Question NW302 to the Minister of Health

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08 March 2024 - NW302

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Health

(1)With regard to the emergency generators received from China, what is the full breakdown of the total number of generators that were allocated to (a) his department as a whole and (b) the provincial departments; (2) (a) how were these generators transported to their final destinations and (b) what (i) are the full details of the service providers who transported the generators and (ii) is the total cost of transporting these generators; (3) whether his department is responsible for the provision and procurement of diesel for the generators; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details, including the cost of the diesel used to date; (4) how many of the generators that reached their destination are (a) installed and functional and (b) yet to be installed?


1. (a) The National Department of Health has received 306 generators.

(b) 34 generators per province. In order to meet the minimum demand for each clinic, it’s going to be two generators per clinic. 6KW x 2 = 12KW. Therefore, it’s going to be 19 clinics earmarked for the generators.

2. (a) The National Department of Health is currently finalising the procurement process. The procurement process covers both the collection and installation of the generators directly to the main electrical distribution board of the clinics.

(b) (i) The details of the Service Providers will be provided after the completion of the procurement process.

(ii) the total cost will also be provided after the completion of the procurement process.

3. The National Department of Health will ensure that there is enough budget allocation for the fuel consumption of generators across the country. Currently, there is no fuel expenditure on these new generators.

4. (a) None installed yet.

(b) 306 to be installed.


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