
2482 matches
  • 30 Aug 2019

    Departments of Premier on matters raised by Audit Committees; Irregular expenditure: DEA & Development Planning

    Committee Meeting | Public Accounts (SCOPA) (WCPP) | Western Cape

    ... package. The ratio of social worker to population (1:4 500) that the DSD gave in its presentation is based ... before it is considered registered. There are about 1 545 registered ECD facilities and 2 321 unregistered ...

  • 03 Sep 2019

    New SETA landscape and overview of their work

    Committee Meeting | Higher Education | National Assembly

    ... of the world? Recently Standard Bank closed about 1 200 of its branches across the country. Ms D Sibiya ...

  • 10 Sep 2019

    Department of Tourism 2018/19 Quarter 4 performance

    Committee Meeting | Tourism | National Assembly

    ... under spending of R27m.  In respect of Programme 1, the bulk of this underspending lies within Compensation ...

  • 10 Sep 2019

    SIU on SABC investigations; ICASA Quarter 1 performance; with Minister

    Committee Meeting | Communications and Digital Technologies | National Assembly

    ... Department had not been privy to the ICASA Quarter 1 report prior to this meeting. The Committee said ...

  • 12 Nov 2019

    SA Post Office (SAPO) progress report; Department response to Committee recommendations

    Committee Meeting | Communications and Digital Technologies | National Assembly

    ... the South African Post Office who were inducted on 1 November. The SAPO board chairperson said that the ...

  • 21 Nov 2019

    Division of Revenue Amendment Bill: public hearing & Permanent Delegate & NT briefing

    Committee Meeting | Budget Committee (WCPP) | Western Cape

    ... municipalities. The Formula has two main parts: Part 1 – Basic services component funds the delivery of free ... committee stipends in poor municipalities (for grade 1-3 municipalities). Conditional Grants Conditional ...

  • 05 Nov 2019

    Outstanding Reports & Minutes

    Committee Meeting | Mineral and Petroleum Resources | National Assembly

    ... paragraph 1, sentence 6 Section 3.2.3, sentence 1 Page 3 of the Minutes Page 30, bullet 1 The Chair ...

  • 19 Oct 2019

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... themselves to these Bills in terms of section 55 (1) of the Constitution. This states categorically the ... Deputy   Speaker, I move:     That the House -     (1) notes the resolution adopted by the NCOP on Thursday ...

  • 16 Jul 2019

    NA: Unrevised Hansard (EPC)


    ... OCJ commenced on 1 October 2014, while the OCJ received its own Budget Vote from 1 April 2015 as pronounced ... to the OCJ. Of particular importance is that, from 1 April 2015, the OCJ received its separate budget allocation ...

  • 12 Jul 2019

    NA: Unrevised Hansard (EPC)


    ... programme from 20 July and the last to start will be on 1 August. The two groups of these students have already ... allocation of R221,8 million, which is less than 1% of the departments budget. The bulk of the budgets ...

  • 18 Jul 2019

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... of research and development will be finalised by 1 September 2019. In this context, I am also pleased ... the reply by the President on the debate on Vote 1: The Presidency and Consideration of Reports on Budget ...

  • 20 Feb 2019

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... the nation’s finances.     Today, I hereby table:   1) The Budget Speech,   2) The 2019 Budget Review   ... Budget is built on six fundamental prescripts:   1) Achieving a higher rate of economic growth;   2) ...

  • 17 Oct 2019

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... President for his replies.     SUSPENSION OF RULE 139(1)       (Draft Resolution)     The DEPUTY CHIEF WHIP ... Majority Party:     That the House suspends Rule 139(1), which provides inter alia that questions to the ...

  • 07 Nov 2019

    NCOP: Unrevised hansard


    ... hon members! In accordance with Council Rule 247(1), there will be no Notices of Motion or Motions without ... Industrial Research, CSIR, has made an announcement on 1 November 2019 about certain things that we must look ...

  • 13 Nov 2019

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... 1995 there were 1 269 000 public servants, serving a population of 38 631 000. In 2019, 1 515 598 public ... for relocation because it’s a big problem, only one 1% of people who want to be relocated get relocated ...

  • 05 Sep 2019

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... the House –     (1) notes that the tragic and sudden passing of Mr Ricardo Saralina on 1 September 2019 ... programmes. The Unemployment Insurance Fund, UIF provides 1 000 small     enterprises incubation for co-operatives ...

  • 18 Jul 2019

    NA: Unrevised Hansard (EPC)


    ... of research and development will be finalised by 1 September 2019. In this context, I am also pleased ... the reply by the President on the debate on Vote 1: The Presidency and Consideration of Reports on Budget ...

  • 22 May 2019

    NA: Unrevised hansard


    ... meeting had been convened in terms of section 51(1) of the Constitution and requested members   to swear ... of the power vested in me in terms of section 51(1) read with sections 52(2), 64(4) and 86 of the Constitution ...

  • 26 Nov 2019

    NCOP: Unrevised hansard


    ... EFF that in its next sitting:     The Council-     (1) debates and find solutions on the conditions of Kuruman ... that in its next sitting:     The Council-     (1) debates the state of police stations in South Africa ...

  • 18 Sep 2019

    Update on cases referred to the SIU: SABC

    Committee Meeting | Public Accounts (SCOPA) | National Assembly

    ... Proclamation No R29 of 2017 had been divided into Phase 1 and Phase 2, and the presentation summarised the outcomes ... provide an overview of the status of the SIU Phase 1 investigations at the SABC. In a summary, it had found ...