Question NW2222 to the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

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13 September 2018 - NW2222

Profile picture: McLoughlin, Mr AR

McLoughlin, Mr AR to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Whether he will furnish Mr A R McLoughlin with (a) a full breakdown of all expenditure incurred by the Emfuleni Local Municipality in the upgrading of the KwaMazisa hostel complex from 1 January 2010, (b) copies of all contracts entered into between the municipality and the various contractors who have carried out work on the complex, including all annexures and schedules of each contract, (c) full reasons, with documentary evidence, of the reasons why the upgrading of the complex has come to a halt without being completed and (d) a prognosis of (i) on what date and (ii) at what cost the upgrades of the complex will be completed?


The project of upgrading Kwa Masiza Hostel was done by the Provincial Department of Housing and not Emfuleni Local Municipality. Emfuleni Local Municipality is not undertaking any capital projects relating to upgrading of Kwa-Masiza hostel. No project was done within the precinct since 2010.

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