Questions & Replies: Sport & Recreation

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(Internal Question Paper No 39 – 2010)

Mr T D Lee (DA) to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation:

(a) How many employees of

(i) his department and

(ii) (ii) any entities reporting to his department who are on level 11 salary scale and above have been suspended with full pay

(aa) in the 2009-10 financial year and

(bb) during the period 1 April 2010 up to the latest specified date for which information is available and

(b) what is the total amount of money that was paid by his department in respect of these salaries?





(aa) 2 employees were suspended in the 2009-10 financial year

(bb) For the period 01 April 2010 up to 30 November 2010 there are no suspensions.

(b)Salaries paid by Department in respect of suspended employees is R 437994.03



(ii) (aa) None

(bb) None


(ii) (aa) None

(cc) None


(Internal Question Paper No 37 – 2010)

Ms D Carter (COPE) to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation:

(1) Whether the department intends to conduct any survey in

(a) Schools,

(b) Colleges, and

(c) Universities

To assess the interest amongst the youth to

(i) learn about soccer,

(ii) play soccer and

(iii) have their respective institutions compete with similar institutions in soccer tournament; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


1.(a)(b)(c) The department compiled a comprehensive document called "A Case for Sport and Recreation" in 2009 that contains information on the participation of youth in sport from the ages of 13 to 18 years old. However tracking done by BMI on participation of youth in sport is also used as a resource. SRSA has no plan to conduct a football specific survey in tertiary institutions in this financial year.

1. (i)(ii) The department is entering into service level agreements with the federations to support school sport structures in the delivery of leagues to youth at schools as well as deliver training programmes to develop coaches, technical officials, managers and administrators in identified codes of sport.


(Internal Question Paper No 37 – 2010)

Mr T D Lee (DA) to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation:

(1) What is the

(a) Total cost and

(b) Number of copies of each

i) annual report and

ii) report on strategic plans that was produced by

aa) his department and

bb) any of its entities in the 2009/10 financial year


1.(a) Total cost: R 144 000,00 and

1. (b) (i) 450

(ii) (aa) 600 strategic plans done

Total cost for the Report on strategic plans is R55218.00


(a) R 129 000.00

(b) (i) 700 copies

ii) none


(a) R 5 412.00 : 42 colour copies

R 1 731.00 : 60 CD

R 3 677.00: Mailing

(b) (i) 42 hard copies

60 CD

(ii) None


(Internal Question Paper No 34 – 2010)

Mr P J C Pretorius (DA) to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation:

(1) Whether his department had an updated and approved human resources plan in the 2009-10 financial year? If not, why not? If so, when was the plan

(a) Updated and

(b) Approved?

(2) Whether the plan has since been

(a) Updated and

(b) Approved? If not;

(i) Why not and

(ii) When is it expected to be

(aa) Updated and

(bb) Approved? If so, when was it

(aaa) Updated and

(bbb) Approved?



(1) Whether his department had an updated and approved human resources plan in the 2009-10 financial year?


If not, why not?

There were parts of the plan that needed research by external service providers. The department had put a moratorium on the appointment of consultants and the department had no choice but to seek assistance from HSRC. HSRC did not deliver as they were not going to be paid and that led to further delays. The department then approved the appointment of a Service provider ( with expertise to populate the research parts of the Human Resource Plan. Further delays were also caused by the change of the template by DPSA.

If so, when was the plan

(a) Approved?

The Human Resource Plan was never finalised for approval by the Executing Authority.

(2) Whether the plan has since been

(a) Updated and

(b) Approved? If not;


(i) Why not and

(ii) When is it expected to be

(aa) Updated and

28 February 2011

(bb) Approved?

Not yet.

If so, when was it

(aaa) Updated and

Not applicable.

(bbb) Approved?

Not applicable.


(Internal Question Paper No 31 – 2010)

Ms A Mda (Cope) to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation:

(1) Whether he intends taking any steps to ensure;

a) That the capital investment injected into erecting the stadia for the 2010 FIFA World Cup Soccer tournament and the associated infrastructure does not go to waste?

b) That the legacy of this tournament advances the upliftment of areas where sport development is needed and

c) That those facilities are also made accessible? If not, why not?

In Each case; if so, in each case,

(i) What steps and

(ii) What are the further relevant details?

(2) Whether he will make a statement on the matter?



(a) Yes. The Department is taking steps to ensure that the investment made into the stadia for 2010 FIFA World Cup is safe guarded and does not go to waste.

(b) Yes. The Department would facilitate that the legacy of the 2010 FIFA World Cup tournament advances the upliftment of areas where sport development is needed.

(c) Yes. The Department would facilitate the process of making the stadia accessible.

(i) and (ii) Steps and details:

a) SRSA in conjunction with DBSA is consolidating and reviewing stadia sustainability plans from the Host Cities. The review is imperative since the plans were developed prior to the development of stadia designs and as such there have been changes which could have positive or adverse effect on the implementation thereof. The focus is on the following;

1) Guarantees provided by the equipment manufacturers especially the guarantee provided to mitigate against corrosion of the roof structures.

2) Review of the estimated annual operating and maintenance costs of the stadium and how the municipality intends to finance these costs for the next ten years after the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

3) Business model that will ensure financial sustainability.

4) Confirmation or review of the original assumptions on operations and maintenance plans.

5) Identification of gaps and corrective intervention.

b) Sport and Recreation South Africa as part of its line function responsibility was responsible for initiating projects focusing on mass mobilisation of South Africans to support the 2010 Football World Cup and to sustain the legacy associated with the 2010 FIFA World Cup by initiating projects focusing on mass mobilisation, capacity building and the provision of facilities.

This initiative is aligned to SRSA's strategic objectives:

To contribute to a healthy nation by increasing the number of participants and the development of talent within an integrated development continuum:

To raise the profile of sport and recreation through addressing issues of national importance.

To contribute in making the 2010 FIFA World Cup the best ever.

Through the conditional grant, funds are transferred to all nine provinces for Mass Mobilisation and Legacy.

SRSA's role was to oversee the implementation of the mobilisation and legacy projects, with provinces as implementers.

SRSA also entered into agreement with German Technical Assistance (GTZ) and KfW to implement legacy projects.

Stakeholder co-ordination


Roles and Responsibilities

All nine provinces, including local municipalities

Implementation of programmes, infrastructure provision as legacy projects, co-ordination of public viewing areas

South African Football Association (SAFA),

Capacity building , provision of coaches

Government Communications and Information Systems (GCIS),

Communication and Marketing

The 2010 Organising Committee

Communication and provision of ambassadors and mascot

the Department of Basic Education.

involvement with My 2010 Schools Adventure,

Identification of, and Provision of teams for 5 a side football matches and beneficiaries of football kits and equipment.


Implementation agreement to deliver on legacy projects in football development and Africa programme


Sport against Violence thorough the provision of infrastructure

Focus of Youth Development for FOOTBALL ( YDF) activities in partnership with SRSA were:

Capacity and organisational Development of government and NGO

Development of educational material (football and life skills) and respective training of coaches and teachers

Support to networking of NGO (and government)

Support to sport for development events

All activities are focused on the most rural areas and NGO;s benefiting from the assistance are also based in previously disadvantaged areas.

Youth Development Against Violence through Sport

The objectives were

to utilize the attention of the World Cup to promote the project and to make the legacy programmes in the context of the German-South African Financial Cooperation visible

To contribute to the social development of children and youth in disadvantaged areas by utilizing the potential of sport, specifically football, for transmitting life skills

The main target groups are boys and girls up to 18, and in some cases up to 20 years of age, living in poor and disadvantaged areas

Construction of kick-abouts and combi courts, rehabilitation of football pitches and provision of basic football equipment

Operations and maintenance of the newly constructed kick-abouts and improved pitches

Life skills programme - training and educational activities including coaching, referee, groundsman courses, first aid, conflict resolution, HIV & AIDS and violence prevention.

Partners include: other Government Institutions, Municipalities, GTZ, InWEnt, SAFA, DFB, Other relevant sport organizations, NGOs, CBOs, and other relevant stakeholders

The sustainability of the programme depends on the mobilization of structures at local level to ensure maximum community involvement




Eastern Cape

King Sabata Dalindyebo




Free State

Mangaung Lm

Batho Location


City Of Tshwane


Kwazulu Natal


Ward 14 (Melville)



Ga-Manamela Village

North West


Lekgalong Village


PMU (Programme Management Unit) has been established in SRSA to manage the Programme

PMU conducting stakeholder consultations and the establishment of systems & procedures for programme implementation

Maximum amount of grant funding per municipality is R3 million

Municipalities to act as Implementing Agents for individual projects under the Programme

Municipalities to submit project applications based on guidelines to be issued by SRSA

Phase 2 and 3 will be rolled out by the Municipalities

Provincial Legacy Programmes



Eastern Cape

Club development

Life skills programme

Formation of the Sports Council

Capacity and skills building

Free State

Club development

Coaching clinics

Legends programme

Public Viewing Areas


Football museum

Capacity and skills building

Spectator mobilisation

Football promotion

Club development

Life skills programme

Legends programme

KwaZulu Natal

Establishment of a virtual office for


Club development

Capacity and skills building

Life skills programme

Sports goods industry

Under 15, Under 17, Under 19 Football enrichment programme


Club development

Capacity and skills building


Club development

Capacity and skills building

Northern Cape

Club development

Capacity and skills building

North West

Club development

Capacity and skills building

Legends programme

Formation of a Sports Council

Western Cape

Club development

Capacity and skills building

Establishment of MOD and SHARP centres

Stars in your Eyes Football development Campaign

My 2010 School Adventure

The My 2010 School Adventure project, an initiative of the 2010 FIFA World Cup Organising Committee South Africa (OC) and the national departments of Education and Sport and Recreation, focused on three key areas - education, development of sports skills and coaching, and participation in regional and nationwide schools football tournaments.

Linked to the above, a special schools project called Adopt a Nation, part of the My 2010 School Adventure saw schools adopt the identity of nations participating in the Confederations Cup. This provided an opportunity for schools to know more about the cultures of the people of the world. Ambassadors and representatives from the eight Confederations Cup nations took part in the launch, at which South Africa's nine provinces each adopted one of the eight participants and the African Union, in a random draw.

This schools campaign targeted over 12 million children from over 30 000 schools nationwide.

Schools played in provincial football tournaments and the winning teams from all the provinces participated in the Schools Confederations Cup in May 2009 and in the Schools 2010 World Cup in May 2010

The national winning teams, in addition to prizes also won tickets to the Festival of Champions, as the Confederations Cup and to World Cup matches hosted in their provinces.

Discussions are ongoing with DBE, SRSA, SASFA and the private sector to constitute a schools league based on the My 2010 Schools Adventure model.

Provinces will continue to receive funding through the conditional Grant for legacy projects based on business plans approved by SRSA.

Partnership agreements with donors GTZ and KfW continue until 2012 . Discussions are in progress with regard to extension of the term with further funding.

c) The stadia would remain public amenities owned by the respective municipalities and are accessible to the public. It should be noted that access to these facilities is however through and in accordance with the rules and procedures of the respective municipalities.

The Department envisages establishing the National Sport Venues Management Forum. The Forum would amongst other things make policy recommendations on various areas of stadia and national sport venues management including accessibility.

The key stakeholders to constitute the Forum would be;

1) Other National Government institutions.

2) Provincial Departments responsible for sport and recreation.

3) Municipalities (Host Cities and other identified municipalities).

4) South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC).

5) National Federations.

6) Other relevant stakeholders


(Internal Question Paper No 28 – 2010)

2273. Mr J J van der Linde (DA) to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation:

Whether his department and/or any of its entities has purchased any 2010 FIFA World Cup Soccer tournament?

(a) Clothing or

(b) Other specified paraphernalia? If not, what is the position in each case? If so, in each case,

(i) What are

(aa) The details and

(bb) The total cost of the items purchased?


(aa) How many items have been purchased and

(bb) Why?


(aa) To whom has each of these items been allocated and

(bb) Why have these items been allocated to these persons and


(aa) On what basis was the decision taken to purchase each of these items and

(bb) On whose authority was the decision taken to make these purchases?



(a) Yes, the Department has purchased promotional clothing for the 2010 FIFA World Cup Soccer tournament.

(b) Yes, the department purchased posters, leaflets, newsletters, hand SA flags, vuvuzelas and car stickers for the promotion of SA's hosting of the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

(i) The details of the promotional clothing and other paraphernalia purchased for the FIFA World Cup Soccer tournament are as follows:


T-shirts, caps, newsletters, leaflets, posters and hand SA flags, vuvuzelas and car stickers.

(bb) The total cost of all the items purchased is R871 870.17.

(ii) The quantity of the items purchased are as follows:


4000 T-shirts,1000 caps, 5 000 newsletters, 20 000 leaflets,10 000 posters,10 000 hand SA flags, 20 000 vuvuzelas, 1000 car stickers


The promotional material were purchased as part of the mass mobilisation programme of the Department. It was implemented in all nine provinces with two sites selected in each local community. The Department took a strategic decision to conduct roadshows across the country as part of the build-up to the tournament. The purpose of the programme was to galvanise South Africans to be part of the 2010 FIFA World Cup excitement, and thus be able to attend games at match venues and other designated areas such as fan parks and public viewing areas. Each province selected two sites where a detailed programme was implemented. The community engagement programme involved coaching clinics by soccer legends and presentation of sport equipment.



The promotional material was handed out to members of communities visited during the roadshow as part of promoting community visibility of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. These communities were selected by provinces and other sport development partners as part of the massification of participation in sport.


These are members of the community who were mobilised during the roadshow. They were part of the excitement generated during the build-up towards the tournament. The opinion of the Department was that communities outside the 2010 FIFA World Cup Host Cities should also be beneficiaries of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. The coaching clinics, for example, conducted with soccer legends, form part of the legacy of hosting the tournament.



As part of the overall communication strategy to promote government's involvement in the hosting of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, it was agreed that promotional material must be developed to communicate the message to communities. As part of the work carried out by the 2010 Government Coordinating Unit, a summary of the progress on the delivery of the 17 Guarantees and legacy initiatives was included on the publications. Messages of the 2010 FIFA World Cup such as "KE NAKO. Celebrate Africa's Humanity", were printed on the promotional material purchased. The identified items such as t-shirts and caps have a mass appeal to community members such as those involved in sport and other community development activities.


The Department carries out its work according to the approved Business Plans. The project manager, after consultation with the task team, provided a go-ahead to Supply Chain Management, to begin the procurement of the identified items. In addition, as most of the work of the Department sought to respond to the common cause of using the 2010 FIFA World Cup to promote mass participation in sport in SA, various requests were made by project managers for authorisation so as to deliver an integrated mass mobilisation programme.


(Internal Question Paper No 30 – 2010)

Mr N J J van R Koornhof (Cope) to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation:

Whether he has found that progress has been made in ensuring that a competitive team is sent to participate in the next Olympic Games? If not, what is the position in this regard? If so,

(a) How much funds has been allocated to ensure a positive outcome in this regard and

(b) What are the further relevant details?


(a) Seven million (R7 000 000) was spent in 2009/ 2010 financial year as part of the Operation Excellence programme geared towards preparation for London 2012. In the current financial year, R25 713 158.50 has been allocated for the preparation of 54 athletes for the Olympic and Paralympic Games (ranked 1 – 16 in the world). For the Academy programme, R2 078 400.00 has been allocated for 20 athletes who are in the next tier in terms of their ranking (17- 25 in the world). This funding is not sufficient to cover all expenses, however, focus in on medal potential. In terms of analysis of budgets submitted by athletes, approximately R94m is still required to ensure that athletes receive the full support from 2011 up to the Games. This will entail them giving up work and studies to train on a full time basis. Challenges still experienced in securing sponsors for the Olympic Team, with the main source of support being the lottery and SRSA.

(b) The above allocation is paid as monthly support grants for actual expenditure through the Operation Excellence and Academy Support Programmes. This allocation caters for living expenses, medical aid, sport scientific and medical support services, coaching fees, local and international training camps and competitions, equipment and apparel. Support for individual coaches is now being focused on to ensure that the athletes will be coached by top level coaches who can ensure they perform at a higher level. Some athletes have been afforded an opportunity to have internationally based coaches and are based overseas during certain periods of the season to ensure they have contact with their coaches. It is still of concern that there may be fewer athletes going to the Games in 2012. There are new athletes coming up who need to be supported, and full time coaches to be appointed for the identified athletes, therefore, more funding may be required.


(Internal Question Paper No 29 – 2010)

Mr T D Lee (DA) to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation:

Whether he has found that Netball SA's application of the quota system in team selection is in accordance with his department's policy? If not, why not? If so, what are the relevant details?


Netball's target system is in accordance with the equity and transformation objectives of the Department. The system encourages development, equality, transformation and inclussivity.

Netball SA's priority is to transform, develop and promote equality in Netball in the country and to ensure that all stakeholders are represented at National level, irrespective of their gender, race, religion, culture and economic background. This system requires teams to bring twelve players (5/7) of which 5 should be of colour. It should be noted that the "colour" aspect is determined by the demographics of the specific area.


(Internal Question Paper No 29 – 2010)

2580. Mr T D Lee (DA) to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation:

(1). Whether he has received the report from the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee's forensic investigation into the affairs of Athletics South Africa; if not, why not; if so,

(2). whether this report will be made public; if not, why not; if so, when,

(3). whether he will make a statement on the matter? NW3223E


1.Yes, the report has been received by the Minister.

2.The report on the forensic investigation into the affairs of Athletics South Africa cannot be made public currently. The reason for this is that there is a process being followed and the hearings are not completed. It cannot be predicted precisely when the hearings will be concluded.

3.The Minister cannot make a statement on the matter at this stage as the hearings, the final decisions of the investigation team and the decision of SASCOC are not completed.


(Internal Question Paper No 26 – 2010)

2476. Dr D T George (DA) to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation:

(1) What is the estimated annual maintenance cost for each stadium that was constructed for the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup tournament?

(2) Whether the cost will be funded from the fiscus? If not,

(a) Why not and

(b) How will the cost be met? If so, what are the relevant details?

(3) Whether any stadia will be mothballed or demolished to contain costs? If not, why not? If so, what are the relevant details?




The following are the projected annual maintenance costs for new stadiums. It should be noted that the costs are indicative. The actual costs would and may vary depending on numerous factors:





R8 923 962


Peter Mokaba

R9 154 417


Nelson Mandela

R19 876 816


Soccer City

R27 107 240


Moses Mabida

R28 708 081


Green Point

R46 439 334


R140 209 851



The maintenance costs will not be funded from the fiscus. The stadia are owned and operated by the municipalities in a self sustainable manner.


The stadia are managed and marketed professionally as venues which would generate own revenue for operations and maintenance.


There is no plan to demolish any stadia. There is not yet any indication that any of the stadia would not be self sustainable.


(Internal Question Paper No 28 – 2010)

Mr C T Frolick (ANC) to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation:

(1) With reference to the death of a 10-year old boy and the injuries sustained by a number of spectators at a rugby match in Uitenhage (details furnished), what measures have been taken by his department to inform federations and other stakeholders of the provisions of the Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act, Act 2 of 2010?

(2) Whether his department met with federations and local authorities to inform them of the provisions of the Act? If so,

(a) When?

(b) Where and

(c) What are the further relevant details?

(3) What steps will his department take to prevent a repeat of this occurrence?


(a) Ad question (1):

· Legal Services of SRSA have already conducted meetings with the SAPS to ensure that appropriate steps be initiated to facilitate the proper implementation of the Safety at Sports and Recreational Event Act (hereinafter referred to as "the Act") and its draft regulations by role players involved in safety and security at stadia and other venues in SA take place;

· It was hence agreed to by SRSA and the SAPS that a 4 day workshop in October 2010 be jointly conducted by SRSA and the SAPS to which representatives of role players involved with safety and security at stadia and venues will be invited. The objective of the workshop will be to advise and sensitize role players relative to the implementation of the Act and to put into operation a jointly agreed workable and practical processes to activate certain statutory processes which are the cornerstone of the effective implementation of the Act and its draft regulations;

· SRSA and the SAPS are, amongst others, currently also already in the process of jointly drafting–

· a media press release for the consideration by both Ministers of Sport and Recreation and the Police in respect of the implementation of the Act and workshops that will be conducted to discuss pertinent issues regarding the implementation of the Act and its draft regulations; and

§ letters to the said role players, specifically indicating to them which sections of the Act are directly applicable to them from a compliance perspective;

· SRSA has in the mean time recently also responded to the queries of role players relative to the implementation of the Act and its draft regulations which have been diverted to SRSA by the SAPS for our comments;

· SRSA will in the near future also be conducting additional workshops in the above regard with specific role players such as SARU, SAFA, CSA, etc.;

· SRSA has currently also received requests from other role players involved in safety and security at stadia and other venues regarding separate workshops to be held with them in this regard which we are currently considering to accommodate;

· The 1st draft of the portion of the SAFETY REGULATIONS relevant to the MINISTER OF POLICE which serves as a discussion document only, has very recently been finalized, but still needs to be scrutinized by the SAPS and commented on;

· We are now also in the process of nearly finalizing the 1st draft of the portion of the SAFETY REGULATIONS relevant to the MINISTER OF SPORT AND RECREATION;

· Given the aforesaid, we would estimate the promulgation of both sets of regulations early in 2011;

· Likewise workshops will, at a later stage when these regulations have been completed, be conducted with all role players involved in safety and security at events.

(b) Ad question (2)(a),(b) and (c): Already covered by the response to question (1).

(c) Ad question (3): The finalization of the processes discussed above and role players familiarizing themselves with their responsibilities in terms of the Act will ensure that a repeat of the occurrence at Uitenhage will not take place.


(Internal Question Paper No 28 – 2010)

Mr T D Lee (DA) to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation:


(a) His department or

(b) Any of its entities has signed any contractual agreements with a certain company (General Nyanda Security Advisory Solutions) or any of its affiliates?

(i) in the

(aa) 2006-07?

(bb) 2007-08?

(cc) 2008-09 and

(aa) 2009-10 financial years and

(ii) During the period 1 April 2010 up to the latest specified date for which information is available? If so,

(aaa) What is the nature of each contract?

(bbb) What is the monetary value of each contract?

(ccc) What is the

(aaaa) Start and

(bbbb) End date of each contract?

(ddd) What are the details of the process that was followed for the signing of each contract?

(eee) Who else tendered for each contract that was awarded and

(fff) What amount did each tenderer quote in each case?


(a) No. Neither SRSA nor any of its entities have signed any agreements with General Nyanda Security Advisory Solutions. The company is not even registered on our database.


(Internal Question Paper No 28 – 2010)

Ms A M Dreyer (DA) to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation:

(1) Whether he has been informed of the present state of disrepair of a certain stadium (name furnished) in Mogale City? If so, what steps have been taken to intervene in the abuse and dereliction of this community asset? If not,

(2) Whether any investigation will be conducted into this matter? If not, why not? If so,

(a) When?

(b) When will the plan to redevelop the stadium be implemented and

(c) What are the anticipated

(i) Start and

(ii) Completion dates?


(a) When will the repaired stadium again be made available to sporting bodies in Mogale City to promote sport in the West Rand and

(b) What alternative facilities have been made available to sporting bodies in the West Rand for the past six years that it has been closed to the public?

(4) What are the details of the

(a) Venues and

(b) Events held for all codes that previously had access to the said stadium?


(1) The Minister and the Department has not been informed of the state of Bob Van Reenen Stadium.

(2) The Department will conduct an investigation into the matter.

a) The Department will liaise with Mogale City who are owners of the stadium by Friday, 30 September 2010. However the Department would not be in a position to ascertain when the investigation would be completed.

b) The engagement with Mogale City would gather information as requested. That is;

i. Whether there are any plans to re-develop the stadium and the projected timelines.

ii. Availability of the stadium for use by the community.

iii. Alternative facilities for community, the details of such venues and the events or activities held at such venues.


(Internal Question Paper No 28 – 2010)

2241. Mr T D Lee (DA) to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation:

(1) Whether his department and any of its entities has

(a) Purchased or

(b) Leased any buildings for administration

(i) in the

(aa) 2008-09 and

(bb) 2009-10 and

(ii) For the 2010-11 financial years? If not, why not? If so, in each case,

(aaa) What is the cost of the building?

(bbb) What is the size of the building?

(ccc) Why was it bought or leased?

(ddd) What will be its use?

(eee) Who will occupy it and

(fff) Approximately how many persons will occupy the total space of each building?

(2) Whether his department and any of its entities intends purchasing or leasing any buildings for administration for the

(a) 2011-12?

(b) 2012-13 and

(c) 2013-14 financial years? If not, why not? If so, in each case,

(i) What is the cost of each building?

(ii) What is the size of each building?

(iii) Why will it be bought or leased?

(iv) For what will it be used?

(v) Who will occupy it and

(vi) Approximately how many persons will occupy the total space of each building?



(1) (a) (i)

(aa) No.

(bb) No.

(ii) No, as current accommodation was still occupied.

(b) (i) Boxing SA leased a building:

(aa) 2008-09 - R121 871.64

(bb) 2009-10 - R134 070.26

(ii) 2010-11 – Yes.

(aaa) R147 477.29

(bbb) 211.24 square meters.

(ccc) Boxing SA office accommodation.

(ddd) BSA Head Office.

(eee) BSA staff.

(fff) 14 Staff members.

(i) SAIDS:

(aa) 2008-09 - No.

(bb) 2009-10 - No.

(ii) 2010-11 - No.

(i) SRSA leased a building via the Department of Public Works:

(aa) 2008-09 – R4 431 803.52

(bb) 2009-10 – R4 786 347.78

(ii) 2010-11 – Yes.

(aaa) R5 169 255.55.

(bbb) 8209 square meters.

(ccc) SRSA office accommodation.

(ddd) SRSA Head Office.

(eee) SRSA staff.

(fff) Approximately 220 staff members.

(2) Boxing SA:

(a) 2011-12 - R162 225.01 lease of current building.

(b) 2012-13 - R178 447.52 lease of current building.

(c) 2013-14 – Will consider purchasing a building which will then be Boxing SA House / Home. However, this will only be done if enough funding is secured.

(i) Not determined yet.

(ii) 220 Square meters.

(iii) BSA office accommodation.

(iv) BSA Head Quarters.

(v) BSA staff.

(vi) Approximately 20.

(2) SRSA:

(a) 2011-12 – Yes, SRSA is investigating the possibility of re-locating to another building when the current lease expires at the end of October 2011.

(b) 2012-13 – Yes.

(c) 2013-14 – Yes.

(i) The cost has not yet been determined.

(ii) The size required will be determined on finalisation of the new organisational structure.

(iii) The current building is not big enough, as is, without even taking the proposed new structure into consideration.

(iv) SRSA office accommodation.

(v) SRSA staff.

(vi) The future staff compliment will be guided by the finalisation of the new structure.


(Internal Question Paper No 29 – 2010)

Mr B M Komphela (ANC) to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation:

(a) With reference to his reply to question 1783 on 8 June 2010, in which towns in each province are the 158 basic sports facilities that were built since 2004 located and


(i) How many basic sports facilities have been constructed since 1 April 2010 and

(ii) In which towns in each province are they located?


(a) The detailed information on the location of the sport and recreation facilities projects built through the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) by end of March 2010 is attached.

(b) (i) Six basic facilities projects have been completed since April 2010.

(ii) The locations of the sport facilities projects are as follows:






Kuruman / Gantatelang Sport Facility


Steynville Sport Complex

Western Cape


Citrusdal: New Sports Fields


Elandsbaai: New Sports Fields


Prince Alfred's Hamlet: Upgrade Borehole at Sports Fields


Tulbagh: New Soccer Field

1.(iii) Through the league programme it is anticipated that all schools will have access to interschool tournaments.


(Internal Question Paper No 34 – 2010)

Mr M J Ellis (DA) to ask the Minister of Sport and Recreation:


(a) Who are the members of his department's audit committee since 1 April 2010?

(b) When were these members appointed and

(c) How many

(i) Properly constituted?

(ii) Quorate?

(iii) Invalid and

(iv) Non-quorate meetings has the audit committee held?

(2) Whether any issues of

(a) Internal control or

(b) Risk management have been

(i) Identified by and

(ii) Reported to the accounting officer of the audit committee? If not, why not; in each case? If so, what are the relevant details in each case?




(a) The names of SRSA's Audit Committee members with effect from 1 April 2010 as follows:

· Mr. Matlhogonolo Humphrey Molemoeng CA (SA) - Chairperson.

· Ms Nomusa Zethu Qunta

· Ms Nkateko Mabaso

· Ms Nonhlanhla Khumalo

· Mr. Phumlani Zwelithini Zwane CA(SA)




Appointment details


Mr. H.M. Molemoeng

· Appointed as member of Audit Committee in December 2007 for a period of two (2) years i.e. 12 December 2007 to 31 December 2009.

· Re-appointed as chairperson of the Audit Committee in January 2010 for a period of three (3) years i.e. 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2012.


Ms NZ Qunta

· Appointed Audit Committee chair in December 2007 for a period of two (2) years i.e. 12 December 2007 to 31 December 2009.

· Re-appointed a member of the Audit Committee in January 2010 for a period of three (3) years i.e. 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2012.


Ms N Mabaso

· Appointed Audit Committee member in December 2007 for a period of two (2) years i.e. 12 December 2007 to 31 December 2009.

· Re-appointed a member of the Audit Committee in January 2010 for a period of three (3) years i.e. 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2012.


Ms N Khumalo

· Appointed as Audit Committee member in January 2010 for a period of three (3) years i.e. 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2012.


Mr. P.Z. Zwane

· Appointed as Audit Committee member in January 2010 for a period of three (3) years i.e. 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2012.

(c) Meetings held from 1 April 2010 to date:

i. Properly Constituted = 1 meeting held 18 October 2010

ii. Quorate = 2 meetings held on 26 May 2010 and 26 July 2010 respectively.

iii. Invalid = none

iv. None-quorate = none

2. Issues reported:

(a) Internal Control

Internal control issues reported to the relevant Senior Management, Accounting Officer and Audit Committee comprises of inadequate and effective controls in the following areas:

· Supply Chain Management

· Financial Management

· Contract Management

· Human Resource Management

· Fleet Management

(b) Risk Management

No adverse issues identified or reported. Risk Management remains a standing item in all Audit Committee meetings. Furthermore, SRSA has an active Risk Management Committee that oversees all Risk Management issues.