
35619 matches
  • 11 Feb 2004

    State of Road Infrastructure: briefing

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Public Services | National Council of Provinces

    ... start time, that an Acting Chairperson be chosen. Mr V Windvoël was elected to act as Chairperson for ... process, as required by the Environmental Conservation Act, could not be avoided. In most cases, clear-cut concensus ...

  • 18 Feb 2004

    Road Accident Fund Interim & Future Processes: briefing; Committee Annual Report & Budget: adoption

    Committee Meeting | Transport | National Assembly

    ... Ainslie (ANC) asked how the amendment to the RAF Act would take place timeously. He also asked what timeframes ...

  • 20 Feb 2004

    Division of Revenue Bill; Drought Relief Adjustments Appropriation Bill: briefing & adoption; Financial & Fiscal Commission subm

    Committee Meeting | Finance Standing Committee | National Assembly

    ... due to non-compliance with the Division of Revenue Act. Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) submission ... done with the current generation. The balancing act would be to take some short term measures in the ...

  • 14 Jun 2004

    South African Board of Sheriffs: briefing

    Committee Meeting | Justice and Correctional Services | National Assembly

    ... relevant legislation, amongst others the Sheriff's Act 90 of 1986, and if necessary lobby for reform in ... Constitutional Development in terms of the Sheriffs Act nevertheless appoints them. In line with the new ...

  • 22 Jun 2004

    Public Investment Corporation Bill: hearings

    Committee Meeting | Finance Standing Committee | National Assembly

    ... Services Act to the Public Investment Corporation (PIC) Bill and the relationship between that Act and this ... of the Financial Advisory Intermediary Services Act to the Public Investment Corporation Bill. The submission ...

  • 03 Aug 2004

    Immigration Amendment Bill: briefing by Department

    Committee Meeting | Home Affairs | National Assembly

    ... matters in relation to the Act. They were simply being removed from the Act itself. The Department intends ... Magistrates Court Act and the High Court was defined in terms of the Supreme Court Act. The only area of ...

  • 03 Aug 2004

    Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Amendment Bill: hearings

    Committee Meeting | Health | National Assembly

    ... Amendments were under discussion and not the principal Act. He also said the issue under discussion was not ...

  • 17 Aug 2004

    Energy Regulator Bill: Department response to public hearings

    Committee Meeting | Mineral Resources and Energy | National Assembly

    ... Department agreed that Section 21 of the Electricity Act on appeals to the Minister should be repealed, leaving ... to the National Revenue Fund; specifying that the Act would commence "at a date determined by the Minister ...

  • 24 Aug 2004

    Committee Business, Planning and Subgroup Reports

    Committee Meeting | Public Accounts (SCOPA) | National Assembly

    ... other Members that the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) was a tool that Treasury was supposed to use ...

  • 17 May 2000

    Provincial tour reports

    Committee Meeting | Water and Sanitation | National Assembly

    ... Forestry on the implementation of the Water Services Act, had been cancelled due to a department official ...

  • 07 Sep 1999

    Demarcation of Municipalities Report; Committee Programme

    Committee Meeting | Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs | National Assembly

    ... Both the Constitution and the Municipal Structures Act give guidelines on metros giving four broad principles ... boundaries ii. Implementation of the Municipal Structures Act iii. Municipal Service Partnerships iv. Local Government ...

  • 17 Nov 1999

    Report on Investigation of Allegations of Nepotism in Government

    Committee Meeting | Public Service and Administration, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation | National Assembly

    ... promotion. (2) The Executive Members' Ethics Act, 1998 This Act provides that the President must, after ... (3) Local Government Transition Act, 1993 Schedule 7 to this Act contains a Code of Conduct for Councillors ...

  • 16 Sep 2004

    Financial Administration of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Bill: National Treasury briefings

    Committee Meeting | Finance Standing Committee | National Assembly

    ... Parliament Act of 1963 and the Exchequer Act. The PFMA repealed most of the Exchequer Act except provisions ... Management Act (PFMA) adequately covered Parliament and provincial legislatures. A separate Act for the ...

  • 17 Aug 2004

    Traditional Health Practitioners Bill: deliberations and adoption

    Committee Meeting | Health | National Assembly

    ... proposal appeared in contravention of the Competition Act. Ms Dlamini countered that it was difficult to quantify ... the Bill to protect practitioners but rather to act in the interests of the patient. The Chairperson ...

  • 24 May 2000

    Public Service Review Report; Basic Conditions of Employment Act implementation

    Committee Meeting | Public Service and Administration, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation | National Assembly

    ... CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT ACT Documents Handed Out: Basic Conditions of Employment Act: Briefing on the measures ... Basic Conditions of Employment Act was June 1, negotiations about the Act were continuing in the bargaining ...

  • 15 Feb 2000

    Firearms Control Draft Bill: briefing

    Committee Meeting | Police | National Assembly

    ... in South Africa How the Act gives effect to the policy Can the proposed Act be implemented? Public ... REASONS FOR WRITING A NEW ACT RATHER THAN AMENDING THE EXISTING ARMS AND AMMUNITIONS ACT No. 75 of 1969. The ...

  • 19 Oct 2004

    Transnet and Denel: briefings

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Public Enterprises and Communication | National Council of Provinces

    ... been fully compliant with the Employment Equity Act. Some developmental programmes had been introduced ... 19 October 2004 TRANSNET AND DENEL: BRIEFINGS Acting Chairperson: Ms N Ntwanambi (ANC) Documents handed ...

  • 12 Sep 2018

    NSFAS payment of student allowances; with Minister; NQF Amendment Bill: Department response to submissions

    Committee Meeting | Higher Education, Science and Technology | National Assembly

    ... ‘publicness’ of which could not be taken away by the POPI Act. One Member did however feel that the Bill did not ...

  • 13 Mar 2007

    Umsobomvu Youth Fund (UYF) Strategic Plan

    Committee Meeting | Employment and Labour | National Assembly

    ... and had to abide by legislation such as the Usury Act. They were, however, probably one of the only institutions ...

  • 13 Mar 2007

    Annual Report and Budget Vote hearings: Department briefing

    Committee Meeting | Justice and Correctional Services | National Assembly

    ... Programme 2007 Summary of Report on Position of Acts Position of Acts: 28 February 2007 Constitutional Court cases ... the issue that it deals with the State Liability Act. Ms Chohan-Khota informed the members that she ...