Question NW2796 to the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

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08 September 2015 - NW2796

Profile picture: Hlengwa, Mr M

Hlengwa, Mr M to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

With reference to his reply to question 660 on 31 March 2015, what ( a ) is the status on the investigation done by Deloitte and Touche and (b ) was the outcome of the investigation by the specified company; (2) whether he intends to make the report available; if so, when will he make the report available to the public; (3) whether the report exposed the names of the ( a ) persons and ( b ) service providers involved; if so, (4) whether he intends to provide the list of ( a ) names and ( b ) service providers mentioned in the specified report?


The response below was provided by the Provincial Treasury in Kwazulu Natal:

  1. The investigation being conducted by Deloitte and Touche within the Umkhanyukude District Municipality is at various stages:
  • Some of the allegations are already the subject of disciplinary enquiries within the municipality (with the assistance of Deloitte);
  • Some of the allegations have been referred to the Province’s Anti-Corruption Task Team in order for a criminal case to be opened.


2. The Department is in consultation with the Province to determine whether or not the report is at a stage where it could be made available to the public;

3. The names of the people and the service providers implicated are covered in the report;

4. Depending on the outcome of the consultations with the Province, the names of the people and service providers implicated could be made available.

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