Question NW1437 to the Minister of Finance

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06 June 2017 - NW1437

Profile picture: Shinn, Ms MR

Shinn, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Finance

What is the total amount of money that has been paid into the National Revenue Fund arising from levies on the annual turnover of the licence holders cited in Chapter 3 of the Electronic Communications Act, Act 36 of 2005, and (b) what are the names of the licence holders who contributed to that amount?


(a) For the period 1 April 2017 to 31 May 2017, the Department of Communications (DoC) surrendered R562 080 976.58 to the National Revenue Funding in revenue arising from levies on the annual turnover of the license holders.

For the financial year ending 31 March 2017, the DoC paid R1 168 576 812.74 to the National Revenue Fund in collections received from the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA), compared to R1 127 564 019.98 in 2015/16. According to ICASA, of the total amount collected and transferred to DoC in 2016/17, the figures included R795 million in funds arising from levies on the annual turnover of the licence holders cited in Chapter 3 of the Electronic Communication Act, Act 36 of 2005. Services provided for in terms of Chapter 3 of the Act include, Electronic Communication Services and Electronic Communication Network Services, (Universal Service Access Fund) and ALF (Annual License Fees).

(b) Information detailing the names of the licence holders cited under (a) have been withheld by ICASA owing to issues of confidentiality.

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