
35619 matches
  • 14 Jun 2000

    Tourism Amendment Bill [B50-99]: briefing

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Land Reform, Environment, Mineral Resources and Energy | National Council of Provinces

    ... tour managers also may not act as guides. For quality assurance no one may act as a guide unless they have ... one looks at the Bill together with the principal Act it would be seen that clauses 1 and 2 introduce notable ...

  • 29 May 2001

    Financial Intelligence Centre Bill: deliberations on Clauses 13-21

    Committee Meeting | Finance Standing Committee | National Assembly

    ... Management Act, with the equivalent of clause 13(1) being broken up into two sections in that Act. Adv ... were burdened with the costs of compliance with the Act. The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants ...

  • 19 Aug 1999

    Parliamentary press briefing by Minister E. Pahad

    Committee Meeting | Joint Monitoring Committee on Children, Youth and Persons with Disabilities | Joint (NA + NCOP)

    ... Youth Commission had been set up in terms of an Act of Parliament and is independent of the government ...

  • 31 Aug 1999

    Passing of resolution

    Committee Meeting | Prevention of Organised Crime Second Amendment Bill | National Assembly

    ... application of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998, ("the Act") creates an urgent need for the legislature ... the provisions of the Act. Various commentators have recently commented on the Act, mainly without fully ...

  • 08 Sep 1999

    Telkom: Briefing

    Committee Meeting | Communications | National Assembly

    ... rules created by revisions to the Telecommunications Act should be the same for all public operators. "All ...

  • 20 Oct 1999

    Defence budget process: briefing

    Committee Meeting | Defence | Joint (NA + NCOP)

    ... Defence Review, the Financial Management Act and the Public Service Act. The following broad categories make ...

  • 20 Jan 2005

    Children’s Bill: Joint Presentation by Departments on the Interdepartmental Steering Committee

    Committee Meeting | Social Development | National Assembly

    ... that the Bill should be linked with the Schools Act. A legal duty to ensure that children were at school ... the Limpopo province. The provincial Department acted on available information and found that there was ...

  • 18 Feb 2005

    Codes of Good Practice for Black Economic Empowerment: Department briefing

    Committee Meeting | Trade and Industry | National Assembly

    ... them in the scorecard, but that it would take an act of Parliament to redefine the term coloured.He added ...

  • 10 Nov 1999

    Violence Against Women & Access to Justice: hearings

    Committee Meeting | Monitoring Improvement of Quality of Life and Status of Women | Joint (NA + NCOP)

    ... as with force or under threat. In these terms an act of sexual penetration can be oral, anal or vaginal ... bringing together all sexual offences under one act. Protection of children and child molestation clauses ...

  • 14 Jun 2005

    Co-operatives Bill; Mineral and Energy Laws Amendment Bill: adoption

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Economic and Business Development | National Council of Provinces

    ... amended Mining Titles Registration Act and the Deeds Registry Act. These were to correct the amendments ... were done to the Deeds Registry Act by the Mining Titles Registration Act, 2003, and the Mineral and Petroleum ...

  • 21 Jun 2005

    Provision of Free Basic Municipal Services: briefings

    Committee Meeting | Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs | National Assembly

    ... funding were outlined within the Division of Revenue Act. Issues would be incorporated within the national ... PROVISION OF FREE BASIC MUNICIPAL SERVICES: BRIEFINGS Acting Chairperson: Mr S Mashudulu (ANC) Documents handed ...

  • 13 Jan 2000

    Revised Bill: discussion

    Committee Meeting | Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Bill | National Assembly

    ... Education Policy Act, 1996 (Act No. 27 of 1996), section 1 of the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of ... Constitution or an Act of Parliament expressly amending this Act, the provisions of this Act must prevail: ...

  • 23 May 2017

    DWS on its Budget; Construction Unit; Water Trading Entity & Bucket Eradication Programme, with Deputy Minister

    Committee Meeting | Water and Sanitation | National Assembly

    ... further indicated that although the National Water Act allowed the Department to restrict or suspend the ... Water Trading Entity Presentation Mr Paul Nel, Acting Chief Financial Officer: Water Trading Entity (WTE) ...

  • 13 Oct 1999

    Convention Against Discrimination in Education; SA-US Commission for Educational Exchanges

    Committee Meeting | Basic Education | National Assembly

    ... free and compulsory primary education. The Schools Act provides for compulsory education. Free primary education ...

  • 09 Jun 2000

    Municipal Electoral Bill: discussion

    Committee Meeting | Home Affairs | National Assembly

    ... could brief the committee on the Aliens Control Act after the committee voted on the Bill on Monday. ... 9 and 10 were exactly as they were in the 1998 Act and the 90 days was merely to bring a postponement ...

  • 24 May 2000

    Municipal Structures Act, Municipal Electoral Bill: briefing

    Committee Meeting | Home Affairs | National Assembly

    ... PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE 24 May 2000 MUNICIPAL STRUCTURES ACT; MUNICIPAL ELECTORAL BILL: BRIEFING Document handed ... committee on the section of the Municipal Structures Act which outlines the structure of the electoral system ...

  • 09 May 2000

    Municipal Electoral Bill: briefing

    Committee Meeting | Home Affairs | National Assembly

    ... elected in terms of the Local Government Transition Act which was finalised at the World Trade Centre as ... this Parliament, the Local Government Transition Act was not the product of a genuinely democratic process ...

  • 07 Sep 1999

    Rental Housing Bill: discussion

    Committee Meeting | Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation | National Assembly

    ... Section 187 of the Constitution of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996. The role of the CGE is to promote respect ... are detailed in the Commission on Gender Equality ACT 39 of 1996. In terms of Section 11(1), the CGE must ...

  • 27 Jan 2004

    Social Assistance and Social Security Agency Bills: negotiating mandates

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Health and Social Services | National Council of Provinces

    ... drafted. Also, Section 197 of the Labour Relations Act ensured that employees would be transferred to the ...

  • 04 Feb 2004

    Films and Publications Amendment Bill: voting; South African Citizenship Amendment Bill: adoption

    Committee Meeting | Home Affairs | National Assembly

    ... repeal of Section 9 of Act 88 of 1995. The object of the amendment was to bring the Act in line with Section ... 1:Amendment of section 4 of Act 65 of 19962. Section 4 of the principal Act is hereby amended - (a) by ...