Question NW469 to the Minister of Health

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06 September 2024 - NW469

Profile picture: Rorke, Ms FS

Rorke, Ms FS to ask the Minister of Health

Considering that the Republic’s public healthcare services are struggling to provide sufficient medical care to citizens and are further burdened by thousands of illegal foreign nationals, refugees and asylum seekers who are benefiting from the already constrained healthcare budget and services for their medical needs, what plans has he put in place to ensure that the rights of South African citizens to access medical care are prioritised instead of those of foreign nationals?


In providing health services to every person entering health facilities, provinces are guided by the National Health Act (NHA) no 63 of 2003 as Amended on access to health services to all persons according to the stipulations of Section 4 (3) which states as follows regarding Eligibility for free health services in public health establishments:

Eligibility for free health services in public health establishments

  1. The Minister, after consultation with the Minister of Finance, may prescribe conditions subject to which categories of persons are eligible for such free health services at public health establishments as may be prescribed.
  2. In prescribing any condition contemplated in subsection (1), the Minister must

have regard to-

(a) the range of free health services currently available;

(b) the categories of persons already receiving free health services;

(c) the impact of any such condition on access to health services; and

(d) the needs of vulnerable groups such as women, children, older persons and

persons with disabilities.

3. Subject to any condition prescribed by the Minister, the State and clinics and community health centres funded by the State must provide-

  • a) pregnant and lactating women and children below the age of six years, who are not members or beneficiaries of medical aid schemes, with free health services;
  • b) all persons, except members of medical aid schemes and their dependants

and persons receiving compensation for compensable occupational diseases, with free primary health care services; and

  • c) women, subject to the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1996 (Act 92 of 1996), free termination of pregnancy services

The rights of South African citizens to access medical care are prioritised and also of those of foreign nationals, refugees and asylum seekers that are eligible as per Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 - Chapter 2: Bill of Rights


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