Question NW2295 to the Minister of Energy

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29 September 2017 - NW2295

Profile picture: Dlamini, Mr MM

Dlamini, Mr MM to ask the Minister of Energy

(a) Why has her department not yet signed the power purchase agreements for renewable energy with independent power producers and (b) by what date is it envisaged that the power purchase agreements will be signed; 2) does she intend to oppose the application for an interdict preventing the power purchase agreements from being signed; if not, why not?


1. (a) The Minister has addressed the nation on the matter of outstanding Power Purchase agreements for bid window 3,5 and 4 on Friday 01 September 2017 during the media briefing.

(b) It was committed that the PPA for bid window 3,5 and 4 will be signed by the end of October 2017.

(2) Yes, as the interdict will prevent government from being able to implement a mix of energy generation options that is envisaged to support our mandate on reliable, affordable energy security for the Country.

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