Section 23 of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act No. 75 of 1997

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  • 10 Oct 2018

    NCOP: Unrevised Hansard


    ... especially about their working conditions and their basic conditions of employment. As a result of the strike ... officers on firearms under the Firearms Control Act, Act 60 of 2000. Only last week, we launched skills ...

  • 17 Mar 2016

    NCOP: Unrevised Hansard


    ... terms of section 20(6)(b) of the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No 57 ... under section 22A of the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No 57 of ...

  • 25 Jun 2002

    Second Reading debate: Child Justice Bill [B 49 – 2002]


    ... Transfer Duty Act of 1949, the Estate Duty Act of 1955 and the Skills Development Levies Act of 1999, which ... tax under section 10(1)(cN) of the Income Tax Act of 1962. Therefore the introduction of section 4(h)(iA) ...

  • 06 Sep 2018

    NA: Unrevised Hansard


    ... to ensure implementation in terms of section 101(a) and section 101(b) for the effective North West Provincial ... replace him. The start of his term, on 1 January 1997, made him the first UN     NATIONAL ASSEMBLY THURSDAY ...

  • 02 Sep 2010

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... areas to this day.   Section 2 of the Act created black tribes, and section 3 of the Act gave the State President ... Assembly – section 75), referred to it, and classified by the Joint Tagging Mechanism as a section 75 Bill ...

  • 02 Nov 2010

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... Administration Act, Act No 38 of 1927. Finally, it was known as the Black Administration Act, Act No 38 of ... possible to repeal this Act in toto because there is section 12 and section 20 of this Act, as well as the third ...

  • 23 Nov 2010

    NCOP: Unrevised hansard


    ... and it leads to section 18 of the Domestic Violence Act, Act 116 of 1998. This Act prescribes that it ... in terms of section 75 of the Constitution. Bill agreed to in accordance with section 75 of the Constitution ...

  • 13 Nov 2019

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... in terms of the act, there are five members in that committee, in terms of the act, they must hear a ... Forensic Procedures Amendment Act 37 of 2013, commonly referred to as DNA Act.     On the question of shortage ...

  • 05 Sep 2019

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... schools as contemplated in section 12(3)(b) of the South African Schools Act, Act 84 of 1996, as amended ... the Employment Equity Act was adopted in 1998. The thinking, at the time was that the employment equity ...

  • 07 Aug 2012

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... Child Justice Act, tabled in terms of section 96(3) of the Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act No 75 of 2008).   ... terms of section 9(1) of the Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations Act, 1997 (Act No 97 of 1997).   (3) ...

  • 21 Jun 2006

    NCOP: Unrevised hansard


    ... terms of section 75 of the Constitution. [Applause.]   Bill agreed to in accordance with section 75 of the ... accordance with section 75 of the Constitution.   Bill agreed to in accordance with Section 75 of the Constitution ...

  • 22 Nov 2016

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... labour relations, Basic Conditions of Employment Act, BCEA, Employment Equity Act, EEA, and also public ... Production Act of 1968, the National Supplies Procurement Act of 1970, the Petroleum Products Act of 1977 ...

  • 13 Oct 2015

    NCOP: Unrevised hansard


    ... the Implementation of the Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act No 75 of 2008).   10.     The Minister of Mineral ... tabled in terms of section 17 of the Communal Property Associations Act, 1996 (Act No 28 of 1996). ...

  • 07 Nov 2017

    NA: Unrevised Hansard


    ... today. Therefore and in accordance with section 75 of the PAJA Act, which provides that any rule made under ... Administrative Justice Act. The Promotion of Access to Information Act gives effect to section 32 of our Constitution ...

  • 22 Feb 2011

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... Labour Relations Act, the Basic Conditions of Employment Act and the Employment Equity Act will cost the ... tabled in terms of section 75(6)(a) of the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act No 93 of 1996).   TUESDAY ...

  • 23 Jun 2011

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... of 1996 and the Public Service Commission Act, Act 46 of 1997, to recommend candidates for appointment ... Exemption in terms of section 36, in terms of the Division of Revenue Act, 2011 (Act No 6 of  2011).   (c) ...

  • 21 Oct 2010

    NCOP: Unrevised hansard


    ... Transfer Duty Act, Act 40 of 1949; the Income Tax Act, Act 58 of 1962; the Customs and Excise Act, Act 91 of ... Application for Grant of the Act, in terms of the Lotteries  Act, 1997 (Act No 57 of 1997).   (d)     Government ...

  • 26 Oct 2011

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... OF POLICE: Hon Chair, section 51(1) of the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1997 provides for a minimum ... terms of section 57(1)(a) of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004 (Act No 39 of ...

  • 23 Jun 2021

    NCOP: Unrevised hansard


    ... Financial and Fiscal Commission Act, Act 99 of   1997, flowing from section 214 of the Constitution to provide ... REGULATIONS TABLED IN TERMS OF SECTION 23(2) OF THE LEGAL AID SOUTH AFRICA ACT, 2014 (ACT NO. 39 OF 2014)     Ms ...

  • 22 Nov 2022

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... these ghost workers must fully account for this act of corruption. As ... [Inaudible.] ... Thank you ... represent. The FF Plus will investigate further and act against any further form of continues neglect by ...