Questions & Replies: Social Development

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Reply received: May 2015

QUESTION 1922 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 22 May 2015

Internal question paper no: 15

1922.    Ms N I TarabellaMarchesi (DA) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

(a) Who are the current chief financial officers of (i) her department and (ii) the entities reporting to her and (b) what is the qualification of each chief financial officer?                                                                                                                      NW2143E


The hon member should be able to verify the qualifications of the officials of the department with the relevant verification bodies. i.e. SAICA and SAQA .

The required information is in the public domain and the relevant bodies are obligated to furnish the hon all the information



Reply received: June 2015

QUESTION 1887 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 22 May 2015

Internal question paper no: 15

1887. Ms E R Wilson (DA) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

Since 1 January 2015, has her department installed generators at any of (a) its offices or (b) the offices of the entities reporting to her as a result of load shedding; if so, what is the total cost of the (i) installation and (ii) running of these generators? NW2108E


Department of Social Development

(b) The Department of Social Development, since 1st January 2015, has not installed a generator as a result of load shedding.

(i) N/A

(ii) N/A


(b) The NDA has not installed any Generators in its offices because of Load Shedding. The Generators belong to the Landlords as part of Lease benefits.

(i) N/A

(ii) N/A


(a) No, SASSA did not install any generator due to load shedding.

(b) Not applicable.

The Northern Cape Region purchased 5x2.5 KVA mobile generators at a cost of

R 27 500.00.



Reply received: June 2015

QUESTION 1851 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 22 May 2015

Internal question paper no: 15

1851. Ms S P Kopane (DA) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

Whether, with reference to her reply to question 1007 on 12 May 2015; she will provide a full and complete copy of the specified report; if not, why not; if so, (a) when and (b) how? NW2072E


As per Parliamentary Question 1007 of 2015, a legal opinion was submitted to the PSC to address the issues they were raised. There has been no subsequent response from the PSC to agree or disagree with the legal response submitted.



Reply received: June 2015

QUESTION 1850 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 22 May 2015

Internal question paper no: 15

1850. Dr M J Cardo (DA) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

(1) With reference to her reply to question 1244 on 12 May 2015, what are the exact (a) titles of the independent research papers referred to in the reply, (b) citations of academic studies showing the effects of social grants on (i) intergenerational poverty and (ii) increased levels of labour participation rates amongst young beneficiaries of working age and (c) references to any other materials substantiating the claims made in the reply;

(2) has she commissioned any studies into the possible (a) adverse or (b) unintended negative effects of social grants on the labour participation rates of young beneficiaries of working age in South Africa since their inception; if not, why not if so, what are the details of these studies? NW2071E


  1. The one research paper commissioned by the Department as highlighted in the response to question 1244 on 12 May 2015 is titled: “The Social Economic Impact of South Africa’s Social Security System” (2004)”. The study was done by the Economic Policy Research Institute (EPRI) commissioned by the Department. Another more recent study commissioned by the Department in conjunction with the South African Social Security Agency and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) titled: “The Economic Impact of South Africa’s Child Support Grant (2013)” share similar sentiments as those highlighted in the first study. Independent studies include a study commissioned by the Human Sciences Research Council titled: “Attitudes to work and Social Security in South Africa (2006), by authors Noble, Ntshongwana and Surrender”.

     2.  No, the Department has not specifically commissioned any studies into the possible adverse or negative effects of social grants on the labour participation rates of young beneficiaries of working age. Currently social grants are not provided to youth, except for the foster child grant which can be provided up to the age of 21 if the beneficiary remains in education or training, hence not participating in the labour market. Similarly for CSG, grants are only provided for beneficiaries up to the age of 18, with a condition for the beneficiary to be in school. Hence the specific research alluded to will not present a viable research topic. That being said, the studies we have mentioned in the reply to the first question of this response have refuted any negative correlation between households receiving social grants and labour market participation.



Reply received: May 2015

QUESTION 1818 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 22 May 2015

Internal question paper no: 15

1818.    Mr M Waters (DA) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

Whether, with reference to her reply to question 1009 on 28 April 2015, any other money was paid from the Legal and Services budget or any other budget to pay for the said attorneys over and above the R575 461,63 that was stated in her reply; if so, (a) what additional amount was paid, (b) from which budget and (c) why was it not stated in the original reply?                                                                              NW2038E



  1. R 222 876.04
  1. Legal services Budget
  1. The original reply was based on a question that was referring to the engagement with the Office of the Public Protector.


Reply received: May 2015

QUESTION 1817 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 22 May 2015

Internal question paper no: 15

1817.    Mr M Waters (DA) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

(1)        With reference to her reply to question 1009 on 28 April 2015, what are the relevant details of the SA Social Security Agency’s Annual Procurement General Exemptions;

(2)        will she provide a copy of this document?                                                NW2037E



  1. To grant authority for utilizing Annual General Exemptions to procure goods and services for 2012/13 without following the normal procurement procedure for the acquisition of goods and services.


  1. Copy is attached see the link: /files/RNW1817A-150526.pdf


Reply received: June 2015

QUESTION 1774 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 15 May 2015

Internal question paper no: 14

1774. Dr MJ Figg (DA) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

What (a) progress has been made on her Department’s planned construction of a bakery in Rietbron in the Eastern Cape and (b) total amount has been spent on the project to date? NW1992E


(a). The bakery will operate from the space given by the Dutch Reformed Church in an attempt to service the whole Rietbron Community and as a concession in lieu of building a new structure. Renovations are already underway to address some of the flaws which were declared hazardous by the Department of Health. An application for a top up funding has been made to the District by the project for the year 2016/17.

(b) This Youth Bakery Project was funded for R500 000.00 in the year 2005/06.  



Reply received: May 2015

QUESTION 1679 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 08 May 2015

Internal question paper no: 13

1679.    Ms E R Wilson (DA) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

Whether the four Treatment Centres for Drug Rehabilitation that were budgeted for in the 2014-15 financial year have been completed; if not, (a) when were the specified centres due to be opened, (b) why has the specified centres not been opened, (c) what was the budgeted cost for each specified centre, (d) is the construction and/or completion of each specified centre still within budget and (e) what amount has been spent on each specified centre to date?             NW1899E


Of the four treatment centres that have been budgeted for in 2014/15, only one treatment centre has been completed in the Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth, New Brighton in the Nelson Mandela Metro. The other three treatment centres were not planned to be completed in 2014/15.

(a) The Eastern Cape treatment centre is planned to be opened in November 2015.The treatment centre in North West is due for completion in 2015/16; Northern Cape and Free State in 2016/17.

(b) The centres have not been opened because the construction of the centres are not completed as the planned date for completion of construction is as indicated in (a) above.

(c) The budgeted cost for each centre is as follows:

  • Eastern Cape                R48 709 543.41
  • North West                                R30 513 733
  • Free State                                 R84 517 944
  • Northern Cape               R84 517 944

(d) Yes, the cost for the treatment centre is within budget for Eastern Cape and North West. However, the cost for Northern Cape and Free State at this stage is not within the budget and the Department is working with a team of professionals to finalise the design and the costing.

(e) The amount spent per treatment centre as at 31 March 2015 is as follows:

  • Eastern Cape               R48 709 543.41
  • North West                                R11 015 287.50
  • Free State                                 R  1 883 617.50
  • Northern Cape               R  1 998 364.30


Reply received: May 2015

QUESTION 1678 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 08 May 2015

Internal question paper no: 13

1678.    Ms E R Wilson (DA) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

(1)        How many business visits out of the country has her Deputy Minister undertaken since 1 October 2014;

(2)        in the case of each visit, (a) how many days were spent out of the country, (b) what were the dates and purpose of the specified visits, (c) how many meetings were attended during the specified visits, (d) how many staff members accompanied her and (e) what was (i) the total cost and (ii) breakdown of the specified cost including costs for (aa) flights, (bb) accommodation, (cc) entertainment, (dd) subsistence and (ee) VIP services?                                                                                                             NW1898E



The focus of South Africa’s international engagements , and in particular the Department of Social Development, is the promotion of socio-economic development, poverty eradication and social cohesion within the African continent and the world. Besides hosting a number of bilateral engagements and multilateral conferences and seminars, the Department is often invited during Bi-national commissions, meetings and sessions of various multilateral institutions.

The Department’s strategy, in line with the South African foreign policy is aimed at harmonization and integration of social development policies and strategies through active participation in relevant regional, continental and multilateral structures and promotion of bilateral activities that make the most effective contribution to poverty eradication.

Deputy Minister is responsible for amongst others issues of disability, population matters, and other areas that Minister would allocate to her and besides hosting International delegations, she is from time to time invited to participate during International bilateral and multilateral engagements relevant to her portfolio.

The member can get financial reports when we give quarterly reports together with the content with the work we do, the achievements that we have made as South Africa in the international arena as well as receiving recommendations on what we have to change.

This remains the responsibility of the National Government and all Patriotic south Africans.


Reply received: May 2015

QUESTION 1677 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 08 May 2015

Internal question paper no: 13

1677.    Ms E R Wilson (DA) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

(1)        How many business visits out of the country has she undertaken since 1 October 2014;

(2)        in the case of each visit, (a) how many days were spent out of the country, (b) what were the dates and purpose of the specified visits, (c) how many meetings were attended during the specified visits, (d) how many staff members accompanied her and (e) what was (i) the total cost and (ii) breakdown of the specified cost including costs for (aa) flights, (bb) accommodation, (cc) entertainment, (dd) subsistence and (ee) VIP services?                                                                                                             NW1897E


As a country and a department we have international obligations and we report to various international bodies such as the UN, AU, ISS etc.

These international conferences are about the work we do as the department which in turn we get to learn how we are doing in respect of the humanitarian work we do and where we are placed amongst other countries.

The member can get financial reports when we give quarterly reports together with the content with the work we do, the achievements that we have made as South Africa in the international arena as well as receiving recommendations on what we have to change.

This remains the responsibility of the National Government and all Patriotic South Africans.


Reply received: May 2015

QUESTION 1660 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 08 May 2015

Internal question paper no: 13

1660.    Ms S P Kopane (DA) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

(1)        With reference to her reply to question 1005 on 29 March 2015, (a) what is the basis for her stating that there is no legal requirement to inform the National Treasury of the additional payment as the amount is above R1 million and (b) is it a deviation from the original contract;

(2)        (a) what are the reasons for the additional beneficiaries and (b) did the request for proposals not indicate that all beneficiaries including children and procurators have to be registered?                                                      NW1877E


  1. (a) (b) There was no basis to inform Treasury as this was not a deviation from the original contract


  1. (a) Additional registration refers to re-registrations in excess of the tender requirements.


In terms of the Request For Proposals, number of registrations per tender was 9082,251 to be registered.


The re-registration in excess of the tender requirement was 11 964 882.


(b) No.


Reply received: May 2015

QUESTION 1655 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 08 May 2015

Internal question paper no: 13

1655.    Ms S P Kopane (DA) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

(1)        With reference to her reply to question 290 on 28 April 2015, what exactly is meant by the additional re-registration of social grants beneficiaries, as the Request for Proposals stated that all beneficiaries, including children and procurators, must be registered;

(2)        where did the additional social grants beneficiaries come from;

(3)        did the SA Social Security Agency (SASSA) Bid Adjudication Committee consider and recommend the variation, in view of it being an additional service that is provided by Cash Paymaster Services?                                NW1872E


  1. Additional registration refers to re-registrations in excess of the tender required numbers which only referred to adults on the system, not the beneficiary if a procurator was used and no children.

In terms of the Request for Proposals, number of registrations per tender was 9082,251 to be registered.

The re-registration in excess of the tender requirement was 11 964 882.

  1. See above response in (1)
  1. No, it was not an additional services



Reply received: June 2015

QUESTION 1649 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 08 May 2015

Internal question paper no: 13

1649. Mr M Waters (DA) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

With reference to her reply to question 263 on 28 April 2015, (a) which investigations have been concluded, (b) which entities conducted the investigations, (c) on which date was each investigation concluded, (d) what are the recommendations in each case, (e) what are the names of the implicated officials in each case, (f) what action has been taken against the implicated officials in each case and (g) which recommendations have been implemented in each case? NW1866



The investigation by the SIU into the RDP funds was completed. The matter was referred to court all the officials implicated were acquitted.


The National Development Agency did not conduct any investigations for any maladministration investigation by the Public Protector which was never finalized.

Department of Social Development

(a) The Department did not conduct any investigations

(b) Not applicable to the Department

(c) Not applicable to the Department

(d) Not applicable to the Department

(e) Not applicable to the Department

(f) Not applicable to the Department

(g) Not applicable to the Department




Reply received: May 2015

QUESTION 1648 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 08 May 2015

Internal question paper no: 13

1648.    Mr M Waters (DA) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

(1)        With reference to her reply to question 112 on 28 April 2015, why has the original question not been answered with regard to (a) what (i) the value of the initial contract was that was awarded to a certain company (name furnished) and (ii) were the reasons why the contract was not put out to tender and (b) who took the decision not to put it out to tender but rather to ask for quotations;

(2)        (a) what are the reasons for not reporting the deviation to the National Treasury, (b) when was it reported to the National Treasury since her reply and (c) did the report include the (i) description of the services, (ii) the name of the supplier, (iii) the amount involved and (iv) the reasons for dispensing with prescribed competitive bidding process;

(3)        why does she not answer parliamentary questions fully by responding to the points raised in a question?                                                             NW1865E


I will only answer questions that are dear and not corridor gossip brought by uninformed and disgruntled officials who spire with a member of the opposition, Secondly the department deals with sensitive and protected information meant to protect the lives of officials under witness protection and the Honorable member is aware that the information should not be made public.

Furthermore we are aware that the investigation meeting with officials that had something to do with Parliamentary work. I therefore appeal to members to report their visits to ministerial officials for we have nothing to hide. They can have access to our officials at any given time.

For the honorable member, the two officials have approached me and confessed to meeting the Honorable Member and have since approached for their for their devious act.


Reply received: May 2015

QUESTION 1596 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 30 April 2015

Internal question paper no: 12

1596.    Ms L L van der Merwe (IFP) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

(a) How many international engagements has her department attended to since 1 October 2014 to 17 April 2015, (b)(i) with which countries and (ii) at which conferences were these done and (c) what (i) was the length of time spent in these countries and conferences, (ii) were the associated costs, (iii) was the size of delegations attending these events and (iv) impact did their presence make?                                                                                                                                         NW1809E


As a country and a department we have international obligations and we report to various international bodies such as the UN, AU, ISS etc.

These international conferences are about the work we do as the department which in turn we get to learn how we are doing in respect of the humanitarian work we do and where we are placed amongst other countries.

The member can get financial reports when we give quarterly reports together with the content with the work we do, the achievements that we have made as South Africa in the international arena as well as receiving recommendations on what we have to change.

This remains the responsibility of the National Government and all Patriotic South Africans.


Reply received: May 2015

QUESTION 1593 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 30 April 2015

Internal question paper no: 12

1593.    Ms L L van der Merwe (IFP) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

What interventions will her department implement to ensure that children with disabilities are able to access (a) early childhood development centres and (b) mainstream schooling, as they are often excluded due to lack of both human and capital resources?                                                                                                          NW1805E

  1. (a) The Department plans to implement the following interventions, in line with the Children’s Act, in order to enable children with disabilities to access early childhood development centres: -
  1. Training of Early Childhood Practitioners on reasonable accommodation of children with disabilities is imperative within mainstream ECD Centres, enabling them to understand needs of different types of disabilities and deal with children with disabilities for effective programmes and the children’s maximal benefit from programmes rendered.  Practitioners should be able to identify barriers to learning and development, as well as facilitate access to services and support.  Training should also target parents and caregivers of children with disabilities, providing support and capacitating them to nurture, care and support their children at home and in Early Childhood Development Centres.  Parental support and skills building includes disability awareness, stimulation, empowerment and education of caregivers on detection of disabilities during early childhood, effective management of disability and minimizing its effects.
  1. Respite Care provides facility based and/ or family support service in the form of planned short-term and time-limited breaks for families and caregivers of children with disabilities.  Respite Care service helps to strengthen and support the family and the facility, so that they can continue to care for the child at home and in the facility. 
  1. Infrastructural norms and standards are being developed by the Department, in order to ensure that ECD centres are accessible to children with disabilities, making provision for different types of disabilities.  The Department has prioritized the importance of developing a funding model that takes into account different needs and disability types, in order to ensure necessary support in terms of human and financial resources, ensuring inclusion of children with disability.
  1. The Department is developing a costed Implementation Plan and protocol to ensure implementation of the National Strategy on the Integration of Children with Disabilities by all relevant stakeholders, inclusive of national, provincial and local spheres of government.  The purpose of the protocol is to guide stakeholders, including government departments, NGOs and communities in rendering effective and efficient services to children with disabilities.
  1. (b) The Department plans to implement the following interventions to ensure that children with disabilities are able to access mainstreaming schooling: -
  1. The Department of Social Development will work jointly with the Departments of Basic Education and Health to utilize the Policy on Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support (SIAS) developed by Basic Education Department, in order to assess children in residential facilities and day care facilities that do not attend school.

The above-mentioned Policy provides a policy framework for the standardization of the procedures to identify, assess and provide programmes for all learners, who require additional support to enhance their participation and inclusion in schools.

  1. The Department is part of the Interdepartmental Forum, comprising of the Departments of Basic Education and Health that developed an Action Plan, aimed at ensuring that learners with severe and profound children with disabilities have access to education in Special Schools.  The mandate of the Forum includes setting clear targets, time frames and budget for the implementation of this policy and Action Plan.  The scope of the programme in terms of services will be developed into workable models for incorporation into a national plan, which could be translated into legislation and regulations and finally also be costed.


Reply received: May 2015

QUESTION 1578 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 24 April 2015

Internal question paper no: 11

1578.    Ms LL van der Merwe (IFP) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

(1)        In light of the critical lack of social workers, what interventions are being planned now that National Treasury has not granted the additional allocation of funds which her department requested in order to absorb just over 2000 social work graduates into the system;

(2)        what impact will this have on the National Development Plan’s vision of 60 000 social workers by 2030?                                                                                  NW1790E


The Department of Social Development and the National Treasury are engaged in an ongoing process, with the view to find a long-term solution to this issue. I must point out to the Honourable Member that  the Department, and in fact Government as a whole is still keen to continue training social workers and absorb them into employment opportunities. Social workers play a major role in national development through empowerment of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups as clearly articulated in the National Development Plan (Vision 2030).

I am also in consultation with the Minister of Higher Education and Training with the view to facilitate the interim absorption of the qualified social work graduates as interns through   the HWSETA. This will provide an opportunity for placement of graduates whilst both the Department and the National Treasury seek a permanent solution to this issue.


Reply received: May 2015

QUESTION 1576 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 24 April 2015

Internal question paper no: 11

1576.    Ms L L van der Merwe (IFP) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

How does her department plan to intervene with regard to the many illegal and unregistered treatment centres that are emerging due to the lack of drug rehabilitation centres nationwide and an increase in drug abuse, especially amongst the youth?                                                                                                          NW1788E


The Department of Social Development is administrating the Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act, 2008, Act 70 of 2008 (the Act).  The Act is making provision for the regulation of treatment centres which inter alia entails the registration of treatment centres and the prosecution of illegal and unregistered treatment centres.

The Department of Social Development is planning to conduct a comprehensive national audit of all registered and unregistered treatment centres and halfway houses in the country.  Through the audit the Department will be able to identify the challenges relating to the registration of unregistered treatment centres.  These centres will be encouraged to apply for registration and be assisted to comply with the minimum requirements for registration.  However, the Department will not hesitate to take legal action should unregistered treatment centres be unwilling to apply for registration as treatment centres or comply with the minimum requirements for registration. 

The Department is mindful of the lack of drug rehabilitation centres in certain areas.   In response to the need, the Department is in the process of establishing public treatment centres in provinces where there are no such facilities.   The Department has identified five provinces namely Northern Cape, North-West, Limpopo, Free State and Eastern Cape for the establishment of public treatment centres.   Limpopo and Eastern Cape Provinces have completed the building or renovating of property and will become operational during the 2015/16 financial year.   Both these centres are making provision for the treatment of young drug addicts as will be the case in Northern Cape and Free State Provinces.   Eventually all provinces will have at least one public treatment centre.  Some provinces such as Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal Provinces have two or more public treatment centres.  In addition, there are state funded or private treatment centres in provinces operating either on an in-or-out-patient basis (see list of treatment centres attached on the link: /files/RNW1576A-150506.doc).  


Reply received: May 2015

QUESTION 1510 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 24 April 2015

Internal question paper no: 11

1510.    Ms S P Kopane (DA) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

(1)        With reference to her reply to question 299 on 8 April 2015, (a) what are the names of the co-operatives that sew school uniforms, (b) for which schools do the specified co-operatives sew uniforms, (c) how were these schools selected, (d) (i) when and (ii) how were these co-operatives appointed, (e) how much has each co-operative been paid to date and (f) from which entity’s budget was each of the specified co-operatives paid;

(2)        how many school uniforms has each of the specified co-operatives made to date;

(3)        (a) what are the names of each co-operative that sews uniforms for the SA Social Services Agency, (b) (i) when and (ii) how was each specified co-operative appointed, (c) how much has been paid to each of the specified co-operatives to date, (d) from which budget has each specified co-operative been paid to date and (e) how many uniforms has each co-operative made to date?                                                                                                               NW1720E






Names of the


(b)  Names of         


(c) How were schools selected

(d) (i) When and

(d) (ii) How were Co-operatives appointed

(e) Amount paid to date

(f) From which entity’s budget


(2) School uniforms









Kopanang Woman’s Enterprise Transport Logistics and Multi-Purpose


Primary School


Through identification of the needy learners

11 Feb 2015

Registered in the Database

114 204.00

SASSA Social Relief of Distress




Kopano Ke Matla Primary Cooperative Limited

Vierhoek I/S

Through identification of the needy learners

01 Feb 2015

Registered in the Database

211 328.00

SASSA Social Relief of Distress




The House of Poola Primary Cooperative Limited


PT Sanders School

Through identification of the needy learners

24 Feb 2015

Registered in the Database

89 820.40

SASSA Social Relief of Distress




Itukiseng Textile and Clothing Cooperative Limited

Qhubeka P/S

Rantsane P/S

Phiri I/S

Lepanyane P/S

Tshitso I/S

Through identification of the needy learners

02 Feb 2015


Registered in the Database

195 600.00

SASSA Social Relief of Distress




Vredefort Dome Primary Cooperative Limited

Pommern P/F

Pieterhof P/F

Oosthuizenshoek P/S

Sepesha P/F

Vaalbankspaan P/F

Wolwas P/F

Through identification of the needy learners

02 Feb 2015

Registered in the Database

405 500.00

SASSA Social Relief of Distress





Mospak Trading and Project Primary Cooperative Limited

Gugulethu I/S

Meduwaneng P/S

Pomelo P/S

Bongabe-Lebohang P/S

Cedar S/S

Uitzen C/S

Hani-Park P/S

Boitsebelo P/S

Shakgane S/S

Majara P/S

Pheta I/S

Dibe P/S

Mautse P/S

Taung S/S

Lerapo P/S

Leratswana S/S

Through identification of the needy learners


24 Feb 2014


02 Feb 2015


02 Feb 2015


15 Feb 2015



Registered in the Database

367 800.00

SASSA Social Relief of Distress





Badirammogo Projects

Chaile High,           D3akuka High,   Mononono Primary, Sefikile Primary,       Tlhaa la Pitse Primary, Matlametlo Primary

Through identification of the needy learners

1 Dec 2014

Registered in the Database

387 571.56

SASSA Social Relief of Distress





Hope to Success

Sekhing-                         Madipelesa Primary School; Retshegeditse Primary School; Reduetswe Primary School; Mmatla Primary School; Thuto- Neo;


Naledi-                              Devondale Intermediate; Liliespruit Primary School.


Lekwa Teemane-               Labojang Primary School; Kromellenboog Com School


Through identification of the needy learners

2 Dec 2014

Registered in the Database

171 083.00

SASSA Social Relief of Distress





Kgolaganang Primary Co -operative

Saferfontein and Letshelemane

Through identification of the needy learners

24 Mar 2015

Registered in the Database

27 560.00

SASSA Social Relief of Distress





We await further information from our Regions which will be submitted in due course.


Reply received: May 2015

QUESTION 1509/ 2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 24 April 2015

Internal question paper no: 11

1509. Ms Kopane (DA) to ask the Minister of Social development:

(1)        On what date was each of the persons (names furnished) promoted to the specified positions (details furnished);

(2)        (a) when did the SA Social Security Agency (SASSA) create the two specified positions and (b) what necessitated the creation of the specified positions;

(3)        was the second specified post established through a job evaluation process; if not, (a) why not, and (b) how was it established;

(4)        was the structure of SASSA revised and approved to accommodate the second specified post; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what date was it revised and approved, (b) will she provide a copy of (i) such approval and (ii) the job evaluation results of the two specified executive posts?


The filling of vacancies of SASSA officials is an administrative process that is reported to the committee yearly through the Annual Reports 


Reply received: May 2015

QUESTION 1507 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 24 April 2015

Internal question paper no: 11

1507.    Ms S P Kopane (DA) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

(1)        Whether, with reference to her reply to question 275 on 31 March 2015, her department informed the National Treasury about the irregularity of not going out on open tender for procurement over the value of R500 000; if not, (a) why not, (b) which specific bids was National Treasury not notified of and (c) what were the reasons for not going out to tender in each case;

(2)        (a) what number of times did the (i) SA Social Security Agency and the (ii) National Development Agency decide not to use the bid invitation process and instead used the price quotation process for procurements that are over the value of R500 000 in the (aa) 2012-13 and (bb) 2013-14 financial years, (b) what was the value of the contract in each case, (c) which companies were awarded the contract in each case, (d) what were the reasons for not going out to tender in each case and (e) in which instances was National Treasury informed?                                                                                                   NW1717E



The Department of Social Development informed the National Treasury about the irregularity of not going out on open tender for all procurement over the value of R500 000.   


SABC was used as the national broadcaster to ensure messages are received by targeted citizens in both rural and urban areas through their local radio and television stations.

Independent Newspapers were used to target citizens within specific geographical areas.

SITA was used for support and maintenance of information and communication technology (ICT) services.


Competitive bidding processes were not followed where interventions and messages were meant for targeted citizens in specific geographical areas.

The member is requested to read departmental reports of 2012 and 2013 and other previous years because the Department has its reports but also reports to the portfolio committee.   


Reply received: May 2015

QUESTION 1505 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 24 April 2015

Internal question paper no: 11

1505.    Mr M Waters (DA) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

With reference to her reply to question 292 on 31 March 2015, (a) what is the status of the Letter Agreement between the SA Social Security Agency and the SA Post Office Ltd and (b) has the Letter Agreement been terminated; if so, on what date?                                                                                                                                                                  NW1715E


There is currently no contractual obligation with SAPO.


Reply received: May 2015

QUESTION 1504 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 24 April 2015

Internal question paper no: 11

1504.    Mr M Waters (DA) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

(1)        With reference to her reply to question 268 on 31 March 2015; how did the Mikondzo Project spending become irregular expenditure for the SA Social Security Agency (SASSA) if the specified project was indeed a SASSA project;

(2)        what are the reasons for the National Development Agency (NDA) not spending anything on the specified project? NW1714E


The Department, SASSA and the NDA has contributed in the program as well as the other institution and Government. 


Reply received: May 2015

QUESTION 1503 /2015


Date of publication on internal question paper: 24 April 2015

Internal question paper no: 11

1503.    Mr M Waters (DA) to ask the Minister of Social Development:

(1)        Whether, with reference to her reply to question 266 on 31 March 2015, she will provide copies of the close protection contracts for all the persons who were protected, in accordance with page 59 of the Procurement and Contract Management document of the Auditor-General; if not, why not; if so, when will the copies be available;

(2)        will she provide a copy of the Memorandum for Recognition of second benefits; if not, why not; if so, can a copy be made available?            NW1713E



  1. Yes, Copies Attached see the link: /files/RNW1503A-150512.pdf
  1. The secondment benefits are paid in terms of the Staffing Practices Policy of SASSA. The Memorandum for Recognition of secondment benefits is an internal document normally prepared to seek the approval of the delegated authority to effect such benefits. A copy of the Staffing Practices Policy, which informed the payment of secondment benefits is hereby attached.