Question NW2626 to the Ms k Steyn [DA) to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries:

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11 August 2015 - NW2626

Profile picture: Steyn, Ms A

Steyn, Ms A to ask the Ms k Steyn [DA) to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries:

With regard to the current drought in South Africa, (a) which regions have been declared drought areas, (b) what assistance is his department currently providing to affected farmers, (c) what are the details of (i) current and (ii) projected losses to the agricultural sector as a result of the brought, (d) what impact does this drought have an the country's food security and je) aside from any assistance provided to farmers, what other steps is his department taking to minimise the impact of this drought? NW3001E


(a) Requests for declaration were submitted to the relevant Provincial Disaster Management Centers (PDMCs) by the Provincial Departments of Agriculture as declaration of state disaster is a competency of the Department of Cooperative Governance (DCOG) as per the Disaster Management Act (Act 57 of 2002). The role of sector departments is to make requests and submissions to DCOG regarding declarations, The declarations are made available through Government Gazette.

(b)The drought reports were submitted to relevant Provincial Disaster Management Centres (PDMCs) by the Provincial Departments of Agriculture for the declaration of state of disaster as well as funding requests to National Treasury as per the procedure prescribed in the Disaster Management Act (57 of 2002). Government continues to consult with relevant stakeholders since Disaster Risk Management is a shared responsibility. Furthermore "is DAFF continues Io assist in terms of the Disaster Management Act (Act57 of 2002) through the dissemination of Agrometeorological Advisories for prevention and mitigation of disaster risks. Drought assessments continue to undertaken to monitor the conditions by both Provincial Department and DAFF as well as provided advisories to farming communities.

Attached please find here: Question Continued

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