Question NW1637 to the Minister of Trade and Industry

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13 June 2017 - NW1637

Profile picture: Macpherson, Mr DW

Macpherson, Mr DW to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)Whether, with reference to his reply to question 2518 on 15 November 2016, a further socio-economic impact assessment on the proposed National Liquor Amendment Bill 2016 was conducted; if so, (a) when was this presented to Cabinet and (b) what were the main economic effects highlighted in the study; 2) Why was the socio-economic impact assessment report on the (a) final Liquor Policy and (b) proposed Bill not sent to the National Economic Development and Labour Council, causing the discussion around the proposed Bill to deadlock?


(1) (a) The socio-economic impact assessment (SEIAS) on the proposed National Liquor Amendment Bill, 2016 (Bill) was conducted. The Bill together with the SEIAS report will be submitted to Cabinet for introduction into Parliament.

(2) (a) The SEIAS on the final Liquor Policy was never requested for submission to NEDLAC.

(b) The SEIAS on the Bill was requested by the Business constituency, but not by the Executive Director for all NEDLAC constituencies. In order to facilitate the conclusion of the NEDLAC report, the dti sent the SEIAS report to the Executive Director for discussion at NEDLAC. A date for the meeting is still to be set.



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