her marriage. We are talking umama uZondeni Veronica Sobukwe...


... uMancanana, uThenjwayo, uDlakude, uMgabadeli owanyamezela ingcinezelo akayivuma into yokuba angalahla lo msebenzi awawushiyelwa ngutata uSobukwe. Nanamhlanje usawulwela umhlaba.


It is an exaggeration to rank umama Sobhukwe amongst the likes of the great African women such as Queen Makeda of

Ethiopia, Queen Ahmose, Queen Nzinga, the Kandake warrior, the queens of Kush. Umama Sobhukwe is a clear example that women do not need to beg anyone for emancipation and empowerment, nor do they need anyone to facilitate that process on their behalf. So, we cannot be and shall not be the liberators of women. Women are their own liberators.

Enkosi mam’uSobhukwe, may you continue to inspire and motivate more women to realise their power to emancipate and empower themselves. Enkosi [Thank you.]

Ms N I TARABELLA-MARCHESI: Madam Speaker, I would like to dedicate this speech to our friend and colleague Tarnia Baker. We will always remember her for her good nature and hard work. May her soul rest in peace.

Madam Speaker, women out there want privileges, they want prospects like all of us sitting here. They value their lives, they want education to escape poverty, and they want job opportunities to earn a living and to support their families. They want to live in safety and

stability; they want a prosperous future not only for themselves, but for their children as well.

I stand here ashamed of being a female Parliamentarian in South Africa. I am ashamed that a school system that is tool to emancipate our learners is now a place where children can be raped by adults who are entrusted to keep them safe and to teach them. Recently we heard of shocking happenings at Xuma Primary School in Gauteng, where a school security guard allegedly raped and sexually violated 87 learners.

I am ashamed that 16 learners at Boithutong High School in North-West fell pregnant allegedly as a result of sexual abuse by their teachers. I’m ashamed that sex-for- jobs and carpet interviews are still a daily reality for South African women. I’m ashamed that in 21st century culture and norms that violates the rights of women like ukuthhwala and virginity testing are still practised. I’m ashamed that according the latest Employment Equity Annual report, males still occupies 78% of the positions in top management. Corporate South Africa to this day, still pays women in South Africa an average of 15% less

for the same work as their male counterparts despite the fact that women are the ones who are likely to finish high school and obtain university degrees as compared to their male counterparts. As a female Parliamentarian I am ashamed but I’m also hopeful.

As we sit in this august House, we have the ability and responsibility to change the course on how women are seen in our society. Government needs to respond in a very deliberate and serious manner to this crisis that has shaken the education sector across the country. It is concerning the Department of Basic Education has admitted that it does not collect data on how many school pregnancies occur as a result of sexual relationship between teachers and learners, especially given that 43
500 learners fell pregnant nationally over the last three years.

More astoundingly, is that the Department of Basic Education also does not know whether girl pupils return to school after giving birth. It is a massive failure on the part of the department. We also have a problem where

SA Council for Educators, Sace, doesn’t update and keep proper records on sexual offenders.

Schools are places where children receive opportunity to create better lives for themselves and should not be places where learners are preyed upon. As a DA we will not allow predators, teachers to get off scot-free and those who are found guilty must be barred from teaching.

Finally, statistics show that girls are academically doing better than boys in schools. Why is this not reflecting in the workplace? We, as DA demand equal opportunity and equal pay. Come 2019, the DA will start realising the dream of a prosperous future and equality for all, a future where women are no longer oppressed and undervalued but will be able to thrive in every part of society. Thank you. [Applause.]
Ms N R BHENGU-KOMBE: Hon Speaker, let me start by saying that ...


... njengoKhongolose siyazwelana nabemindeni yabantwana abahlukunyezwe ngokucansi esikoleni samabanga aphansi e-

Gauteng. Sibonga amaphoyisa ngokubanjwa komsolwa sengathi umthetho ungawenza umsebenzi wawo abhadle ejele ngalesi senzo esiwubulwane sokuhlukumeza abantwana abancane nabanengi kangaka.

Malungu ahloniphekile, angeke ngikwazi ukuphendula laba abanye abakhulumile ngoba kukhona abantu abavele baphuphe emini, bangaze bagcine besenza nathi ukuthi sibenezimpondo.


Access to land for women has for a long time been a challenge for women. Although land can be acquired in a variety of ways, whether property inheritance, purchase, and transfers from the government in land reform programmes, women still face hurdles than men.

South Africa’s laws and policies governing rural women’s land rights and access to land are largely adequate.

In terms of section 7(2) of the Constitution, the state must respect, protect, and promote the rights in the Bill of Rights. Section 9(1) provides that everyone is equal

before the law and everyone has the right to equal protection and benefit of the law.

Section 25 of the Constitution protects existing property rights and also creates an imperative for land reform. As such, read together, these provisions mean that the government is obliged to ensure equal access to landownership for rural women.

Comprehensive Rural Development Programme, CRDP, is a government policy on rural development. The main focus of the programme is on agrarian transformation and land reform as pillars of rural development alongside infrastructure provision, such as housing, energy, sanitation, schools, clinics, boreholes and water reticulation system in rural areas.

The NDP views agriculture as critical to employment and food security. It is estimated that agriculture would potentially create a millions jobs by 2030. Vision 2030 speaks of inclusivity and integration of rural areas.

Women are key agents for achieving the transformational economic, environmental and social changes required for sustainable development. Women play a central role in addressing rural development, including food security measures but vital contribution to society goes largely unnoticed. Agriculture is the main alternative for rural women and it constitutes the largest percentage of the workforce in the agricultural sector.

Women do not have access and control over all land and productive resources. Women continue campaigns against marginalisation and discrimination with regard to rural economic opportunities, rural labour markets and access to land.

Through the ANC-led government, the NDP identified the key interventions for women in rural development, such as supporting them in setting up of Agriparks. AgriParks will serve as an important mechanism to execute the NDP’s proposed rural development strategy due to its potential for supporting small-scale agricultural production and stimulating agro-processing in rural areas.

Whilst continuing the struggle to ensure greater ownership means of production, ANC-led government has to make sure that its aim is to reverse the legacy of colonialism and apartheid to ensure a just and equitable distribution of agricultural land to Africans and women in particular.

During 2015-16, the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries collaborating with provincial departments of agriculture provided financial support towards agricultural drought relief, focusing on the provision of animal feed, drilling and equipment for boreholes smallholder and subsistence producers.

The empowerment of women in the rural area is central to addressing exploitation and equipping women with the necessary skills to develop the rural economy through local economic development programmes that provide for sustainable communities. Empowering them is key not only to the wellbeing of individuals, families and rural communities, but also to overall economic productivity, given women’s large presence in the agricultural workforce.

Necessary skills are needed in the adoption of modern agricultural techniques that are tailored to local conditions and that use natural resources in a sustainable manner, with the view to achieving economic development without degrading the environment.

Women have continued to play a role in food security measure programmes. It is extremely important to recognise the role that rural women play and the contribution that they make in networks and co- operatives.

It is necessary to give them greater political and financial support and involving them in the training and conducting of development programs that enhance women’s role in agricultural production.

Progress has been made in the implementation of rural development and land reform programmes across the country. Thank you, hon Chairperson.


would like to take this opportunity to thank the members who contributed to this debate in a constructive way because this is a societal matter debate. The women issue is not a matter about women only, it is about how society responds to challenges which are faced by woman in our country and globally.

I also need to say that as this Parliament, we can’t to continue seeing the responsibility of the transformation and mainstreaming gender matters being a responsibility of the government.

As public representatives, we have a responsibility to contribute in changing lives of women and linked to that we must know that this is not just a struggle about women. When we talk about violence against women, it is not about only women. We need partnership by men in our society and I must also say that where we are today, I am happy that we are seeing more men’s organisations, men taking stand against violence in our society in support of women, hence the issue of “not in my name”, having many women coming on board becomes critical. It also

talks to the respect and the realisation of men that without men taking a stand, violence against women can’t end.

The other issue we need to know is the issue about where we come from. It is a patriarchal society that 23 years of democracy can’t change the many years of patriarchy but also linked to that cannott be changed by systematic approach by the apartheid government in continuing to make woman minors and that was instituted in our laws.

So, that has come a long way. As we are here today, the violence against women in our country ... We know we come for a violent society. Apartheid was a very violent system on its own hence we are facing the results of what came from that.

So, I believe that the various laws, the various things we are doing as the government in the emancipation of woman and mainly gender mainstreaming, it is what will change South Africa. The attitudes of both men and women have to change and bring respect and dignity. That also

goes to making sure that the empowerment of women becomes a priority.

Without women being able to articulate and participate in the economy and being able to contribute and take care of their own self-esteem. As a country we can’t say we will be able to have as per our Constitution a recognition of equality as defined by our Constitution.

The Bill of Right, as we say it, becomes a paper unless our behaviour and the way we do things change and we live the change and make sure we recognise that. What we do in our homes as we address both girls and boys and how we nurture them informs future society and how they behave at school. If we continue to see boys as more important than girls, then patriarchy can’t stop.

These are the issues which needs a collective. It needs all of us to commit to changing that. How we socialise our children when they play at various levels and recognising that their potential in all areas without exception, like saying this is for girls or for boys, we can’t see a society which tends to advance the interest

of women and ensuring that women are part of an equal society and not only that but also addressing issues of racism in our country. These are all factors and social ills which we have to work together collectively in ensuring that South Africa becomes a better country.

We are facing a challenge where school children are exposed to violence, especially girls when it comes to sexual abuse. It needs all of us. Let’s stop pointing fingers. Let us work together and find mechanisms and solutions and make sure in the little communities in our streets that ...


... ubuntu buyabuya nenhlonipho ...


... comes back and making sure that our kids are groomed adequately and make sure that every child is my child and embracing our children properly. If we do that as South Africa, we will indeed have the ideal South Africa which we fought for. Thank you.


(Draft Resolution)

Ms Z S DLAMINI-DUBAZANA: Chairperson, I move without notice on behalf of the ANC:

That the House -

notes with sadness the passing of the former inspector general at the SA National Defence Force, Maj Gen Mxolisi Petane on Tuesday, 26 September 2017, at the age of 59;

further notes that the former inspector general, who also served in the ANC’s military wing uMkhonto weSizwe, died of natural causes at the Military Hospital in Pretoria;

recalls that Gen Petane was one of many freedom fighters incarcerated on Robben Island under the apartheid government for his role in liberating the country;

remembers that he was born in Retreat, Cape Town in 1958 and his family was relocated to Gugulethu due to the forced removals policy of apartheid;

understands that the passion to liberate his fellow countrymen and -women from the yoke of oppression saw him play various luminary roles in the ranks of the ANC as political commissar in Botswana from 1983 to 1994;

acknowledges that after the country’s first democratic elections, Gen Petane occupied the highest echelons of command within the SA National Defence Force;

remembers him as a committed comrade who cared for and represented the interests of all citizens, regardless of the colour of their skin and creed; and

conveys its condolences to his family and relatives.

Agreed to.


(Draft Resolution)

Dr M J FIGG: House Chair, I move without notice on behalf of the DA:

That the House -

notes that in 2014 Stats SA found that a staggering 35% of bucket toilets in South Africa were located in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality;

also notes that after just one year of the DA- led coalition government taking over the

municipality, great progress has been made in eradicating the bucket toilet system;

further notes that the municipality is now only months away from having zero bucket toilets within its borders;

acknowledges that the current administration is working nonstop to deliver better services and restore people’s dignity;

congratulates the municipality on achieving this milestone in such a short space of time; and

wishes them well as they continue to deliver better services to all.

I thank you.

The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T Frolick): If there are no objections, I put the motion? [Interjections.] There is an objection.

Motion not agreed to.


(Draft Resolution)

Ms N V MENTE: Chair, I moved without notice on behalf of the EFF:

That the House -

notes that 16 October marked the 78th anniversary of the passing of Charlotte Maxeke;

further notes that she was a pioneer of black and female activism in this country who dedicated much of her life to improving the lives of her people;

acknowledges that she was one of the first black female graduates in the country who had the privilege of being taught by one of the

greatest scholars of Pan-Africanism while on scholarship in the United States, which left a mark on her and reflected in her activism when she returned to South Africa;

recalls that in 1912, she attended the launch of the SA Native National Congress, later known as the ANC;

remembers that she was a feminist who wrote on the suffering of black women;

further remembers that, 43 years before the women’s pass March, she helped organise the antipass movement in Bloemfontein;

further recalls that in 1918, she founded the forerunner to the ANC Women’s League, while being a key player in the formation of the Industrial Commercial Workers Union;
recognises that the achievements of Charlotte Maxeke must never be forgotten; and

calls upon all in this Parliament to, like the EFF, remember her and honour her legacy by fulfilling our generational mission of economic freedom in our lifetime for Africa and the oppressed word. We must be the example.

I thank you.

Agreed to.


(Draft Resolution)

Ms R M M LESOMA: Hon House Chair, I move without notice on behalf of the ANC:

That the House -

notes the motivational story of a 36-year-old Limpopo doctor, Vhutshilo Netshituni, whom, after qualifying as the first black paediatric

oncologist in South Africa last year, is determined to help children beat cancer;

further notes that Dr Vhutshilo works at the paediatric oncology unit of Pietersburg Hospital in Polokwane, which specialises in childhood cancer treatment;

understands that patients suffering from various types of cancer are referred to the unit from health facilities across Limpopo;

recalls that the young medical doctor discovered her love for the profession while visiting her cousin at a medical campus some years back;

further recalls that after Grade 12 in 1999, she pursued a medical degree at Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, formerly Medunsa;
remembers that, even though life was different after her father, who was the breadwinner, died, leaving her mother to raise four

children, she persevered until she achieved her dream of becoming a doctor;

further remembers that, while doing routine hospital visits as a student, she discovered she loved working with children, which influenced her decision to specialise in the field;

believes that Dr Vhutshilo’s story will serve to motivate the youth to follow her lead; and

congratulates Dr Vhutshilo on her wonderful journey on becoming the first black paediatric oncologist.

Agreed to.


(Draft Resolution)

Mr N SINGH: Chairperson, I move without notice on behalf of the IFP:

That the House -

notes that today and tomorrow, 18-19 October, marks the celebration of Deepavali or Diwali, also known as “the festival of lights”;

further notes that this celebration is meant to promote and cherish peace, harmony and the universal triumph of light over darkness;

acknowledges that it is an auspicious occasion, celebrated with great zeal throughout the period;

wishes all Hindu families throughout South Africa and the world celebrating this festival a happy one filled with light and goodwill; and

encourages all South Africans to follow the example set by the festival of Deepavali in

remembering and showing kindness, so that we may create greater joy, happiness, peace and social cohesion in our land, remembering that we are a stronger nation if we stand united than if we stand apart.

Agreed to.


(Draft Resolution)

Mr S C MNCWABE: Hon House Chair, I move without notice:

That the House -

notes that yesterday, 17 October, was International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, which was declared as such by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1992;

also notes that the purpose of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is to

recognise the courage of families living in poverty throughout the world, emphasise the importance of reaching out to the poorest of the poor and building alliances with citizens from all backgrounds to end poverty;

further notes that despite consistent government intervention since 1994, the current statistics indicate that poverty in South Africa is at more than 55,5% of the total population, an estimated 13,8 million people are living in extreme poverty, which is below the food poverty line;

finally notes that poverty in South Africa affects the most vulnerable of our people, which are children younger than 17 years, females, blacks, Africans and people living in rural areas; and

calls upon this House to encourage the government, business and people of South Africa to unite and intensify our fight against poverty.

Agreed to.


(Draft Resolution)

Ms Z S DLAMINI-DUBAZANA: Chairperson, I move without notice:

That the House -

notes that on 9 October 2017 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Central Intelligence Agency, CIA, ordered assassination of Che Guevara, an artist of revolutionary warfare;

recalls that half a century ago, the CIA trained troops sent shock waves around the world when they executed the Cold War revolutionary icon in 1967;

acknowledges that by executing Che, his adversaries were trying to silence him and stall the struggles of the oppressed masses and the working class;

further acknowledges that the opposite happened as Che became the symbol of the resistance to oppression;

believes that his influence will still continue to inspire political activists decades after his death;

finds befitting the ceremonies held in Cuba and in Bolivia this month to honour and remember the contribution made by Ernesto Che Guevara in the struggle against imperialism and colonialism; and

calls upon South Africans to join Cuba, Bolivia and people of the world in remembering Che.
The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T Frolick): If there are no objections, I put the motion. [Interjections.] There is an objection. The motion is not agreed to.


(Draft Resolution)

Mr N L S KWANKWA: House Chair, I move without notice:

That the House -

notes that on Friday, 13 October 2017, Dr Sibongile Muthwa was unanimously appointed in a university council sitting as the Vice Chancellor for Nelson Mandela University;

further notes that Dr Sibongile Muthwa is the first woman and in particular African woman to occupy this position at NMU;

commends her for this achievement, especially when considering the fact that women are

underrepresented in such positions across the country;

acknowledges that Dr Muthwa’s professional and academic career, places her among those who can be referred to as loyal servants of the South African nation;

further acknowledges that there are many challenges facing higher education at the moment, and NMU as a university in particular but that Dr Muthwa is equal to the task; and

congratulates Dr Muthwa on her appointment as Vice Chancellor of NMU and wishes her strength and courage in leading the university into an era of innovation and change.

Agreed to.


(Draft Resolution)

Ms T GQADA: House Chair, I move without notice:

That the House -

notes that Hamilton Naki Square, one of the City of Cape Town’s community residential unit project in Langa, has been recognised by the Cape Institute for Architecture;

also notes that the square was recognised for its architectural, spatial and community enhancing achievements, being awarded the 2017 Cape Institute for Architecture Award;

further notes that this affirms the city’s commitment to providing well-located housing opportunities and helping to ensure safer communities through urban design, while creating jobs;

acknowledges that this project offers housing opportunities to 463 families;

also acknowledges that the project costs close to R170 million and consists of 463 two bedroomed units of 40 m² each, across three, four and five storey buildings;

further acknowledges that these rental housing opportunities are aimed at those people residing in the worst hostel conditions in the city, following the development of a priority model for all hostels in Cape Town; and

congratulates the City of Cape Town on this remarkable achievement.

Agreed to.


(Draft Resolution)

Mr T E MULAUDZI: House Chair, I move without notice:

That the House -

notes the recent victories of the EFF Student Command at the University of Limpopo, Vaal University of Technology, University of Venda and Tshwane University of Technology, all of these are the repeat victories;

further notes that this along with the other institutions of the higher learning where the SRC is EFF Student Command-led, as well as the various other institutions which have EFF Students Command members which shows the continued growth and appeal of the message of economic freedom in our lifetime;

acknowledges that at campuses throughout South Africa, this message has found expression in the demand for free quality decolonised socialist education, and along with the clean governance and ability to address the day to day challenges facing the students, and that is why the EFF Student Command is able to retain the SRC’s and is also able to continue growing its support at

the institutions of the higher learning where it has not yet won;

recognises that despite being only two-years-old, the EFF Student Command has become the most formidable student organisation in the country, and the only one truly dedicated to achieving free quality decolonised socialist education;

realises that the EFF Student Command will continue to grow, and that as a mother body we are proud of its achievement; and

congratulates the EFF Student Command on its continued victory and growth.

Agreed to.

(Draft Resolution)

Ms R M M LESOMA: Hon House Chair, the ANC moves without notice:

That the House -

notes that on 16 October 2017, matriculants began their end of the year examinations;

believes that with all the extra additional support provided to them by the Department of Basic Education, teachers and non-governmental organisations over the weekends and during holidays, these learners will be well prepared for the upcoming final examinations;

trusts that they will perform better and are going to proudly achieve their matric;

we wish them all the best of luck.

Agreed to.


(Draft Resolution)

Ms C DUDLEY: The ACDP moves without notice:

That the House -

notes that the applications for financial aid in 2018 through the National Student Financial Aid Scheme, NSFAS which opened for learners who wish to study at a public higher education institution or technical vocational education and training college on the 1 August 2017 be noted;

the ACDP appeals to the students to prioritise their applications for financial aid as the
30 November deadline for NSFAS applications fast approaches;

grade 12 learners are advised not to wait until their exams but to apply as soon as possible.
Exam results are not needed to apply.

NSFAS funded students going on to the next academic level in 2018 need not to reapply for funding however;

students who are currently enrolled and were not funded in 2017 but qualifies for NSFAS funding should apply urgently.


have just been informed by the table that the motion was not circulated to political parties. It can’t be put to the House then.


(Draft Resolution)

Ms Z S DUBAZANA: The ANC moves without notice:

That the House –

notes with disappointment the sexual assault of more than 80 pupils of AB Xuma primary school in

Soweto by the scholar patroller earlier this month;

believes that the 56-year-old suspect who stands accused of the crime was appointed a year ago, as a recommendation by the Greater Orlando Community Policing Forum;

understands that he was arrested on 9 October and appeared at the Protea Magistrate’s Court on
11 October;

acknowledges the removal of the principal and senior management of the school by the Provincial Department of Education with immediate effect following the scandal; and

commends the provincial Department of Education on prioritizing this matter as well as the stakeholders who played a role in supporting the affected pupils, especially the Teddy Bear Clinic and the Psycho Social Support Services.

Agreed to.


(Draft Resolution)

Mr L S NTSHAYISA: Hon Chairperson, I hereby move without notice on behalf the AIC ... [Interjections.]

The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T Frolick): Hon member can you just move correctly into the mic please so that we can hear you.

Mr L S NTSHAYISA: Okay. Hon Chairperson, on behalf of the AIC, I hereby move without notice:

That the House:

notes that the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries posture in calibrating the struggle against women subjugation has been

remarkably impactful in the empowerment of women;

acknowledges Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries’s roles during its 18th annual provincial female entrepreneurial awards, which took place at Kgora Farmer Training Centre in Mafikeng;

also congratulates the overall winner, Miss Rose Rakgwale of Selame Poultry, who took home
R2 million worth of cash and other prices;

also recognises the work of Miss Violet Khabuza who supervises a business that employs approximately 17 people;

further draw inspiration from Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries steadfastness in writing the course on the script of women empowerment.

Agreed to.


(Draft Resolution)

Ms R M LESOMA: House Chair, the ANC moves without notice:

That the House –

notes that Bafana Bafana kept their slim chance of qualifying for the 2018 Soccer World Cup alive by beating Burkina Faso 3-1 in a Group D Africa qualifier at FNB Stadium on Saturday
7 October 2017;

understands that Bafana Bafana is now on four points in group D, one point behind Burkina Faso who remain third in the group;
remembers that the three first half goals by Bafana Bafana was exactly what the team needed to ease the pressure in the second half; and;

we further congratulates Bafana Bafana on this important victory and wishes them well in their back to back matches against Senegal in November 2017.

Agreed to.

Mr N PAULSEN: Chairperson, I am not objecting to the motion, she just forgot something. It is the EFF that brought the crowd to that stadium.

The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T Frolick): Thank you for the information.


(Draft Resolution)

Mr J VOS: House Chair, I hereby move on behalf of the DA:

That this House -

notes that the International Congress and Convention Association has ranked Cape Town as the number one city in Africa for business tourism;

also notes that the city now ranks in the top 40 destinations for business tourism in the world;

also acknowledges that during the last financial year, the Western Cape secured 33 new bids with an estimated economic impact of R424 million;

also acknowledges that over the past six years the estimated economic impact of the conference bids secured in this province exceeds
R1,5 billion for the province;

further acknowledges the important role that business tourism events can play in stimulating economic growth and creating jobs for South Africans.

Finally, we ccongratulates the City of Cape Town for being named the go to city for business tourism in Africa.

Agreed to.


(Draft Resolution)

Ms Z S DUBAZANA: House Chairperson, the ANC moves without notice:

That the House –

notes that 2017 marks the centenary of the Russian revolution, an event that led to the creation of the Soviet Union;
remembers that 100 years ago, on a particular Wednesday in February, a food shortage in Russia triggered riots on the streets of the capital Petrograd and kicked off the Russian Revolution,

a chain of events that would change the course of world history;

recalls that workers, soldiers and peasants who forms the vast majority of ordinary people, under the banner of the Bolsheviks shook off the centuries old monarchy and in October they seized power;

further recalls that the Russian Revolution changed the course of history as the monarchy was replaced by a communist government, the world’s first;

understands that on this 100 year anniversary, the Soviet Union’s war victims are remembered as much as its achievements;

believes that some cultural events and conferences are planned toward the end of the year as part of celebrating the century and;

congratulates Russia on reaching the 100 year milestone, amandla!

The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T Frolick): If there are no objections, I put the question

An HON MEMBER: I object

The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T Frolick): There is an objection, the motion is not agreed to.


(Member’s Statement)

Ms T M NKONZO (ANC): Thank you House Chair. The ANC welcomes and congratulate the Department of Health for the unveiling on the 17 September 2017, of the state of the art new wing of the Cecilia Makiwane Hospital in Mdantsane, East London.

This is a milestone towards the implementation of the National Health Insurance, NHI that will result in a

provision of quality health care particularly to poor communities. This world-class tertiary Hospital is an investment to realise the National Development Plan, NDP vision and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for Universal Health coverage.

This 526-bed Hospital is supported by an integrated system that will optimise delivery health care. It applies technological innovations to reduce patient waiting times, improve diagnoses and enables a quicker health invention to patients. This 1 billion investment infrastructure will support local economic development in the townships.

As we revitalise public health infrastructure, we are also expanding opportunities for local communities to improve their lives through job creation and local enterprise development. I thank you.

(Member’s Statement)

Mr D W MCPHERSON (DA): Thank you House Chairperson. The DA condemns a suggestion made by the illegitimate ANC chairman in KwaZulu-Natal that the BEE legislation should be amended to exclude the Indians and Coloured people from competing for state tenders of over R50 million.
This suggestion is not only illegal but unconstitutional and it violates the spirit and latter of BEE legislation.

The MEC must be caught out for the person he is, a crude and racist man looking for political relevance. This suggestion by the illegitimate chairman violates section 1B of the amended Act which states in the generic term that African people, Indian people and Coloured people are considered to be black.

His plans are therefore nothing more than an attempt to undermine legislation and to sow a racial discord in KwaZulu-Natal. Why does the ANC hate Indian and Coloured people so much? Why does the ANC want to use Indian and Coloured people as pawns in their political conference? What have ANC and Coloured people ever done to you to be excluded from tenders?

Indian and Coloured people must stop donating money to the ANC and start to recognise until their recognised for the contribution they make to this country. The DA is the only party that represent all South Africans Black, White, Coloured and Indians.

In 2019 they have an opportunity to remove the ANC and to stop these continued racial attacks against them. [Applause.]


(Member’s Statement)

Ms M O MOKAUSE (EFF): Thank you House Chair. Abraham Esau Hospital in Calvinia Northern Cape Province is dysfunctional and failing to serve the 35 000 catchment in the area. When the hospital was designed it was intended to offer 24-hour service and an operating theatre for emergencies. Currently, the hospital cannot do both properly.

In 2016 the hospital had six doctors, but currently it only has two with the vacant posts still not having been advertised. There are no second doctors on call because it is humanely impossible.

The operating theatre cannot operate after hours, while all critical services in the maternity department are not functional; forcing poor pregnant patients to travel more than 413 kilometres to Upington. Because of the shortage of doctors, patients no longer made it through to neighbouring clinics, placing an even greater burden on the hospital. This is the reality of healthcare for the poor under the ANC government; while Ministers and MECs go to the private hospital.

Public hospitals become more and more dysfunctional violating one of the principle rights of human access to quality healthcare. Three quality healthcares is one of the seven cardinal pillars of the EFF. We will continue to inspire and speak on behalf of the poor communities and the voiceless until we take power in 2019. We will ensure quality healthcare to all South Africans. [Time expired.]


(Member’s Statement)

Ms C N NDABA (ANC): The ANC welcomes and commend the Minister of Health... [Interjections.]

The HOUSE CHAIPERSON (Mr CT Frolick): Order hon members! Order hon members!

Ms C N NDABA (ANC): What is the problem?

The HOUSE CHAIPERSON (Mr CT Frolick): The member wants to read the statement.

Ms C N NDABA (ANC): Okay.

The HOUSE CHAIPERSON (Mr CT Frolick): Order hon members! Hon members, can we give an opportunity to the member to read the statement? What is the point of order hon member?

Mr M LEKOTA (COPE): Eh! Chairperson, on a point of order, I think it’s utterly disgraceful that hon member Zulu should be saying in this House to some of the members, “go back to Australia,” “go back to France.” No, no, because you are white? [Applause.]

What’s wrong with being white in this country? Is this parliamentary for her to say things like that in the presence of all of us? She doesn’t belong here with us.

The HOUSE CHAIPERSON (Mr CT Frolick): Thank you. [Applause.] No, hon member! Hon member, I will check the recording.

Hon Minister, hon Minister Order! Hon Minister! Hon Minister Zulu did you? Order! Did you make that remark? Hon Minister, order! I can’t hear the Minister. I will check the recording hon members. [Interjections.]
I will, no you see, no, no. No, you see, you see hon members, when you sit and interject here while I’m asking a specific member of the House a question, I can’t hear what she is saying. [Interjections.]

No, you, listen! Listen hon members. Listen here, don’t shout at me okay. Don’t shout at the Chair because you won’t achieve anything by doing so. I will simply postpone the ruling. Continue hon member.

Ms C N NDABA (ANC): The ANC welcomes and commend the Minister of Health Doctor Aaron Motsoaledi on the ground breaking pricing agreement reached in collaboration with the number of international organisations to a accelerate the availability of the first affordable single pill HIV treatment regiment.

It is estimated that the price reduction will result in savings of up to R11,7 billion over the next six years. This will enable South Africa to enrol more patients on treatment.

We further welcome the call by the government that all sexually active South Africans especially the youth to continue to live a healthy life which adopts preventative measures such as continuously practicing safer sex by abstaining, being faithful and condomising and regularly testing for HIV. Thank you. [Applause.]


(Member’s Statement)

Mr M HLENGWA (IFP): Hon House Chairperson, the IFP would like to thank the people of eNdumeni for voting for the IFP in the by-elections of the 27 September 2017, Ward 3, ensuring that the IFP continues to lead that municipality.

It must be noted that the vacancy occurred after the IFP has dismissed its own councillor who have been involved in underhand dealings with the ANC and was bribed to cause instability in that municipality.

The IFP will not tolerate corruption whenever and who it manifest itself particularly because corruption robs communities of service delivery, stability and good governance.

We are aware of the dirty tricks and the efforts of the ANC to destabilise the IFP lead municipalities as was the

case in Nquthu and most recently in eNdumeni, and thereby have an intention to extend this rhythm of instability to Jozini, AbaQulusi and Mtubatuba.

The ANC must understand that it cannot undo through unscrupulous tactics the result and outcomes of 03 August 2016. The Ward in question had been for tally memorial have been an ANC stronghold, and on the 03 August like millions of South Africans across the country, the people of Ward 3 rejected the ANC.

It was therefore not a surprise that the ANC saw this councillor in the community as a soft target to relaunch themselves in eNdumeni. However, the people guided by their conscious have found the home in the IFP.

The IFP congratulates the people of eNdumeni for remaining steadfast in their resolve to push back the advances of corruption; and the IFP is committed to serving their interests and to ensure that they receive service delivery.


Kuvumeni ukuthi nasithola isibhaxu.


And, stop the corruption. I thank you Chair. [Time expired.]


(Member’s Statement)

Dr P J GROENEWALD (FFP): Agb Voorsitter, ek wil net vir die agb Minister Zulu sê dat ek vir haar slegte nuus het. Die witmense is hier om te bly en ons sal ons nie laat boelie deur die agb Minister of lede van die ANC nie.

Die Minister van Polisie het gesê dat hy die agb President versoek om die weermag te ontplooi, om die Polisie by te staan met die bekamping van misdaad. Dit is ’n erkenning van die agb Minister van Polisie dat die Polisie nie meer misdaad in Suid-Afrika kan beheer nie, met ander woorde, misdaad is buite beheer.

Die Vryheidsfront Plus se standpunt is dat dit nie ongewoon is dat die weermag bystand verleen nie, alhoewel dit nie wenslik is nie. Die Vryheidsfront Plus wil ook waarsku dat die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag tans nie op standaard is om die Polisie by te staan met polisiewerk nie. Hull is nie opgelei daarvoor nie, hulle weet nie wat om te doen nie en hulle is nie gedissiplineerd genoeg nie.

Die Vryheidsfront Plus wil vandag waarsku dat as u die Weermag saam met die Polisie in sekere gebiede gaan ontplooi, gaan u nie net een Marikana geval hê nie, maar baie.

Polisielede is daar om die gemeenskap te beskerm. Soldate word opgelei om mense dood te skied. Dit is die verskil. Dankie.


(Member’s Statement)

Ms R C ADAMS (ANC): Hon House Chair, the ANC commends the law-enforcement agencies for acting swiftly in arresting the suspect in connection with the rape of one student and the stabbing of another at Nelson Mandela University in Port Elizabeth recently. A 29-year-old suspect has been arrested and was found to be in possession of a computer and cellphone of one of the victims. He has already appeared before a court. The ANC believes that the safety of students at higher institutions is paramount and calls upon all stakeholders of the police to work together to ensure and guarantee student safety, especially female students.

We welcome the commitment by the university to heighten the level of security across all campuses. We further welcome the university’s undertaking to expand its partnership with the SA Police Service and metro police to obtain extra support for the students in and around campuses. Other measures put in place are also the improvement of CCTV monitoring, control checks at entrances, taxi drop-off points and bus stops. We call upon all institutions of higher learning to prioritise student safety and implement anticrime activities that

guarantees students’ safety on and off campuses. I thank you. [Applause.]


(Member’s Statement)

Mr M G P LEKOTA (COPE): On behalf of Cope, I move without notice ... [Interjections.]

The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T Frolick): It is time for statements, hon Lekota.

Mr M G P LEKOTA (COPE): Oh, I am sorry.

The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T Frolick): Thank you. The ANC. Hon Lekota, are you going to make a statement?

Ms E K M MASEHELA (ANC): Yes, yes. Thanks.

Mr M G P LEKOTA (COPE): Chairperson, yesterday we saw the 11th Cabinet reshuffle in eight years. [Interjections.]

A total of 133 pawn moves and the ANC’s impotent response from a submissively prone position are indicative that the party itself is captured by one individual who does as he pleases, breaks the law, abuses people and abuses power because that individual has long ceased to be bound by the oath of office.

The consequence of this is that this country may well find itself faced with a nuclear programme, something that is going to destroy the future of many generations of South Africans. That is our statement, Sir. [Applause.]

(Member’s Statement)

Ms E K M MASEHELA (ANC): House Chair, the ANC strongly believes that the tourism industry is able to stimulate growth of South African businesses as well as developing other spin-offs, such as foreign direct investments, which will provide job opportunities for more people. The SA Tourism Sector is believed to be one of the industries

that greatly contributed to moving the country out of recession and it continues to contribute significantly to the economy by being the biggest foreign exchange earner in the South African economy.

Furthermore, South Africa received over 10 million international tourists in 2016, which was an increase of about 13% compared to 2015. The SA Tourism Sector is continuing to show growth, with the sector supporting up to 702 824 direct jobs in 2015 and is envisaged to create
1 million direct jobs against the approximate 2,2 million total jobs that would be supported by the sector by 2026.

The ANC is of the view that these gains provide a solid foundation which aims to increase the number of tourists by 5 million in the next five years. We all need to support our tourism industry and ensure that South Africans, especially the youth, become involved in tourism. Let us all do tourism. Thank you, Chairperson. [Applause.] [Time expired.]


(Member’s Statement)

Ms D VAN DER WALT (DA): Chairperson, Sedibeng School for the Deaf in Lephalale, was one of three Accelerated Schools Infrastructure Delivery Initiative, Asidi, schools in Limpopo. After completion, it stood empty for months before teaching commenced. It is also a special needs education school for deaf learners.

On Monday the electricity to this school was cut and the deaf learners were sent back to their hostel as they depend on electricity to be taught because they use projectors. The school owes R541 583 to the municipality. This is not by default of the school, but because of the noncare or attitude of the department. They never registered this school in its name – their municipal account still shows empty stand.

Continuous efforts of the acting principal to alert the department just resulted in an unacceptable, do not hurry us response. This is unacceptable in our country where education is a priority and the doorway to dignity. No

child should be left behind – especially our learners with special needs. [Applause.]


(Member’s Statement)

Mr S P MHLONGO (EFF): The EFF welcomes the ruling by the Supreme Court of Appeal in the matter involving the reinstatement of the corruption charges against Mr Jacob Zuma. Mr Zuma has weakened all our law-enforcement urgencies that have alarmed even our members of the judiciary as observed recently in the Gupta-leaked emails. The EFF joins the call made by one of our judges who asked whether in South Africa is there still the rule of law. [Interjections.]

A FEMALE HON MEMBER: Is Lesilo still the Member of Parliament?

Mr S P MHLONGO (EFF): He was amazed by foreign government’s actions on the matter involving Pottinger

saga, whilst here back home the Hawks and the National Prosecuting Authority, NPA, were actionless.

The EFF is also aware that advances made by Mr Zuma to have his wife as President, first of the ANC and later the country is a step meant to evade his appearance before the law. [Interjections.]

We call upon Minister Mbalula and Minister Masutha to ensure that law-enforcement urgencies reign on Mr Zuma with speed. [Interjections.]

Failure for them to do this makes a mockery of our law- enforcement urgencies in the eyes of our people. We have a country to protect it is in that context that we are saying that action must be taken now on Mr Zuma. [Applause.] [Time expired.]


(Member’s Statement)

Ms L C THEKO (ANC): Hon House Chairperson, the ANC welcomes BMW Group South Africa’s investing of a further R160 million in its manufacturing facility at Rosslyn in Pretoria to enhance production. This follows after the announcement by BMW South Africa in November 2015 that it would be investing R6 billion in South Africa, to prepare the plant for the production from the first half of next year, 2018, of the new generation BMW X3 for the domestic and export markets.

The BMW X3 will only be produced at the Rosslyn plant for the South African and European markets. The additional investment for the Rosslyn plant would in the future have the potential to produce the highest volume ever in its
44 year history. We believe this will assist in creating much needed jobs, especially the long-term commitment by BMW to produce BMW X3 as well as increase production which means more jobs are going to be created. The ANC hopes that other big foreign companies will follow suite and invest in South Africa. [Ndza khensa Mutshamaxitulu.] I thank you, Chairperson. [Applause.]


(Member’s Statement)

Mr L M NTSHAYISA (AIC): Chairperson, school safety policies and the idea of intergovernmental and interdepartmental approach should be encouraged and be implemented. The school safety policies that are in place should be improved. Each and every time, we hear of the killings and raping of school girls at school, going to school and out of school.

In Gauteng, in particular, we have seen and heard of so many incidents where the school girls have been raped and killed. Of course, the linking of schools to the police stations is a good idea. But we need to strengthen that linkage and close the gap on the shortages of staff and reinforce some financial resources for the same purpose.

The Department of Basic Education, together with the other departments like the police, social development and health should work together, and all the stakeholders should also be involved. Everyone is called upon to come and assist.


Bafa baphela abantwana bethu sijongile. Zemk’iinkomo magalandini.


God bless Africa.


(Member’s Statement)

Ms N NDONGENI (ANC): House Chair, the ANC is committed on developing black entrepreneurs by expanding the number and viability of black businesses to achieve our development vision. As a result, the government has now created an opportunity and access for Black-owned wine companies to gain a foot-hold into the Russian market.

This is due to the fact that the ANC Government invited the CEO of Marine Express, on the sidelines of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum in June, with the

specific objective of creating access to market for

black-owned wine companies to enable them to export their wines to Russia. The four-day Russian Inward Buying Mission delegation visited some of the farms and premises in various parts of the Western Cape during the mission.

Marine Express is one of Russia’s leading importers and distributors of wine and liquor. Their distribution covers all of Russia’s regions and goes through all distribution channels. Its clientele comprises of more than 400 customers located in more than 60 cities. The ANC is of the view that this will go a long way in addressing transformation in the wine industry and bring the economic and social development to wine brand owners. It will also create jobs and contribute to increasing the country’s exports to achieve economic growth. [Time expired.]


(Member’s Statement)

Mr J VOS (DA): Chairperson, the now former Minister of Home Affairs has finally conceded to our plea for the implementation of electronic visas as a means to streamline tourism to our country. But in a reply to my parliamentary question, she has only disclosed a pilot project starting in March next year. We need a comprehensive briefing on what to expect and how it will work.

The DA has been consistently calling for an e-visa system to facilitate easier access for tourists, especially after the implementation of the disastrous visa regulations a few years ago, which resulted in a decline in international tourist arrivals. The e-visa system could mean more tourists and more jobs for the South Africans.
We have submitted several motions in Parliament calling for the introduction of e-visas listing the various benefits, whilst also highlighting the industry’s support for their introduction. Implementing an e-visa system would make it easier and safer for tourists to select South Africa as a destination of choice for trade and tourism.

But the long term benefits would also mean that this system will contribute significantly to our economy, and it would seem that the department is now finally starting to see this. The DA supports this initiative. Thank you.


(Member’s Statement)

Mr W B MAPHANGA (ANC): Chairperson, the ANC government through the National Health Insurance, NHI, progamme seeks to pool funds to provide access to quality, affordable healthcare services for all South Africans, based on their needs and irrespective of their socio- economic status.
The piloting of this programme in KwaZulu-Natal in Amajuba, Umzinyathi and Umgungundlovu is promising. One of the key things that the ANC provincial government is doing to improve healthcare in the province, is the introduction of ward-based outreach teams, which bring healthcare services closer to the people, at ward level,

where teams are able to identify health problems in the community for early interventions.

About 23 general practitioners, who cover 40 primary healthcare facilities, have attended to over 33 000 clients to date. Community members are seen at primary healthcare level, rather than having to go to a district hospital. The ANC commends this bold undertaking and believes that the piloting of the NHI is in line with the vision that healthcare should be seen as a social investment.

The experiences and learning outcomes of this pilot will provide valuable lessons when the country prepares for the rollout of the National Health InsuranceI thank you, Chair.


(Minister’s Response)


Thanks House Chair. I think the issue of promoting black

ownership in the wine industry is of paramount importance. We do our best to make sure that those who are involved in procuring land and who begin to work in this industry are promoted.

This week Monday I attended the EU — Southern African Development Community, SADC, meeting in which the issues of wine being consumed as well as exported to global markets was encouraged. We do have people who are deployed in different countries to make sure that they market our wines. I appreciate the statement which says that Russia is one of those markets that we are looking at.

We believe that black people should not only fight to own land but they must use it. Using it is to achieve markets, and for a long time they have been deprived of participating in this area. This is an area that is not only lucrative but with government assistance it can improve the role of women’s participation in the industry. We will do our best to ensure that we follow up on this programme and participate in it as the department.


(Minister’s Response)


much Chairperson. Firstly, having had a debate on the emancipation and empowerment of women, it’s important to point out to the hon member of the EFF that Dr Dlamini- Zuma is not the wife of President Zuma. She divorced him many years ago. [Interjections.]

Secondly, we welcome ...

The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T Frolick): Order hon members, order!


at improving health care in the Eastern Cape and in particular the sterling role that Cecilia Makiwane played in offering health services to the poorest in our society. It’s really being honoured by the new facilities that have been built by the health sector and it provides

a hospital that will be able to offer quality health care to the residents of the Eastern Cape.

Finally, the policies of the ANC government with respect to black economic empowerment have not been altered in any manner and will not be altered by the statement made by the member of the executive council, MEC, of economic affairs of KwaZulu-Natal. The policies of the ANC remain as they are and will be honoured as they are currently honoured in the statute. [Applause.]

It is important that we assert that we are a country that has clear policies and these will be implemented. Of course, we will not ask what the DA has against coloured people, given that Patricia de Lille, who really deserves to be premier and leader of the DA, is not occupying that position. [Applause.] [Interjections.]

(Minister’s Response)

The MINISTER OF BASIC EDUCATION: Thank you very much Chair. On the matter of the school for the blind with

regard to rates, I will ask the member to give the name of the school because as national we just build the schools and hand them over to the provinces to run.

However, as she correctly says it’s unacceptable to have a school’s lights being switched off. Sometimes the major problem is municipalities which charge exorbitant rates on schools. We have been engaging unsuccessfully.
However, I will follow up. Even the Western Cape ... [Inaudible.] ... charge schools the same rates. So it’s not the ANC; it’s municipalities generally. I will follow up with the member and see what we can do about the matter.

The other question was about violence in schools. Again, it’s a matter of great concern to us and as the member correctly says it’s just completely unacceptable that learners who are supposed to be under the protection of educators or even security guards are being harmed. So, we are doing all we can.

He cited some of the things that we do, but I think that together as a community ... because schools are just a

reflection ... a microcosm of what happens in communities. Unfortunately, our society of South Africa has unacceptably high levels of violence and this gets reflected in schools. However, we fully agree with the sentiments and are calling on communities to protect our children.



Nk M S KHAWULA: Uxolo kancane Sihlalo, eqinisweni angilungise laphaya umhlonishwa wami engimkhonzile ngoba uma ngiyeka manje kuzoba yinkinga mhlawumbe naye uzoba esekhishiwe ngesonto elizayo.


The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T Frolick):    Hon member why are you rising?


Nk M S KHAWULA: Yebo, uZuma ... [Uhleko.]


The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T Frolick): No, hon member take your seat.


Nk M S KHAWULA: UZuma nomama kaDuduzane into eyodwa unkosikaze wakhe ngesiZulu. Abahlukene nhlobo.
Ngiyadabuka ngoba ... [Uhleko.]


The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T Frolick): Take your seat, hon member. Hon member, please take your seat. You are completely out of order. The ANC!

Ms E K M MASEHELA: Hon House Chair, I hereby move on behalf of the ANC ... [Interjections.]

The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T Frolick): Order, hon members! Order, hon members! Continue, hon member.

Ms E K M MASEHELA: Hon House Chair, I hereby give notice that on the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the ANC:

That the House debates promoting local economic development, particularly in centres where there is great potential for localisation and empowerment.

I thank you.

Mr S P MHLONGO: Chairperson!

The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T FROLICK): I think you must give your Chief Whip preference, hon member. Chief Whip! Who wants to be recognised now? Why are you rising, hon member?

Mr S P MHLONGO: Chairperson, may I address you?

The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T FROLICK): In terms of which rule?

Mr S P MHLONGO: In terms of the rule.

The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T Frolick): You must mention the rule.

Mr S P MHLONGO: No, in terms of the privileges of members.

The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T Frolick): What privilege are you referring to?

Mr S P MHLONGO: According to our indigenous law, African indigenous law ... [Interjections.]

The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T Frolick): Hon member, take your seat.


Mnu S P MHLONGO: Umfazi akaxoshwa ubekwa laphaya enxiweni ngezansi. [Ubuwelewele.]

The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T Frolick): Hon member, take your seat.


Mnu S P MHLONGO: Umama uZuma ulaphaya enxiweni ngezansi. [Ubuwelewele.]


The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T Frolick): I’m requesting you for the last time to take your seat please. The DA!


hereby give notice that at the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the DA:

That the House debates the suspiciously high number break-ins at law enforcement institutions in the country and our innocent practice or taking the fall in a desperate to attempt to cover-up crimes committed higher up.

Ms M O MOKAUSE: Hon House Chair, I hereby give notice that at the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the EFF:

That the House debates the Minister of Finance’s statement that the country cannot afford the nuclear energy.

Ms N NDABA: I hereby give notice that at the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the ANC:

That the House debates strengthening and supporting the government interventions and initiatives aimed at addressing the increasing levels of poverty experienced by South Africans.

I thank you.

Prof C T MSIMANG: Hon House Chair, I hereby give notice that at the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the IFP:

That the House debates the recent state of violence against police officers whilst on duty.

Prof M M KHUBISA: Hon House Chair, I hereby give notice that at the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the NFP:

That this House debates strategies of skilling emerging farmers to be able to productively utilise the land that has been restored or returned to them.

Ms J V BASSON: Hon House Chair, I hereby give notice that at the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the ANC:

That the House debates accelerating and strengthening government interventions to mitigate the impact of the drought on economic development and job creation.

Ms C N MAJEKE: Hon House Chair, I hereby give notice that at the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the UDM:

That the House debates the repositioning of the Department of Women so that it is able to transcend its lobby and advocacy function into concrete development work for women empowerment and emancipation.

Mr Z N MBHELE: Hon House Chair, I hereby give notice that at the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the DA:

This House debates the needs for leveraging modern technologies and public private safety partnerships in order to make policing more effective and efficiency to ensure safe streets and safe homes in South Africa.

Mr T E MULAUDZI: Hon House Chair, I hereby give notice that at the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the EFF:

That the House debates the need for free quality decolonise socialist education.

Mr W B MAPHANGA: Hon House Chair, I hereby give notice that at the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the ANC:

That the House debates provision of clear measures to minimise impacts of severe storms and heavy rains in poor communities.

Mr M G P LEKOTA: Hon House Chair, I hereby give notice that at the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of Cope:

That the House –

debates in the light of the judgement of Judge Bozalek that President Zuma did not do any proper public and participation consultation with regard to the nuclear in a programme;

secondly, that he had no right to delegate to Eskom on this matter; and

thirdly, that it cannot be implemented without consultation with the public and this House discuss what steps ought to be taken by it to ensure that there is no bypassing of the implications of the judgement.

Mr R C ADAMS: Hon House Chair, I hereby give notice that at the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the ANC:

That the House debates the development of an economic strategy that appropriately balances between meeting our developmental objectives as well as promoting inclusive growth.

I thank you.

Mr M L NTSHAHYISA: Hon House Chair, I hereby give notice that at the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the AIC:

That the House debates the strategic ways of dealing with the defunct South African Airways so as to make it profitable and contribute to the economy of the country and not to be babysitted as it is the case now.

Ms L C THEKOU: Hon House Chair, I hereby give notice that at the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the ANC:

That the House debates the impact of substance and drug abuse amongst young people in our communities.

Ndza khensa [Thank you.]

Ms H S BOSHOFFF: Hon House Chair, I hereby give notice that at the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the DA:

That the House debates sexual abuse, murders and violence on school properties in South Africa and ways to prevent it from happening.

Ms M NDONGENI: Hon House Chair, I hereby give notice that at the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the ANC:

That the House debates stimulating trade through adequate infrastructure and reliable, transparent practices and procedures.

The House adjourned at 17:42.