Question NW3046 to the Minister of Police

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07 September 2015 - NW3046

Profile picture: Mbhele, Mr ZN

Mbhele, Mr ZN to ask the Minister of Police

(a) What did the Deputy Minister of Police mean by her remarks on 4 August 2015 when she said that the SA Police Service’s strategic plan must always intend to treat heinous criminals as outcasts, who must neither have place in the society nor peace in their cells and that they must be treated as cockroaches, (b) how does she reconcile her remarks with her constitutional obligation to uphold the Bill of Rights which protects the human dignity of all and guarantees the right of everyone to security of the person which includes the right not to be treated or punished in a cruel, inhumane or degrading way and (c) what action will he take to reprimand her for the specified remarks?


(a)  All Ministers and Deputy Ministers have officials who are tasked to draft speaker notes. The Deputy Minister of Police did not deliver speaker notes; but a speech, which did not entail the alleged remarks as alluded. A factual recording of the Deputy Minister of Police’s speech is available upon request.

(b)  The Deputy Minister of Police always abides by the Constitution and Laws of the democratic Republic of South Africa; and respects all international conventions and instruments that South Africa is signatory to.

(c)  There are no grounds to reprimand the Deputy Minister of Police, thus, no action will be taken against her.

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