686 matches

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  • 12 Jun 2007

    South African Human Rights Commission Strategic Plan and Budget 2007/08: briefing

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Security and Justice | National Council of Provinces

    ... */ @font-face {font-family:Wingdings; panose-1:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; mso-font-charset:2; mso- ...

  • 29 Aug 2007

    Broadband Infraco Bill: deliberations

    Committee Meeting | Public Enterprises | National Assembly

    ... it was not strictly speaking necessary. Clause 3(1)(a) was amended by a technical amendment. MINUTES ... to by changing the wording. In relation to clause 1, the comments related to the alignment of the terminology ...

  • 18 Sep 2007

    Judicial Service Commission Amendment Bill: deliberations

    Committee Meeting | Justice and Constitutional Development | National Assembly

    ... under 3(1). He asked why they were not listed twice; he suggested that those not listed under 3(1) could ... was necessary only if the main Option 1 was retained. Clause 8(1) must be read together with sub-clause ...

  • 18 Sep 2007

    Committee Oversight Visit Reports: adoption; election of a Chairperson

    Committee Meeting | Arts and Culture | National Assembly

    ... OF A CHAIRPERSONAudio recording of meeting [Part 1] & [Part 2]SUMMARYThe Committee elected a new Chairperson ...

  • 16 Oct 2007

    Judicial Education Institute Bill [B4-2007]: consideration

    Committee Meeting | Justice and Constitutional Development | National Assembly

    ... it was suggested that 5(1)(f) should be moved to sub-clause (2). Clause 5(1)(g) was unclear, and would ... comments on clauses 5(1)(a) and (c to e) | The Chairperson indicated that clause 5(1)(b) already contained ...

  • 27 Feb 2007


    Committee Meeting | NCOP Rules of the National Council of Provinces | National Council of Provinces

    ... MEETING OF 1 NOVEMBER   2006 The minutes were adopted as a correct reflection of the meeting of 1 November ... Mnana; Mr M Nguqu; Ms S Bowers; Ms E van der Horst.   1.OPENING The Chairperson opened the meeting at 09:38 ...

  • 16 Oct 2007

    Films and Publications Amendment Bill: public hearings

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Social Services | National Council of Provinces

    ... issues. It indicated that the current Section 27(1) of the existing Act already criminalized distribution ... point out that under the current Act’s Section 27(1), distribution and production of child pornography ...

  • 17 Oct 2007

    South African Judicial Education Institute Bill: deliberations

    Committee Meeting | Justice and Constitutional Development | National Assembly

    ... upon. Clause 9(1)(a) was redundant and 9(1)(b) was considered too vague. Clauses 9(1)(d) and (e) were ... to 8 Clause 9 (1)(d) to (e) Clause 9(2) (b) Clause10 (1), (2) (i) and (ii) Clause 11(1) to (4)(a), Clause ...

  • 17 Oct 2007

    Asset Management & Annual Report 2006/07: Department briefings

    Committee Meeting | Public Works and Infrastructure | National Assembly

    ... Management Act (GIAMA) Audio recording of meeting [Part 1]&[Part 2] SUMMARY The Portfolio Committee was briefed ...

  • 05 Sep 2007

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... Constitutional Affairs. National Assembly   1.      Membership of Committees   (1)      Mr M R Mohlaloga has been ... provides employment and training opportunities to over 1 500 people 28% of whom are women, 95% youth and just ...

  • 29 Aug 2007

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... the Chairperson   1.       Classification of Bills by Joint Tagging Mechanism   (1)       The Joint Tagging ... status in terms of the Constitution commences on 1 September 2007 and ends at midnight on 15 September ...

  • 19 Jun 2007

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... the Chairperson   1.       Classification of Bills by Joint Tagging Mechanism   (1)       The Joint Tagging ... Assembly   The Speaker   1.       Referral to Committees of papers tabled   (1)      The following paper ...

  • 14 Aug 2007

    Criminal Law (Sentencing) Amendment Bill: deliberations

    Committee Meeting | Justice and Constitutional Development | National Assembly

    ... to the inherent jurisdiction of 15 years for Part 1 offences. A further option was to be drafted, which ...

  • 03 Oct 2007

    Children's Amendment Bill [B19B-2006]: Deliberations on public submissions

    Committee Meeting | Social Development | National Assembly

    ... priority to poor areas. Ms Dudley: If “must” is in (1) it could perhaps open the province to other challenges ... a “must” for the prioritised communities. Make 93(1) in relation to 93(4). Could be introduced incrementally ...

  • 29 May 2007

    Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Amendment Bill: public hearings

    Committee Meeting | Mineral and Petroleum Resources | National Assembly

    ... specific objections to two definitions under Clause 1, requested clarity on definitions in clause 5, and ... make comments on the Bill itself. Under Clause 1, he said that the amendment of the definition of an ...

  • 05 Jun 2007

    Military Skills Development System & Departmental Budget Timelines: Department briefing

    Committee Meeting | Defence and Military Veterans | National Assembly

    ... feedback received in terms of the discipline of the 1 500 MSD members that had been deployed out. A committee ...

  • 16 Oct 2007

    Consideration & Adoption of Minutes

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Rules of the National Council of Provinces | National Council of Provinces

    ... Mvulane; Ms N Nqaba, Mr M C Mbebe; Ms S Bowers.     1. OPENING  The Deputy Chairperson of the Council opened ...

  • 08 Aug 2007

    Special Pensions Act Implementation: National Treasury briefing

    Committee Meeting | Finance Standing Committee | National Assembly

    ... included people who had to be 35 years or older on 1 December 1996 and who had South African (SA) citizenship ... was closed at that stage there would only have been 1 300 applications received at that time. He confirmed ...

  • 16 Oct 2007

    Children's Amendment Bill [B19B-2006]: Deliberations on Clauses 195 To 227

    Committee Meeting | Social Development | National Assembly

    ... NO DECISION Clause 197 Janet Semple (DA) 197(1)(d) will this cause problems municipalities have different ... Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu (ANC) if you look at 197(1) it says organ of state – what does that mean? ...

  • 15 Oct 2007

    Auditor General Annual Report 2006/7: briefing

    Committee Meeting | Standing Committee on Auditor General | National Assembly

    ... year end 2006/07 Audio recording of meeting [Part 1] [Part 2]&[Part 3] SUMMARY In the afternoon session ...