Question NW3820 to the Minister of Transport

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28 November 2017 - NW3820

Profile picture: Bergman, Mr D

Bergman, Mr D to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) How many times has he formally met the National Taxi Association since becoming a Minister of Transport, (b) on what dates did these meetings take place, (c) what was on the agenda of each respective meeting, (d) what was discussed at each of these meetings, (e) what resolutions were agreed to at each of these meetings and (f)(i) how will each of these resolutions be implemented and (ii) what are the respective timelines and milestones in each case?


a) Two times;

b) 12 October 2017 and 16 October 2017;

c) Issues around Operating Licenses, System challenges, Legislation challenges, Taxi Recapitalisation Programme, Taxi Empowerment and Law Enforcement Challenges were raised as part of the discussion;

d) Refer to (c) above;

e) That the Department and NTA will continue to engage formally and informally on critical issues that affect the taxi industry and also rope in provinces where necessary; and

f) (i) Engagement will be ongoing.

(ii) Engagement will be ongoing.

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