Question NW2966 to the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

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08 September 2015 - NW2966

Profile picture: Matsepe, Mr CD

Matsepe, Mr CD to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(1)      Has his department had any interactions with the information and communication technology companies about employee retrenchments; if not, does he intend to initiate any interactions; if so, 2) (a) what was the purpose of the specified interactions, (b)with whom were the specified interactions held, (c) what was the (i) format and (ii) objective of the specified interactions, (d) what (i) agreements or (ii) understandings were reached and (e) what are the further relevant details of the specified (i) agreements or (ii) understandings of the specified interactions?



  1. The Department has not as yet specifically interacted with the ICT Companies about employee retrenchments. The Department intends to hold consultations during the 3rd and 4th quarters to address the issues affecting employment in the sector.
  2. The Department will communicate the format and objectives of the interactions once held. Outcomes will also be communicated.

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