Question NW1196 to the Minister of Environmental Affairs

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21 May 2018 - NW1196

Profile picture: Hadebe, Mr TZ

Hadebe, Mr TZ to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)On what date was the investigation she referred to in her statement, dated 28 November 2016, into allegations of wrongdoing at the South African Weather Service initiated; and (2) whether the investigation has been finalised; if not, what is the current status of the investigation; if so, (a) on what date was the investigation finalised and (b) what were the findings of the investigation?


(1) An investigated was initiated on 22 February 2016.

(2) Yes, the investigation has been finalised.

(a) 01 July 2016.

(b) The findings are as per the table below:





Unlawful/unilateral powers of the Executive Committee to change moderated performance scores.

The CEO has powers to award discretionary bonuses.

The allegation was unfounded.


Unilateral blanket correction of scores.

The allegation was substantiated.

  • Senior management scores adjusted downwards (3%) by the Moderating Committee without justification.
  • Error in the calculation and award of a bonus to the General Manager: Operations (employee underpaid by R47 400.12).
  • Error subsequently corrected: R47 400.12 retrospectively paid to the General Manager: Operations.


Implementation of performance-based salary increases.

The allegation was unfounded.

Executive Management, however, incorrectly applied Board Resolution in determining salary increases (upward adjustment of 0.16%), without justification.


The CEO sets commercial targets for SAWS in terms of organisational performance.

The allegation was unfounded.


The former General Manager: Corporate Affairs was awarded a performance bonus despite being on a prolonged leave of absence during the assessment period.

The allegation was unfounded.

The former General Manager: Corporate Affairs was, however, overpaid by an amount of R9 270.22 and the money was refunded to the SAWS.


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