Question NW863 to the Minister of Social Development

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10 May 2017 - NW863

Profile picture: Wilson, Ms ER

Wilson, Ms ER to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)Whether, with reference to her replies to questions 3836, 3797 and 3798 on 12 November 2015, the matter has been finalised; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so; (2) whether, with reference to her reply to question 2725 on 4 September 2015, any negotiations with regard to the cost of re-registration were ever held prior to the commencement of the project; if not, why not; if so, (a) what was agreed to during such negotiations and (b) on what date(s) were the negotiations conducted; (3) whether the Bid Adjudication Committee of the SA Social Security Agency (SASSA) recommended the implementation of the specified re-registration project; if not, (a) who gave the approval for the payment of the specified project without the recommendation of the Bid Adjudication Committee, (b) on what date was the decision taken, (c) can she provide (i)(aa) the record of decision of each meeting and (ii) all notes relevant in this regard and (iii) the documentation on the approval for the payment of the additional amount with regard to the specified project; (4) whether, with reference to the specified reply, SASSA was not informed upfront what the cost would be of the registration process; if not, why did SASSA not negotiate with Cash Paymaster Services (CPS) before CPS started with the registration process? NW928E


This matter is still before the Gauteng High Court.

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