Question NW2518 to the Minister of Trade and Industry

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15 November 2016 - NW2518

Profile picture: Macpherson, Mr DW

Macpherson, Mr DW to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

Whether an economic impact assessment was conducted for the proposed draft Liquor Amendment Bill; if not, why not; if so,(a) how many jobs could be lost if the specified Bill is passed, (b) what financial implications will the passing of the Bill have and (c) where can the report of the specified assessment be accessed?


A socio economic impact assessment (SEIA) was conducted on the final Liquor Policy and approved by Cabinet on 14 September 2016. The SEIA report was submitted to the Cabinet Secretariat.

As the Hon Member is aware, the National Liquor Amendment Bill, 2016 was published for wider consultation. The consultation process ends on 30 November 2016. the dti will review the comments received and will endeavor to conduct a further socio economic impact assessment on the Bill, if required.

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