Question NW2640 to the Minister of Police

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24 August 2015 - NW2640

Profile picture: Ramatlakane, Mr L

Ramatlakane, Mr L to ask the Minister of Police

(1)Whether his department is monitoring the police management training courses undertaken at station level in order to ensure that the participants complete the specified training within the required period; if not, (a) why not, (b) what corrective action does he intend to take and (c) what are the relevant details; if so, (2) (a) how many registered participants completed the specified training, (b) has the specified training improved stations’ effectiveness and efficiency and (c) which provinces have shown improved results in this regard?


(1)(a) All South African Police Service (SAPS) Management and Leadership Programmes for managers are conducted at SAPS Paarl Academy and the SAPS Thabong Academy. There is no training for managers conducted at station level.

The SAPS monitor training through the Training Provisioning Plan where the needs for training are determined in consultation with Divisions and Provinces to plan interventions accordingly.

Courses attended by members are captured on the South African Police Service’s Training Administration System. The system captures training conducted, members completed or not completed and members found competent or not yet competent.

(1)(b) Members who do not complete training because of withdrawal due to personal reasons, such as death of a family member, are called-up to attend the training at a later stage.

When members of the South African Police Service are found not competent in training provided, they receive remedial training and re-assessment is conducted.

(2)(a) SAPS Members at Station level trained in Police Leadership and Management courses – 2014/2015 financial year:



Duration of course

No trained

Basic Supervisory Learning Programme

Public Service Act

Personnel on level 6 & 7

5 days


Basic Management Learning Programme I

Constables (with 5 years’ experience)

5 days


Basic Management Learning Programme II


4 weeks


Junior Management Learning Programme

Captains, Lieutenants & Warrant Officers

7 weeks


Middle Management Learning Programme

Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels & Majors

6 weeks


Executive Development Learning Programme

Major Generals & Brigadiers

6 months


Public Management Development Programme

Cluster Commanders

12 months


Practical Project Management Programme

Station and Detective Commanders

12 months


Relief Commanders Learning Programme

Relief Commanders

3 weeks


Detectives Commanders Learning Programme

Detective Commanders

6 weeks


Operational Commanders


Operational Commanders

4 weeks


Station Management

Learning Programme

Station Commanders

17 weeks


(2)(b) Yes, in general, training has enhanced the skills of managers to ensure effective and efficient management of resources and improved performance within their work environment.

(2)(c) Impact studies are conducted after a period of between three to four years to assess the impact of training provided to managers and also for the purpose of reviewing the programmes where necessary. Impact studies for Management and Leader Programmes are planned to be conducted during the financial year 2015/2016 and 2017/2018 progressively.

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