Question NW3161 to the Minister of Home Affairs

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08 September 2015 - NW3161

Profile picture: Figlan, Mr AM

Figlan, Mr AM to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)What are the relevant details of the challenges encountered in using the Enhanced Movement Control System at the various ports of entry; (2) what is being done to train immigration officials and managers on how to (a) use and (b) implement the new specified system?


(1) A significant challenge is that the Enhance Movement Control System (EMCS) is not integrated with other systems of the Department of Home Affairs. Every system has its own user- information, identifiers and business rules and as such provides data according to defined parameters. A single view of the traveler will only be possible once there is full system integration with EMCS. This requirement is identified within our Modernisation Programme being managed over a five-year strategic framework.

(2)(a) During and after implementation of the EMCS at a Port of Entry, officials from the Department’s Learning Academy as well as specialists on the EMCS system from our Port Control unit at Head Office are present to provide training and support to all users.

(2)(b) During the EMCS installation, technical teams are available to assist with implementation and support on the system. Prior to sign-off, on-site testing of the system is undertaken with immigration officials present to ensure it is operating efficiently and that information is successfully transferred between the port and the main server. In instances where there is a change of Legislation or within our Departmental Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s), the Learning Academy renders support with follow-up training on the system.

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