
671 matches
  • 28 Oct 2002

    Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-Related Information Bill

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Security and Justice | National Council of Provinces

    ... of directions or entry warrants in terms of this Act. Mr Labuschagne concluded his briefing by adding ... anyone in possession of listed equipment before the Act comes into operation could apply to the Minister ...

  • 30 Oct 2002

    Insolvency Second Amendment Bill; Administration of Estates Amendment Bill: finalisation

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Security and Justice | National Council of Provinces

    ... of Act 29 of 1974, section 69 of Act 85 of 1974, section 50 of Act 103 of 1978, section 3 of Act 139 ... section 49 of Act 24 of 1936, as amended by section 21 of Act 6 of 1963, section 12 of Act 99 of 1965 and ...

  • 30 Oct 2002

    Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Amendment Bill: negotiating mandates

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Public Services | National Council of Provinces

    ... wanted to know why it was still in the principal Act but omitted in the Amendment Bill. Mr Van Tonder ... OFFENCES AMENDMENT BILL: NEGOTIATING MANDATES Acting Chairperson: Mr V Windvoel (ANC) [Mpumalanga] ...

  • 04 Nov 2002

    Medium Term Budget Policy Statement Hearings: Public Works

    Committee Meeting | Budget Committee on Appropriation | Joint (NA + NCOP)

    ... the same way that the Public Finance Management Act governs the use and management of public funds. Ms ... Management Policy Framework to culminate into an Act;and - the development of Immovable asset management ...

  • 06 Nov 2002

    Medium Term Budget Policy Statement: hearings

    Committee Meeting | Budget Committee on Appropriation | Joint (NA + NCOP)

    ... Mr Schutte confirmed that the Domestic Violence Act was being implemented but staff were still being ... due to the requirements of the Employment Equity Act the disparity was being addressed. Also Value Diversity ...

  • 06 Nov 2002

    Road Infrastructure Roll-Out Plan; Highway Toll Project: briefing

    Committee Meeting | Transport | National Assembly

    ... normal affairs.The original Toll Road legislation(Act No 54 of 1971) embraced detailed provisions and safeguards ... The amendment to this legislation( as contained in Act No 24 of 1996) on the other hand, almost surreptitiously ...

  • 12 Nov 2002

    Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Amendment Bill: deliberations

    Committee Meeting | Transport | National Assembly

    ... Finance and Financial Adjustments Acts Consolidation Act, 1977 (Act No.11 of 1977), any] Any LONG TITLE ...

  • 11 Nov 2002

    International Trade Administration Bill; finalisation

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Economic and Business Development | National Council of Provinces

    ... definition of a person as reflected in the Interpretation Act. Insertions would be made in the following clauses: ...

  • 23 Apr 2002

    Mental Health Care Bill: negotiating Mandates

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Health and Social Services | National Council of Provinces

    ... its concern that Chapter 8 of the Mental Health Act, 18 of 1973, was retained, whilst the remainder of ... re-organised according to the new Mental Health Care Act when it gets passed. In the interim period the existing ...

  • 24 Apr 2002

    National Railway Safety Regulator Bill: briefing

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Public Services | National Council of Provinces

    ... or fails to comply with any other section of this Act is guilty of an offence. (4) A person convicted ...

  • 26 Apr 2002

    Immigration Bill: deliberations

    Committee Meeting | Home Affairs | National Assembly

    ... crimes listed in schedule 1 of the Criminal Procedure Act. Dr Ambrosini said that all the crimes are covered ...

  • 29 Apr 2002

    Industrial Policy: public hearings

    Committee Meeting | Trade and Industry | National Assembly

    ... taken the lead in applying the Employment Equity Act even at a time when they were not bound by its provisions ... economic life, but which does not hesitate to lead and act ahead of those markets. It is a state that recognizes ...

  • 10 May 2002

    National Railway Safety Regulatory Bill Amendments

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Public Services | National Council of Provinces

    ... to delete "in terms of section 7(1)(j) of this Act" On page 5, in line 51, to omit "(j)" to insert ... section 54(3)", to insert "made in terms of this Act" Clause 23: on page 14, in line 12, to delete "be" ...

  • 21 May 2002

    Department & Sports Commission on Legislation Hold-Up, Procurement, Personnel & Sport Academies

    Committee Meeting | Sports, Arts and Culture | National Assembly

    ... Bills. He made reference to the South African Boxing Act and said one of the problems with it was a lack of ... Hendricks replied that the Public Finance Management Act was clear about that. There were two reporting lines ...

  • 21 May 2002

    Defence Bill: hearings

    Committee Meeting | Defence and Military Veterans | National Assembly

    ... commencement of this Act other than the Constitution and the Public Finance Management Act (Act No. 1 of 1999) ... Application of the Act Section 3 (2) states that "in the event of any inconsistency between the Act and any other ...

  • 22 May 2002

    Private Security Industry Levies Bill: deliberations

    Committee Meeting | Police | National Assembly

    ... verdict on Section 49 of the Criminal Procedure Act, 51 of 1977. Adv Kok explained to the Committee ...

  • 23 May 2002

    Electronic Communications & Transactions Bill

    Committee Meeting | Communications | National Assembly

    ... encryption is already dealt with in an armaments act. Furthermore there is no indication of the procedure ... Africa. MIH pointed out that it is difficult to act against a person that is outside the country. In ...

  • 10 May 2002

    Fourth Report of Working Group on African Union

    Committee Meeting | Working Group on African Union | National Assembly

    ... marginalisation.   3.3. The Constitutive Act   The Constitutive Act of the African Union replaces the Charter ... by the Constitutive Act.   3.3.1. Gaps in the legal framework   The Constitutive Act of the AU is a legal ...

  • 20 Jun 2002

    First Report of Working Group; Discussion on meeting of African Parliaments

    Committee Meeting | Working Group on African Union | National Assembly

    ... Community. Although article 33(2) of the Constitutive Act of the African Union (AU) provides a mechanism to ...

  • 21 Aug 2002

    Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation on Inter-Country Adoption: ratification

    Committee Meeting | Social Development | National Assembly

    ... in terms of Section 231(2) of the Constitution, Act 108 0f 1996. (See Appendix) SUMMARY The Committee ... in terms of Section 231(2) of the C9pstitution, Act 108 of 1996. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY AND THE NATIONAL ...