
35618 matches
  • 16 Jun 2009

    Statistics South Africa: Strategic Plan 2009/10: briefing

    Committee Meeting | Finance Standing Committee | National Assembly

    ... challenges. The enabling sections of the Statistics Act were highlighted as a means for the planned shift ... priorities beyond 2009. The full implementation of the Act was to happen, chiefly, through the National Statistical ...

  • 22 Jun 2009

    Human Sciences Research Council Board: tabling of shortlisted candidates to Committee

    Committee Meeting | Science and Technology | National Assembly

    ... amendment to the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) Act, had therefore preferred the option which required ...

  • 29 Jun 2009

    SABC Strategic Plan 2009/10

    Committee Meeting | Communications | National Assembly

    ... Before the presentations began, Mr Gab Mampone, acting Group Executive Officer made a statement on behalf ...

  • 06 Jul 2009

    N2 Gateway Project: Special audit: Auditor-General’s report interrogation

    Committee Meeting | Public Accounts (SCOPA) | National Assembly

    ... of implementation. In terms of the Social Housing Act, 2008, local municipalities were to be the implementing ... there had been a failure to comply with the Housing Act, and asked who was responsible, and what disciplinary ...

  • 04 Aug 2009

    ICD Executive Director nomination for appointment: Minister briefing

    Committee Meeting | Police | National Assembly

    ... committees that, acting in accordance with section 51(1) of the South Africa Police Service Act, he and the ... Director General, Mr Vusi Madonsela. In terms of the Act, the Minister has powers to appoint the Executive ...

  • 04 Aug 2009

    N2 Gateway Project Special Audit Report: Department's responses

    Committee Meeting | Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation | National Assembly

    ... legislation regarding both constructing and the Housing Act were observed. There were challenges regarding ... (HDA), a government institution established by an Act of Parliament, had taken over the development. In ...

  • 05 Aug 2009

    Division of Revenue 2010/11: Responses to FFC recommendations by Departments of Cooperative Governance & Traditional Affairs, Public Works, Education and SALGA

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Finance | National Council of Provinces

    ... Chairperson advised that the Intergovernmental Relations Act could guide the Department, especially to coordinate ...

  • 24 Aug 2009

    Traditional Leadership & Governance Framework Amendment Bill & National House of Traditional Leaders Bill: proposals for amendment by Minister & Department

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Cooperative Governance & Traditional Affairs, Water and Sanitation and Human Settlements | National Council of Provinces

    ... Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Act of 2003. It provided for the recognition of senior ... transforming traditional authorities in line with the act, to align the terms of office of all structures of ...

  • 03 May 2016

    Department of Military Veterans on its 2016 Annual Performance Plan

    Committee Meeting | Defence and Military Veterans | National Assembly

    ... Mobilisaton Act, the Special Pension Act,  the Social Assistance Act, Social Pension Act, Military Pension ... of Acts that impacted on the lives of the MVs, such as the Military Veterans Act, the Defence Act, the ...

  • 13 Oct 2016

    Films and Publications Amendment Bill: Legal Opinion & Socio-economic Impact Assessment

    Committee Meeting | Communications | National Assembly

    ... section 18 of the Traditional Leadership Framework Act and what pertains to customs, traditions or customary ... 16(1) and 16(2)(a) of the Films and Publications Act (FPA) were constitutionally invalid because their ...

  • 15 Aug 2000

    DBSA Annual Report

    Committee Meeting | Finance Standing Committee | National Assembly

    ... They emphasised that the Bank is only intended to act as a catalyst and it does not want to crowd out other ... before. They proposed three amendments to the DBSA Act which would not affect the fundamentals of the Bank: ...

  • 20 Mar 2001

    Peacekeeping: the Brahimi Report

    Committee Meeting | International Relations | National Assembly

    ... 'non-interference.' Article 4 of the constitutive act of the AU qualifies the sovereignty principle. Therefore ...

  • 18 Sep 2001

    Agricultural Debt Management Bill: deliberations

    Committee Meeting | Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development | National Assembly

    ... repeal of the Agriculture Credit Act, the title or name of the Act and the condition and timing of its ... property depended on the speed in which the Department acted against defaulters. The Department's credit controllers ...

  • 29 Apr 2002

    Budget Vote 17: hearings

    Committee Meeting | Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation | National Assembly

    ... Undertake the funding as a wholesale intermediary and act as a fund manager. Specific in identifying, assessing ... Monali (Chairperson of the Board), Paul Mosimang (Acting CEO) and the MEC for Housing (North West Province) ...

  • 31 May 2002

    Insolvency Amendment Bill; International Criminal Court Bill: deliberations

    Committee Meeting | Justice and Correctional Services | National Assembly

    ... reason, the Act could then be challenged because of that. The Chair stated that the Act could not be ... was to have the Act operationalised because the President had failed. However, the Act had been assented ...

  • 20 Aug 2002

    South African Revenue Service Amendment Bill: briefing

    Committee Meeting | Finance Standing Committee | National Assembly

    ... having to align the principle act with the Public Finance Management Act. The Committee discussion was ... Amendment Bill. The main changes to the principle act relates to the disestablishment of the SARS Board ...

  • 28 Oct 2003

    Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Bill: finalisation

    Committee Meeting | Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs | National Assembly

    ... Black Administration Act of 1927, there are disputes and claims that predate this Act that will also require ... Amendments to section 81 of the Municipal Structures Act. Amendments to legislation dealing with the pension ...

  • 12 Nov 2003

    African Union & Nepad: briefing by Minister

    Committee Meeting | International Relations | National Assembly

    ... intervene. Thus he argued that unless the AU "got its act together" quickly, there would always be calls from ... the Deputy Minister said that the Constitutive Act and the discussions of the AU had called for the ...

  • 19 Oct 2005

    Nursing Bill: deliberations

    Committee Meeting | Health | National Assembly

    ... Substances Act of 1965 in subclause (5)(a) and 22(c) of the Medicines and Related Substances Act of 1965 ... obligations contained in Section 54 of the National Health Act of 2003. Adv. H Sangoni, State Law Advisor, replied ...

  • 12 May 1998

    Budget Review

    Committee Meeting | Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs | National Assembly

    ... Training Act, 1995, the Department makes an annual transfer to a fund established in terms of the Act. In ... Representative Political Parties Fund. The Department would act as the accounting officer and the Independent Electoral ...